[MERGED: Bannings] Wanna see ANet ppl right here, right now ! (this is insane)
I lost the ~500 tickets I started with over about four hours. Did not get banned.
How many of you that were banned ,had been logged in for a long period of time, like all day or overnight?
It sounds like the bans happened in a batch process based on certain criteria, which probably is based on data gathered over time. So is there a common thread with everyone banned over the past week, or even over the past event?
I'm afraid to go home and look at my account now. I got the "charmed" title, and fear that I may not be.
I'm afraid to go home and look at my account now. I got the "charmed" title, and fear that I may not be.
I've afked in the rings for about 2-3 whole nights, and havn't been banned
ouch, i'm so glad i logged of the night before, but if this is true it would explain some of the inactivity in my guild as there are normally alot of players on, but today... very empty, and has been like that all day.
good luck getting it sorted.
good luck getting it sorted.
Originally Posted by Bloodbane
I've afked in the rings for about 2-3 whole nights, and havn't been banned
Lady Ana Stacia
Not banned but my husband and I where doing a mission and he got banned in the process, :-(
i had just hit 9 hours...
My money is on a disgruntled former employee. 
Just logged to make sure I wasn't banned, not touching it again until I'm sure I can play without getting banned.

Just logged to make sure I wasn't banned, not touching it again until I'm sure I can play without getting banned.

It's the Grasps! This is all part of the Dragon Festival! THIS is the true finale!
...sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.
...sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Thorinfire
How many of you that were banned ,had been logged in for a long period of time, like all day or overnight?
Thank God me and my friends are not he only ones. I was questiong and all of the sudded I am kicked out. When I tried to Log back in it said Permanent BAN".
Me, someone from my guild, 2 of my allience, and I also heard that the leader of Keys was also banned.
...and yes.. I have the unlucky tittle. But my friend fromt he guild doesn't so it cant be that.
My acRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO is too valuable to just be waisted like that. I spent to much time and money on it. I have 6 characters and over 1,500 hours on it.
Me, someone from my guild, 2 of my allience, and I also heard that the leader of Keys was also banned.
...and yes.. I have the unlucky tittle. But my friend fromt he guild doesn't so it cant be that.
My acRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO is too valuable to just be waisted like that. I spent to much time and money on it. I have 6 characters and over 1,500 hours on it.
I was about half way through raisu palace and I was kicked off and banned at about 2:30pm cst. I have about 2300 hours spent in game, and I have never broken any rules that I am aware of. It's nice to know this is not an isolated incident. I have filed a support ticket and I'm awaiting further news.
This sounds like a major glitch, anet had better move on this fast before it hurts their buisness. I hope to have my account back soon, I'm not about to buy another.
This sounds like a major glitch, anet had better move on this fast before it hurts their buisness. I hope to have my account back soon, I'm not about to buy another.

i hit 9 hours just before i got banned...
Edit: double post
i also had unlucky title...
i also had unlucky title...
Feng Leung
So i'm guessing there's going to be a rollback, since there's too many accounts to sort out i think.
Thank God me and my friends are not the only ones. I was questiong and all of the sudded I am kicked out. When I tried to Log back in it said Permanent BAN".
Me, someone from my guild, 2 of my allience, and I also heard that the leader of Keys was also banned.
...and yes.. I have the unlucky tittle. But my friend from the guild doesn't so it cant be that.
My acc is too valuable to just be waisted like that. I spent to much time and money on it. I have 6 characters and over 1,500 hours on it.
This happened to me around 4 PM Eastern time.
Me, someone from my guild, 2 of my allience, and I also heard that the leader of Keys was also banned.
...and yes.. I have the unlucky tittle. But my friend from the guild doesn't so it cant be that.
My acc is too valuable to just be waisted like that. I spent to much time and money on it. I have 6 characters and over 1,500 hours on it.
This happened to me around 4 PM Eastern time.
dr1zz one
I had numerous connection errors throughout the event, especially last evening. I did do several things between being afk.
I was afk for maybe 25hours, and am still afk while at work. I checked at lunch and im still on the rings.
Not banned here
I was afk for maybe 25hours, and am still afk while at work. I checked at lunch and im still on the rings.
Not banned here
hahaha permanent ban cause we dont take a break??? you cant be serious.... !
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by Asrial
Do people ever think about things anymore?
How many times have we seen such a large uproar about invalid bans? Never until now. How many people have no clue why they've been banned? Alot. How many people are 'good citizens' that have been banned? Alot. Obviously something is going on with the system. It's funny seeing the "omg, plz unban my good samaritan friend A-Net!" posts. |
I wouldn't know all the names of the characters on my account. Not right now, without looking.
One other thing, just in case somebody starts getting really mad. I can understand why, but CAPS LOCK is not cruise control for cool. It is, however, cruise control for "delete my post please." Thanks.
Everyone that got accidentally banned should get a Gaile Grey minipet!
I'm not banned but I'm kind of scared to log on now just incase.
8 hours and i cant see any bann(on my guild too) - ANet say somthing about that banns?
Thank god I went out to eat lunch during this time that what seems to be mass banning.
So, is it safe to log back in now?
So, is it safe to log back in now?
this has to be a glitch, especially coming right after the admitted emperor/finale glitch (that i missed while drinking many tasty adult beverages at the journey/def leppard concert last night). i feel extremely bad for anyone banned this way, but i definately think it will get sorted out and your accounts will be fine.
also, id like to point out as guinevere did, going afk in the rings game is NOT against the rules. the only thing you are doing is (eventually) losing money and im sure ANET completely encourages this gold sink. i havent been banned yet, and ill freely admit ive spent the better part of the festival in the rings (378k Favored/ 27k Unfavored as of now). ive left the game on overnight since the festival started, and the only times i havent been "afk gamblin" is when ive been disconnected in my sleep.
anyway, again im sorry to those who got banned, but im sure with a little patience and lots of work and apologies from ANET (you know they CANT be too happy with whats going on), youll be back in no time.
also, id like to point out as guinevere did, going afk in the rings game is NOT against the rules. the only thing you are doing is (eventually) losing money and im sure ANET completely encourages this gold sink. i havent been banned yet, and ill freely admit ive spent the better part of the festival in the rings (378k Favored/ 27k Unfavored as of now). ive left the game on overnight since the festival started, and the only times i havent been "afk gamblin" is when ive been disconnected in my sleep.
anyway, again im sorry to those who got banned, but im sure with a little patience and lots of work and apologies from ANET (you know they CANT be too happy with whats going on), youll be back in no time.
This is 100% a glitch. ArenaNet doesn't even have the manpower to ban this many people in so short of a time.
The question is: Why were only some people banned?
The question is: Why were only some people banned?
I think so, I think all of this bans happened to people who were online at the same time, but ot to everyone ofcourse.
I am starting to think this was caused by the glitches at the monastery...
I am starting to think this was caused by the glitches at the monastery...
Feng Leung
Originally Posted by Tuesg
I'm not banned but I'm kind of scared to log on now just incase.
I don't log in to a game now
i think that one of GMs just fell asleep over the keyboard and he pressed enter for a long time(scrolling list of accounts very fast down)...

Guildmaster Cain
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Everyone that got accidentally banned should get a Gaile Grey minipet!

day -1: farmed one stack of orbs
day1: did quests on one char, tried a few games, afkd til day 2
day2: afk
day3: did quests for toher chars + afk
day4: afk
then afk til now except getting masks and prizes
i m getting bad cuz i wanted the title ?
(got kicked a lot during that time and during the nights)
day1: did quests on one char, tried a few games, afkd til day 2
day2: afk
day3: did quests for toher chars + afk
day4: afk
then afk til now except getting masks and prizes
i m getting bad cuz i wanted the title ?

(got kicked a lot during that time and during the nights)
I think i went on the rings for half an hour one night ,not my thing,otherwise ive done nuthin wrong
I got favored, kept the game on day to night till mourning,no ban.
Hidden in the Mist
You think this is the surprise finale of the Dragon Festival?
Guinevere Ac
afk time = 100hours. it's not against the eula. they made this titles hoping to sink loads of golds from ppl wanting to have there titles and ready to pay for them. bug
I had 5 mins connected at imperial palace
Hidden in the Mist
This is interesting...I'm guessing someone successfully hacked into the server and started banning as many people as they could.
Originally Posted by zhai
I don't log in to a game now
![]() |

I really hope they get this fixed asap. I was working with guildies on my faction quests when I went afk to check something, when I returned I was booted from the game. when I tried to relog it gave me the banned message. I sent an email to ANet, so now I just wait.

you think anet knows about this yet?
you think they are trying to fix it?
i havent had a response to my email yet, and there isnt anything on the website or anything...
you think they are trying to fix it?
i havent had a response to my email yet, and there isnt anything on the website or anything...