Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
For those who think Protbond isnt broken here is a perfect example of how broken it is.
Just for giggles I went into my bags and changed my armor and attribute points over to the 80hp build. Then I went to the comp arena. I crossed my fingers and sure enough the opposing group had no debuffing. The floor was pretty quickly mopped with the rest of my teamates, and then the 4 opponents spend the next HOUR trying to kill me. One of my teamates hung around as they slowly realized that there was no point in trying to kill me and one by one just left the game. The last hold out was a healer monk, and he was doing his level best to kill me, but he couldnt do any damage, and my smiting wasnt enough to bring a healer down by myself. He didnt see the fact that I could go afk and not care eventually I'd wand him down if he left his keyboard for too long. Although I will say he was bright enough to try to train me into the poisonswamp where he would be able to kill me. (if i was afk of course), then I just stopped auto attacking and stood on the beach, he couldnt kill me, and I didnt have to kill him. right around an hour after the fight started he left. I did that one time to see how well it would work. Its proof positive that monks are unbalanced if 4 equally leveled players HAVE to have a debuff to have the slightest hope of killing me. Yes a Debuff makes it easy in pvp, but having debuffs literally everywhere in PvE is not the answer. Fix Prot Bond Anet. |
Rend Enchantments? Shatter Enchantment? Drain Enchantment? Inspire Enchantment? Desecreate Enchantments?
Arcane Echo, Energy Drain, Ether Lord, Malaise, Whither, ETC ETC ETC
The point is, if you have no energy it doesn't stay up AND you can just remove it. Your expected to bring enchantment removal to Team Arenas, or GvG, or Tombs.
If you don't your a moron. Arena Net doesn't need to fix protective bond. No good team uses it anyway. Its only good in PvE and why does that affect you?
Also for your comment about the FPS players wanting only PvP.
I come from a lot of MMORPGs, I started in EQ in 1999, played SWG, CoH, WoW, DaoC, AC.
If you don't like the PvP crowd. YOU GET OUT!
Arena Net made the game for PvP, you really think they care about PvE balance? This game was made for PvP. Hense GUILD WARS. GUILD WARS.
Its not "Battle through the Underworld and slay demons" No. The story is pretty good, but its not what they made it for. If they did, they might have made people's mouths move during cutscences. This game isn't about RP, its about PvP.
If you want to play RP, join the other elitist ass holes on RP servers in games like World of Warcraft.
You can have your grind there, and lots of other people who feel the same way as you do, routinely shouting "NERF TEH H4XX0RS!"
Pardon me sir, but I think your in the wrong game to complain about how PvE is more important that PvP. And if your not saying that, delete your threads and shut up.