Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
I dont care how much money you make, I dont care if you join my group, (nice backhanded insult there by the way, but you're assuming we'd have you.) I dont care if the game is hard FOR YOU, or easy FOR YOU. See, the world does not revolve around YOU, and I certainly never said it revolved around ME. I dont remember ever saying that the monkroaches inconvienced me personally at all. As I've told many of the others, its not about you or me. I dont care how miserable someone else is, unless my in game actions are making them miserable, I certainly have never been Miserable, lol, over this game. Fed up with bad players, sure we all have, but never miserable. Your example of "kicking my ass with protbond" is nearly laughable, especially 1v1, I guess you didnt read the example of what happened when I tested the protbond build against a healer monk in a 1v1 fight. Short story is that because there was no disenchant 4 players of equal lvl beat on me untill 3 of them realized they could never in a million years kill me, and it was a stalemate between me and the healer because B's Aura and a max smiting staff/rod is not enough to take out a dedicated healer.
So really, what you need to do is take your examples and burn them. Because they included you and me in them. You and me are not the point, the point is that the skill is overpowered to the point of being broken, and is currently being exploited. That, I am opposed to. If you want to farm or solo feel free, you can play the game however you want, and you can continue to do so when they repair this broken skill so that it can no longer be exploited. |
As for the skill being overpowered in PvE, you have yet to prove it. Prot bond is largely used in solo work. As such, it has no effect on PvE team mechanics. So calling such a skill broken in PvE is pointless because if you do not solo, you will not (or rarely) come across this skill. If it was indeed broken, you'd be seeing every team running multiple copies of it, like they currently do with healing seed. Currently, you don't see that, you only see it as a tool for soloing.
And who the hell cares if a skill is overpowered in solo play? This game was balanced around teamplay, and as such, you're gonna see certain combos being very strong in solo play. That's like saying cheats should be banned in single-player games since they make the game too easy and broken