ok, so maybe having generic *crafting mats* slots would have been beter, but for heavens sake, people....
so, they are testing to see how this will or will not work. IF it works, works WELL and is used by more people than not used, they will pat themselves on the back and say, 'righty then, next page of storeage can be...'
so, theres maybe in the offing, a page for armours, one for festival and event items and one for wepons....
however, if you whine, beatch and basically calll them all the names you can think of, simply because *this* specific page of storeage is useless to YOU IN PARTICULAR.....they will probablt say, 'pff...stuff you then, cheaky littl SOB's....'
its like buying a collectors plate....just cause you want the #3 William T Riker plate, you still have to collect #1 Picatd and #2 Data TO GET to the thrid plate.....
'otherwise, tis off to ebuy fer you ^^
reason for it being Factions only?
Duh....for one, sell more copies of fations, and fer two...
storeage is a purchaced with game part, not a free update part....
the free update is for fixes now (in concern to vanilla GW, since, and i am sick of repeating myself here, poeple).....NO NEW UPDATES WILL BE RELEASED FOR GUILDWARS VANILLA ONCE FACTIONS GOES LIVE, OTHER THAT THE USUAL SKILL UPDATES AND BUG FIXES AND HOLIDAY EVENTS!!!
now the next hting to hope is that they make the same sort of update with a Guild Stash, only moreso.....