Originally Posted by Skyy High
There are a lot of times where you can defend ANet's actions as "Oh well, you don't have to do it if you don't like it," but they simply dropped the ball with this quest (unless there is something hidden about it, but I'm not here to speculate).
It's crap, plain and simple. If you're looking for challenge...do ToPK with 4 people. It's the same thing, except you also get a reward. Note that a reward is not necessary all the time, but there has to be SOMETHING to justify doing this quest. It doesn't even advance a story, because it's endlessly repeatable. At this moment, 50 orbs are worthless, plain and simple. You only need 10 extra after doing the 4 quests, and it's really bloody easy to get those 10. Furthermore, people who don't frequent forums are going to be even more ticked off at this, becuase it's so much harder than the other quests...yet gives a worse and arguably worthless reward. People will feel like they've in effect wasted an hour (or more, depending on how many times they failed) of game time. This is an undefendable screw up. There is absolutely no redeeming quality to this "mission". I'm normally one to attack excess negativity, but in this case, y'all need to get your heads out of your (or ANet's) collective asses and see that this was a mistake, unless the entire community is missing something, OR ANet manages to correct it later on by adding something else that ties in with it. |
EDIT: Does anyone actually appreciate the things that ANet does for the players in this game? How many companies actually give a crap about what the players want, let alone give them the chance to participate in improving the game? I think most players take for granted the things that ANet does for them.