Rujiyo! (Mini-Missions)
Amity and Truth
I can confirm that there is no Protector of the Emperor Title associated with beating the two missions. Do people actually read what other folks wrote, or just post in this thread to complain? *scratches head*
Okay, maybe it is time to give a pointer or two about these two missions which are not actually hard to start with but meh. First of, read up what you'll be facing:
Easy enough. As you can also read it affects primary and secondary classes alike. So for the sake of the last left braincells in the community, don't go in there with a Warrior/Monk tanking or a Monk/Elementalist healing. It's quite sad but this monster skill forces you to change your secondary to mesmer unless you really, really have to go for another secondary.
With the introduction of faction, the skill was not updated to take Assassins and Ritualists into consideration, thus leaving these two classes an option as well.
This is not because going X/Me or X/A or X/Rit is something uberefficient or a powerful thing, it's simply Fingers of Chaos being tailored to counter you and every tiny inch of farming possibility.
You'll also be facing a rare but extremely powerful attack from a certain enemies near the rifts (nowhere else). This attack has a full 3 seconds activation time. Even if you're on drugs, lagging like hell and have a reaction time of 1 second, you will be able to just walk away from the enemy and not be damaged at all (the one enemy using this attack is stationary and can't follow you...)
During those mini missions, preventing damage is far superior to outhealing it. Period. If you rely on healing that damage you'll be having a much harder time than necessary. What will you be facing the most? Spellcasters. From my experience, a single Spellbreaker with good Aggromanagement is all the monk ever needs to cast. So pack your spellbreaker instead of your typical Word of Healing Staple Spell and a few heals and you're more than fine on the healing side.
Pack the rest into damage and you're done with this mini missions. Yes, they're that easy. Aggro properly, have a spellbreaker and a self reliant Warrior and you'll be suffering from yawning attacks all the time.
Okay, maybe it is time to give a pointer or two about these two missions which are not actually hard to start with but meh. First of, read up what you'll be facing:
Easy enough. As you can also read it affects primary and secondary classes alike. So for the sake of the last left braincells in the community, don't go in there with a Warrior/Monk tanking or a Monk/Elementalist healing. It's quite sad but this monster skill forces you to change your secondary to mesmer unless you really, really have to go for another secondary.
With the introduction of faction, the skill was not updated to take Assassins and Ritualists into consideration, thus leaving these two classes an option as well.
This is not because going X/Me or X/A or X/Rit is something uberefficient or a powerful thing, it's simply Fingers of Chaos being tailored to counter you and every tiny inch of farming possibility.
You'll also be facing a rare but extremely powerful attack from a certain enemies near the rifts (nowhere else). This attack has a full 3 seconds activation time. Even if you're on drugs, lagging like hell and have a reaction time of 1 second, you will be able to just walk away from the enemy and not be damaged at all (the one enemy using this attack is stationary and can't follow you...)
During those mini missions, preventing damage is far superior to outhealing it. Period. If you rely on healing that damage you'll be having a much harder time than necessary. What will you be facing the most? Spellcasters. From my experience, a single Spellbreaker with good Aggromanagement is all the monk ever needs to cast. So pack your spellbreaker instead of your typical Word of Healing Staple Spell and a few heals and you're more than fine on the healing side.
Pack the rest into damage and you're done with this mini missions. Yes, they're that easy. Aggro properly, have a spellbreaker and a self reliant Warrior and you'll be suffering from yawning attacks all the time.
Originally Posted by Ruby Lightheart
I was on a few teams that tried this mission and as a beta vet..I am extremely disappointed in how rediculously difficult this mission is. 4 man party limit size agaisnt level 24-18 monsters? Come on! This is complete and utter BS. At least allow the teams to be 6 people. Not good Anet..not good.
You mean vet as in pet's doctor?

Originally Posted by The Great Al
wait what's that
is that like a good wammo |
New mini-mission: Tsumei Village, just became active
Guildmaster Cain
Originally Posted by Kijik Oni Hanryuu
LOL!! Now I want the buggers to invade even more lol. I would also love to see when I am there and the grasps invade and I just start picking em off one by one, while everyone gapes in amazement and is like "ZOMG HAXXORZ a SIN is GOOD?! LIES!!!!"
I can confirm that heres a screenie
Thanks for update and screenies, added them to the event guide.
i just beat tsumei village, u need to kill 40 of the bastards in a tight open space, good luring is the key ^^
Now, what do we get
75 orbs
Guildmaster Cain
Im stuck while party forms to help guidies in Boreas, but is there anything special about this new mission? New reward or is it still 50 orbs? 40 enemies doesnt sound too hard, but I saw most are in groups of 4.. Anyone completed yet?
Well, at least the prize is getting higher, I hope another is added "Raid on Shing Jea Monastary" Maybe that random thing in the middle of town will be of use.... hmmm, or maybe that new green will come about.
Ganik Thress
Can anyone confirm 75 orbs?
Guildmaster Cain
Bweuh... orbs popping out of my ears... anyone found a use for 1800+ of them yet? ^^ (yes i know mask)
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by Ganik Thress
Can anyone confirm 75 orbs?

Ganik Thress
Well, what if it happens to be better?
It's not as if I'm praising 75 orbs, just trying to get confirmation.
It's not as if I'm praising 75 orbs, just trying to get confirmation.
The Celestial Dragon will run them out of Shing Jea.I think this is a little obvious.
Guildmaster Cain
Ganik Thress
Ok, just did it, it is indeed 75 orbs.
Nexus Icon
Has anybody actually officially confirmed that the mask will only cost 250 orbs?
I'm beginning to suspect you may actually need a lot more...
I'm beginning to suspect you may actually need a lot more...
read the website. it says that u need 250 orbs.
Originally Posted by Nexus Icon
Has anybody actually officially confirmed that the mask will only cost 250 orbs?
I'm beginning to suspect you may actually need a lot more... |
Update - Thursday June 29 The Dragon Festival has begun! Characters who wish to receive their Dragon Helm must collect 250 Jade Wind Orbs, which can be earned by undertaking quests, competing in the Dragon Arena, or taking part in the festival games. Emperor Kisu will honor us by appearing at the Shing Jea Monastery every 2 hours on the final day of the festival to reward those who have gathered 250 orbs. If you cannot attend the final day of the festival, take heart! The emperor has stationed an Imperial Supplymaster at the monastery, who will stay for a few days after the festival’s end to give Dragon Helms to those who have gathered their 250 orbs. |
Nexus Icon
Ah, thanks, I just read the announcement here, which only says "Ceremonial Dragon Masks will be awarded to those players who are able to collect enough globes filled with the Jade Wind essence that changed Cantha two hundred year ago."
Guildmaster Cain
Yeh, but thats old... newest info is in the updates section of the site, which states you need 250 orbs.
Anyway, 75 orbs confirmed, i got a screen to prove it, if neccerary. Also there is a Choas Worm (pretty easy one, its like Whack-a-dragon-minigame). You might want to update your bestiary and add it.
Anyway, 75 orbs confirmed, i got a screen to prove it, if neccerary. Also there is a Choas Worm (pretty easy one, its like Whack-a-dragon-minigame). You might want to update your bestiary and add it.
Marth Reynolds
seitung harbor now
Yup, Seitung Harbor is under attack now
Guildmaster Cain
I bet 250 orbs that the reward is 70 orbs again...
First Haijuu Lagoon, then Jaya Bluffs, now Seitung Harbor? Anyone else noticing what im noticing? I bet that the there will eventually be one taht is in the monastery.
Also, because there is a mission at seitung harbor, I thought maybe there were enemies there and all players were against them, or it was like a huge pvp, just with super strong enemies too. And I don't mean the mission version of it, I mean the version of it you can use your map to get to, the normal version of it. Too bad that there were no enemies there attacking players or players attacking players...
I've been hoping Arena Net would put that in some place for a little as part of an event for a while now...
Oh well..I guess I just have to hope that that gets used as an event sometime
Also, because there is a mission at seitung harbor, I thought maybe there were enemies there and all players were against them, or it was like a huge pvp, just with super strong enemies too. And I don't mean the mission version of it, I mean the version of it you can use your map to get to, the normal version of it. Too bad that there were no enemies there attacking players or players attacking players...

Can someone please provide me with screen shots of the "U" key maps of the two new missions? It would be helpful for the guide.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Seitung Harbor! Oh nooooehooooes!
once again seitungs reward is 75 orbs. Much easier than the rift closing missions and a bigger reward :P
cant wait til the one tomorrow, which will be a walkover for a massiv ereward :P
once again seitungs reward is 75 orbs. Much easier than the rift closing missions and a bigger reward :P
cant wait til the one tomorrow, which will be a walkover for a massiv ereward :P
Marth Reynolds
Sir Mad
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Can someone please provide me with screen shots of the "U" key maps of the two new missions? It would be helpful for the guide.
Thanks in advance. |
Shyft the Pyro
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
The U maps are the same the the U maps of the explorable: there is no icon as in the 2 first missions. I can take a screeny if you want, but I don't think it's needed since you can just step outside (in the explorable) and take one
This seems to be a feature ANet has implemented for smaller PvP maps and carried over to help players locate the rifts during this event.
These are me and my guildies, from The Stock Market, owning the Seitung Harbor Mini-Mission. Horible Farmer (me) was tank, Hex the Dvine was monk, and an especially awesome anonymous SS necro did great. Can't reviel our build. Great job guildies.

Great Job again.
Hopefully this will encourage some "out of the box" thinking so you can get it done with 3 people ;-)

Great Job again.
Hopefully this will encourage some "out of the box" thinking so you can get it done with 3 people ;-)
Hex Nexus
W00t Horible! I was Hex The Divine, the monk. I thought the mission was fairly easy. As long as you coordinate well and choose skills to compliment each you can breeze through this mission.
This is what I get for being away from the site for the weekend. I did the Lagoon mini mission thinking it was all over, and now there's four missions in total...
Haijuu Lagoon - get mission in Shing Jea Monestary - 50 orb reward
Jaya Bluffs - get mission in Shing Jea, alternates every 2-4 hours with Lagoon - 50 orb reward
Tsumei Village - get mission in Shing Jea - 75 orb reward
Seitung Harbor - get mission in Shing Jea - 75 orb reward
Looks like my stance tank has more work cut out for himself...
Haijuu Lagoon - get mission in Shing Jea Monestary - 50 orb reward
Jaya Bluffs - get mission in Shing Jea, alternates every 2-4 hours with Lagoon - 50 orb reward
Tsumei Village - get mission in Shing Jea - 75 orb reward
Seitung Harbor - get mission in Shing Jea - 75 orb reward
Looks like my stance tank has more work cut out for himself...
Sir Mad
Originally Posted by Shyft the Pyro
You should've actually pressed U while on those missions. Both Haiju Lagoon and Jaya Bluffs maps show up differently in the U window when you enter them through Rujiyo's quests. Instead of the "regular" map what you get is something akin to alliance battle maps (Fort Aspenwood, Jade Quarry, etc.) where the locations of the rifts are designated with flags - blue if neutralized and red if active, much like control points in the alliance battles.
This seems to be a feature ANet has implemented for smaller PvP maps and carried over to help players locate the rifts during this event. |
Guildmaster Cain
Originally Posted by Horible
These are me and my guildies, from The Stock Market, owning the Seitung Harbor Mini-Mission. Horible Farmer (me) was tank, Hex the Dvine was monk, and an especially awesome anonymous SS necro did great. Can't reviel our build. Great job guildies.
Great Job again. Hopefully this will encourage some "out of the box" thinking so you can get it done with 3 people ;-) Horible |