now my nuker 4 life that got 700k xp by nuking is a spiker which is pretty useless in pve |
Guild Wars Update - Nov 10 and Nov 11
Trance Addict
Originally Posted by Trance Addict
"It's sad. [Followed by] Why would my feelings be hurt?"
Read what you type. You're taking this like it's the end of the world. Be happy that people won't rely so much on Fire Eles and that other Elements and Professions will be accepted in groups. |
I also have a mesmer who has had no problem finding groups (unless it's skill capping or the time of day where only 6 people are online).
People are taking other professions into their groups these days, nerving that many skills isn't going to do anything, other than make people upset.
Originally Posted by apocalypse_xx
Hello everyone, after reading all the posts and giving
this last update some serious thought I wanted to share my feelings and I think that many people who play GW like myself may be feeling the same things. First of all, I have been playing GW since it's public release on April 28th and have accumulated several million exp points on 2 different charcters. These 2 characters completed the game 100%, every mission, every bonus, every quest and I enjoyed it immensely. After that, I enjoyed very much seeking out rare and perfect weapons, my fissure armor, my 1000p in storage, I really enjoy the thrill in treasure hunting, my favorite axe is a 6-20 tribal, or my 6-20 sickle, I love rare and/or awesome looking items. But now, with all of these things accomplished, I find myself looking for more, I used to love solo ing the UW, just because to me it was fun wondering what rare drop I might get, even the previous solo nerfs were very much welcomed by me since I had to re-invent how I solo, btw, I can still solo everywhere that I could before this last update, even the UW, only, it takes me a tiny bit longer, no big deal, but what this last update did confirm to me is that I had been fooling myself, this game is about teamwork, it is not meant to be played the way I enjoyed playing it, I don't like pvp, never have, I do however like the community and co-op missions, but they only last for so long, I thought the Halloween event was amazing, I found myself laughing out loud on several occasions, but this is not enough, and sadly I realize that even chapter 2 will not fufill what it is I am looking for, I want to search for rare items, I want to log in and quickly treasure hunt by myself sometimes, but this is not what GW is all about and the devs told us that right from the beginning, so here is point, I am not bashing GW at all, I very much got my money's worth from the game, it is an awesome game, however, like myself, perhaps some other players need to examine what it is that they need from a game, and if their needs are like mine, then maybe GW is not for us...after all, it was never intended to be. So, I truly hope GW will remain strong and the players will remain happy, thank you for reading and thanks for the fun 6 months |
I agree with the above quote - that GW was meant to be all teamwork/team play style game and yes ppl found ways around it with different style builds and have been soloing it. Also agree with him on the fact that I'd like to get on and go treasure hunting - and since I started very late in the game to do solo stuff (after skill nerf which changed BA and ZF) so I am NOT rich and don't have killer stuff. I have hooked up with a few ppl and traded items for them for a comission/tip cause I love doing trades.
So this update affects me directly as from a casual players prospective it definitely makes it more difficult to just go out there and "do" it all by yourself. But then again - GW was not meant to be played that way.
I want to say that not all is negative - as I truly love this game. I came for the Diablo 2 world and I have REALLY enjoyed playing GW but after this update things are going to be little more difficult.
Key thing to do is ADAPT to the change - I am sure they will not "UNDO" the change so we can rant and rave and finally go back and put our thinking caps on come up with a few different builds and maybe a bit more co-operative play. On the note of playing in groups - I am not a part of any guild as it seems that the last 3 or 4 guilds I have joined have been basically run by 13 year olds (please let me finish before you guys FLAME ME!) who get all high and mighty and nobody really wants to help out. NOW I AM SURE that was my string of bad luck of getting into guilds with leaders/members with ego problems and it is NOT meant against everybody. So I am hoping with this change maybe a few more friendly ppl getting together and playing in teams and helping each other out. (let's see how badly I get flamed for this!)
Last but not the least - how will this effect the economy. I think there are 3 lvls of players out there (IMHO) - the super duper uber rich folks who are fanatics who play the HECK out of the game! The mid rangers who are like ppl like me who have a few good items and maybe 100K or so and play/trade regularly but not excessively and spend money practically (Droks armor as opposed to 15K and stuff). And last but not the least ppl who are starting off and don't have a lot of funds and trying to make it. NOW with this change it will probably spike the cost of the uber items through the roof which will make the mid guys and the low end guys just hate life as things will cost an arm, a leg, and your left nut!
As far me, I'll keep at it for the next few weeks and see how things work out.
I aslo wonder how this will effect the sales of Chapter 2 - considering this update has caused so much uproar.
Anyways - those are some of my random thoughts and my 2 cents!!
Ok guys - I guess FLAME ON!
aron searle
If Anet want to stop UW farming.
Why not make it so you need at least 5 people to enter UW.
all the skills that have been made usless by this and other "updates", and to be honest.
Why have FOW armour when the only realistic way for most poeple to buy it is to UW farm.
makes no sense whatsever
Why not make it so you need at least 5 people to enter UW.
all the skills that have been made usless by this and other "updates", and to be honest.
Why have FOW armour when the only realistic way for most poeple to buy it is to UW farm.
makes no sense whatsever
This thread is getting crazy, so a few last points:
-While I like the update in general, running from Fireball is a little overkill. Especially since if you cast it while they're casting, they'll often end up running AFTER they get hit.
-I still haven't heard any arguments to my point that if nuking now sucks the solution isn't to make the AI stupid again, it's to make those skills not suck.
-How hard is it to switch out a single nuke spell for a snare so they can't escape? How does that ruin your build? Some of them, like Deep Freeze, don't even require attributes for the snare part.
-While I like the update in general, running from Fireball is a little overkill. Especially since if you cast it while they're casting, they'll often end up running AFTER they get hit.
-I still haven't heard any arguments to my point that if nuking now sucks the solution isn't to make the AI stupid again, it's to make those skills not suck.
-How hard is it to switch out a single nuke spell for a snare so they can't escape? How does that ruin your build? Some of them, like Deep Freeze, don't even require attributes for the snare part.
Trance Addict
Hm... I've got a water ele who I got to thunderhead keep before being very bored with her.. I've had no problems finding groups and have always advertised what I was playing. I also have a mesmer who has had no problem finding groups (unless it's skill capping or the time of day where only 6 people are online). People are taking other professions into their groups these days, nerving that many skills isn't going to do anything, other than make people upset. |
Originally Posted by Trance Addict
"It's sad. [Followed by] Why would my feelings be hurt?"
Read what you type. You're taking this like it's the end of the world. Be happy that people won't rely so much on Fire Eles and that other Elements and Professions will be accepted in groups. |
Why don't you read what I type?
Just hopped in and tested out the new update, and while I'm not particularly happy with it I don't plan on leaving the game. I have been playing mmo's for quite some time now and I have come to expect nerfs....even extremely harsh ones to characters I have invested hundreds of hours into. This certainly doesn't warrant an unnecessary and senseless nerf by any stretch of the imagination. However, if I enjoy a game enough to invest in it such a large amount of time and money, it will take more than a single nerf - even several nerfs - to ruin it for me.
All this is to say that I sincerely hope that all of the players such as myself stick around and continue creating an entertaining community which I have enjoyed from the beginning. For those who decide not to I hope to see you in my future mmo adventures. Though hopefully anyone who has enjoyed a game enough to spend a thousand plus hours in it will give a release (no matter how outrageous) more than 24hours chance
All this is to say that I sincerely hope that all of the players such as myself stick around and continue creating an entertaining community which I have enjoyed from the beginning. For those who decide not to I hope to see you in my future mmo adventures. Though hopefully anyone who has enjoyed a game enough to spend a thousand plus hours in it will give a release (no matter how outrageous) more than 24hours chance

No, not just one group.. multiple groups. this far into the game, people have played more than just those professions and can see where the benefits of other professions can come in.
And the update isn't going to magically change people's opinions of what to take, more than likely, they'll take more warriors
Don't I feel sorry for the monk having to heal that many warriors.
And the update isn't going to magically change people's opinions of what to take, more than likely, they'll take more warriors
Trance Addict
which is regarding the state of the AoE skills in the game right now in PvE. |
This update sucks.
Thunderhead keep is now even harder with the enemies running in and out the keep while another group is storming in from the other gate.
Now the nuker ele will have the same faith as the mesmer in temple of ages.
If it bothers farmers bother Anet so much then stop making everything so expensive. How are players suppose to buy a 15k armor and other expensive stuff? By selling cookies to the dwarves?
Maybe they should focus on making more fun instead of making the game even worse. You know like inventing new monster, new weapons new quests.
Thunderhead keep is now even harder with the enemies running in and out the keep while another group is storming in from the other gate.
Now the nuker ele will have the same faith as the mesmer in temple of ages.
If it bothers farmers bother Anet so much then stop making everything so expensive. How are players suppose to buy a 15k armor and other expensive stuff? By selling cookies to the dwarves?

Maybe they should focus on making more fun instead of making the game even worse. You know like inventing new monster, new weapons new quests.
Here's an interesting take on economic effects. Superior elemental runes of air, water and earth are no longer available at traders. Scalpers have bought them all and are now selling them at 10-20k, (what they more than likely purchased for 700g). Nice...
Originally Posted by Kalt
This update sucks.
If it bothers farmers bother Anet so much then stop making everything so expensive. How are players suppose to buy a 15k armor and other expensive stuff? By selling cookies to the dwarves? ![]() Maybe they should focus on making more fun instead of making the game even worse. You know like inventing new monster, new weapons new quests. |

You my friend have hit the nail on the head!
I want the game to be FUN and not WORK!

Originally Posted by BlackOut777
So this update affects me directly as from a casual players prospective it definitely makes it more difficult to just go out there and "do" it all by yourself. But then again - GW was not meant to be played that way.
Trance Addict
Here's an interesting take on economic effects. Superior elemental runes of air, water and earth are no longer available at traders. Scalpers have bought them all and are now selling them at 10-20k, (what they more than likely purchased for 700g). Nice... |
Blu Vein
Now, I understand diversity in PUGs and I try to create that when I go out with groups. However this update put a serious nerf on any AoE spells. Ofcourse the main fire line are all AoE spells. So that whole line in PVE is junk like it is in PVP. Now I feel that was a bit uncalled for as I understand from time to time various skills get nerfed for balance this nerfed an ENTIRE line of skills. There are some people out there such as myself that had a nuker that wasn't designed from cookie cutter builds but by experience.
As far as my damage yes it was great but there are other builds that cause just as much damage from other classes. It is just disappointing when you spend time to made a build of your own that gets totally nerfed. Now I have to spend hours finding a different skill combination and getting used to how to use it effectively.
My only point here is that how long must this go on ANET nerfing builds? Anytime a great build gets made they nerf it seems. How would they like it if we were able to nerf some of their Developer team builds. So the question is should I even waste my time with this game and figuring out a new build if they are simply going to keep nerf it to?
As far as my damage yes it was great but there are other builds that cause just as much damage from other classes. It is just disappointing when you spend time to made a build of your own that gets totally nerfed. Now I have to spend hours finding a different skill combination and getting used to how to use it effectively.
My only point here is that how long must this go on ANET nerfing builds? Anytime a great build gets made they nerf it seems. How would they like it if we were able to nerf some of their Developer team builds. So the question is should I even waste my time with this game and figuring out a new build if they are simply going to keep nerf it to?
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
I dont really like the monsters not chasing fleeing players. Seems to make it too easy.
I like the monsters fleeing from AoE spells. Maybe Fire Eles wont be the only type in PvE now. |
Instead of tanking, maybe it's a good idea to utilize Ranger/Necro/Mesmer's ability? Interruption, Condition, Hex.
Say goodbye to those "tank, nuker, healer" day!! (I hope)
Since starting college I haven't had the time to play GW as much as I did through the summer, which was practically all the time I wasn't eating or sleeping. I've now become a 'casual' gamer and play it for maybe two or three hours a night after I've done my homework and walked the dog etc.
I can't really do that anymore... well I can but its so damn tedious. I have a trapper ranger for UW who is now pretty much worthless - I've noticed in ToA there aren't that many people making parties consisting of trapper rangers. And going sniper / barrage bot / interrupter in UW is pointless.
My other character, a Wammo has been screwed because people don't want W/Mo anymore.. I'm a tank and am not that bad at it but people don't want warriors anymore...
I farm a bit... usually Griffons at Augury and when I did it was because I was bored or I wanted to make a lil bit more dinero. I'm now screwed with that as well.
I'm gonna stop playing GW for a little while and see what happens. If nothing changes [i.e the whole AoE thing] then I might just quit GW altogether because as I see it, with this new update PvE finishes as soon as you complete the story mode. UW, FoW and to some degree, faming are cool things to do after you've completed the story aspect and are looking for stuff to do. All of these have been nerfed into oblivion because all the builds what were damned successful when entering UW, FoW or farming have been castrated with a pair of dirty, great pliers - basically other builds like sword damage dealers or sniper rangers etc are only good if you're going through the story missions and quests or PvP which I haven't really played much of before.
Prices with some things are gonna skyrocket now likle ecto's because getting them from UW has gone from damned hard to exceptionally, insanely almost impossible. People (especially W/Mo farmers) who have a bulging purse will have an economic advantage over everyone else. Its like the Green Revolution in India and other countries in the 1960's. The rich got richer, and the poor stayed damn poorer.
I can't really do that anymore... well I can but its so damn tedious. I have a trapper ranger for UW who is now pretty much worthless - I've noticed in ToA there aren't that many people making parties consisting of trapper rangers. And going sniper / barrage bot / interrupter in UW is pointless.
My other character, a Wammo has been screwed because people don't want W/Mo anymore.. I'm a tank and am not that bad at it but people don't want warriors anymore...
I farm a bit... usually Griffons at Augury and when I did it was because I was bored or I wanted to make a lil bit more dinero. I'm now screwed with that as well.
I'm gonna stop playing GW for a little while and see what happens. If nothing changes [i.e the whole AoE thing] then I might just quit GW altogether because as I see it, with this new update PvE finishes as soon as you complete the story mode. UW, FoW and to some degree, faming are cool things to do after you've completed the story aspect and are looking for stuff to do. All of these have been nerfed into oblivion because all the builds what were damned successful when entering UW, FoW or farming have been castrated with a pair of dirty, great pliers - basically other builds like sword damage dealers or sniper rangers etc are only good if you're going through the story missions and quests or PvP which I haven't really played much of before.
Prices with some things are gonna skyrocket now likle ecto's because getting them from UW has gone from damned hard to exceptionally, insanely almost impossible. People (especially W/Mo farmers) who have a bulging purse will have an economic advantage over everyone else. Its like the Green Revolution in India and other countries in the 1960's. The rich got richer, and the poor stayed damn poorer.

Originally Posted by Trance Addict
Why? Because like people, now they get OUT of AoE? Why not just make all of the enemy NPCs do 0 damage and take 300000% damage from all sources while you're at it. They're increasing the difficulty of the game. If it gets too rough for you, maybe you should stop playing GW and go back to trying to pass kindergarden.
The AoE is garbage right now because of a couple reasons. And I'm talking mainly DoT AoE.
1. It's meant for damage, mainly. Not dealing much damage when the enemy runs away. Might as well call Fire Storm "Gust of Wind Storm", because all it does it push the enemies away from where it's cast. Should call Ignite Arrows "Ass Arrows" because when you hit the enemy with it all you see is their ass as they're fleeing in fear.
2. People exploiting damage dealing AoE to "instill fear" into mobs already.
3. Forcing people to take certain skills (or whole other person) i.e. snares, slow spells, etc., to make AoE even a feasible option.
I could go on but it's not even worth it right now...I'm done explaining the inherent faults of this update, it's pretty obvious on it's own after only a little bit of playing.
Darkest Dawn
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the Update Notes as few days ago. How many times have you guys gotten mad at the Henchies? And haven't you felt just a tiny bit cheesy when you cast an AoE Spell like Fire Storm, knowing it that the monsters were going to stand there like lumps, taking it until they died?
"Hey, there, my Charr buddy, did you notice your fur was flaming and your teeth were melting?" "Why yes, my stalwart comrade, I did note that uncomfortable fact. But you know, I'm just too dense to up and move my furry behind out of this torrential downpour of spells. I think I'll just stay here and expire." How fun is it? Sort of like taking candy from a baby, isn't it? I never wanted to feel sorry for my enemies; I just wanted to feel powerful when I smited them. So if the monster enemies are actually more on par with a real player, isn't that a good thing? Doesn't that make accomplishments more meaningful? And for those who are concerned (I won't say "whining" but others have ![]() In the end, though, my opinions aside, we tested these changes for some time and the consensus was that they were reasonable and fair. We are most definitely listening to all your feedback and will certainly be willing to consider future changes in the interest of game improvement. |
Hi! What can we do about the henchie elementalists(Cynn, and Orion) who use AOE skills like firestorm? Can we add some more diversity to their skill list since they will scatter mobs whenever they cast the AOE spells?
Originally Posted by Blu Vein
Now, I understand diversity in PUGs and I try to create that when I go out with groups. However this update put a serious nerf on any AoE spells. Ofcourse the main fire line are all AoE spells. So that whole line in PVE is junk like it is in PVP. Now I feel that was a bit uncalled for as I understand from time to time various skills get nerfed for balance this nerfed an ENTIRE line of skills. There are some people out there such as myself that had a nuker that wasn't designed from cookie cutter builds but by experience.
As far as my damage yes it was great but there are other builds that cause just as much damage from other classes. It is just disappointing when you spend time to made a build of your own that gets totally nerfed. Now I have to spend hours finding a different skill combination and getting used to how to use it effectively. My only point here is that how long must this go on ANET nerfing builds? Anytime a great build gets made they nerf it seems. How would they like it if we were able to nerf some of their Developer team builds. So the question is should I even waste my time with this game and figuring out a new build if they are simply going to keep nerf it to? |
I think it's a good fix for the better. Players now can't just rely on a tank/nuker combo. They need something more to dominate monsters. Water elementalists will be more popular to combine with Fire spells. Lightning/Earth will have chance too.
Monsters were soooooooooo stupid standing in Firestorm/Meteor Shower for the whole duration. That's how nukers kill things so fast. But who says you can't use traps to cripple the monsters first and then nuke them?
There will be more "strategies" involved in PvE. The bad news is not everybody plays with strategy in PvE. It's all random people joining teams.
Originally Posted by mishop
Has anyone pointed this out yet?
I just completed thunderhead with a bunch of fire nukers and only 1 tank and it was much much much easier. The confusion effect of AOE on the mobs kept the soft targets from being quickly obliterated. I was in the mission helping a guildie, and I was unaware of the patch specifics. I sent her a whisper saying that our group had zero chance of completing the mission because we had only one tank, a monk wearing no cloths or tatoos and 4 eles. I figured we'd make a corpse collection at the end. But, no. the firestorm/meteor showers kept the mobs at bay - almost confused. The eles were able to keep em at bay and at a distance. Who'd have guessed? |
Dare I say I like this better than before?
(yes I'm primarily aoe smite for the ele's I can't say from firsthand experience)
Originally Posted by Darkest Dawn
Hi! What can we do about the henchie elementalists(Cynn, and Orion) who use AOE skills like firestorm? Can we add some more diversity to their skill list since they will scatter mobs whenever they cast the AOE spells? |
Originally Posted by mishop
Has anyone pointed this out yet?
I just completed thunderhead with a bunch of fire nukers and only 1 tank and it was much much much easier. The confusion effect of AOE on the mobs kept the soft targets from being quickly obliterated. I was in the mission helping a guildie, and I was unaware of the patch specifics. I sent her a whisper saying that our group had zero chance of completing the mission because we had only one tank, a monk wearing no cloths or tatoos and 4 eles. I figured we'd make a corpse collection at the end. But, no. the firestorm/meteor showers kept the mobs at bay - almost confused. The eles were able to keep em at bay and at a distance. Who'd have guessed? |
Dare I say I like this better than before?
(yes I'm primarily aoe smite for the ele's I can't say from firsthand experience)
Originally Posted by kade
After testing a bit I discovered the same...physical interrupts and mobs ganging up on weaker targets are now easily avoidable.
Dare I say I like this better than before? (yes I'm primarily aoe smite for the ele's I can't say from firsthand experience) |
Now teams can form different strategies to stop asking so many monks to join the team.
Blu Vein
Originally Posted by id0l
I'm done explaining the inherent faults of this update, it's pretty obvious on it's own after only a little bit of playing.
Another nerf to the ele yay. Now there is absolutely no need for one ever. I mean their skills are already pretty weak in general. TY anet for nerfing a whole skill line.
greatest update ever!

Before I rant, I'll say a little something about my two main characters; my E/x Nuker and Mo/E healer.
Previously, my nuker has gone between E/R for wilderness and pets, E/Mo for healing self and res, and E/Me for the atypical echo nuking path for farming SF. My healer ran heals, and when the tanks had agro, ran in with wards and retreated.
Both of my character concepts are now useless. My poor poor nuker, no matter which build she uses, is now useless as anything but a mob deterrent, unless I want to respec into air, as all other elements are nerfed to hell offensive wise. And this is playing in a group, not soloing or sheer farming. I'm glad she finished the last quest in her log before this update.
The edge to my healer, her wards, is now pointless as agro management is now impossible. Granted, I can now just remove them and run zealots fire to avoid ever being hit, and just pure heal, but with agro management now so changed, healing is going to become very hard indeed.
I agree with Gaile that folks should not be soloing the hardest areas of the game.. but what I wholeheartedly disagree with is nerfing honest players to the degree that their characters are indeed near enough useless. Even my everburn build (essentially lots of on fire spells) is near impossible to run with no aoes to keep mark of r burning.
So my elementalist gets to sit taking up space in my account, unused til something is done to make them worthwile again, and my healer becomes overworked to hell.
In other news...
I was close to having the money to buy my fissure chestpiece for my monk (I think all other monk armours look hideous), and now I am nowhere near it with the hideous price of ecto again.
My other character, a tank I made mainly for running, can now nearly do the droks run with the latest update.
Previously, my nuker has gone between E/R for wilderness and pets, E/Mo for healing self and res, and E/Me for the atypical echo nuking path for farming SF. My healer ran heals, and when the tanks had agro, ran in with wards and retreated.
Both of my character concepts are now useless. My poor poor nuker, no matter which build she uses, is now useless as anything but a mob deterrent, unless I want to respec into air, as all other elements are nerfed to hell offensive wise. And this is playing in a group, not soloing or sheer farming. I'm glad she finished the last quest in her log before this update.
The edge to my healer, her wards, is now pointless as agro management is now impossible. Granted, I can now just remove them and run zealots fire to avoid ever being hit, and just pure heal, but with agro management now so changed, healing is going to become very hard indeed.
I agree with Gaile that folks should not be soloing the hardest areas of the game.. but what I wholeheartedly disagree with is nerfing honest players to the degree that their characters are indeed near enough useless. Even my everburn build (essentially lots of on fire spells) is near impossible to run with no aoes to keep mark of r burning.
So my elementalist gets to sit taking up space in my account, unused til something is done to make them worthwile again, and my healer becomes overworked to hell.
In other news...
I was close to having the money to buy my fissure chestpiece for my monk (I think all other monk armours look hideous), and now I am nowhere near it with the hideous price of ecto again.
My other character, a tank I made mainly for running, can now nearly do the droks run with the latest update.
some players are just too serious. I only bought this came because I saw a friend playing and he seemed so powerful for a lvl 20. Most games it takes like 60+ levels to show REAL POWER. It was exciting ~ I got my players to lvl 20 and it was awesome, I couldn't get enough of it ... Just because I don't feel like spending a week trying to figure out spells w/ lazy team mates to kill enemies quicker so I'm not online half my life, doesn't mean I'm one of those dumb farmers.
At first I thought the update was awesome, my monk henchman would actually move instead of taking a ton of dmg while healing me ... now THEY both move. I don't even feel like playing anymore. I've never played PvP .. and I don't intend to. I have a guild ~ we have fun ~ but now I feel like going back to another game.
do this ... do that ... so that your player isn't almost useless ~ whatever
my monk used to be cool ... I was "proud" to have new ascetic armor and lvl 20 kinda powers ~ high attributes ... heal and use smiting prayers ~ smite? what's that?
gg ~ later
At first I thought the update was awesome, my monk henchman would actually move instead of taking a ton of dmg while healing me ... now THEY both move. I don't even feel like playing anymore. I've never played PvP .. and I don't intend to. I have a guild ~ we have fun ~ but now I feel like going back to another game.
do this ... do that ... so that your player isn't almost useless ~ whatever
my monk used to be cool ... I was "proud" to have new ascetic armor and lvl 20 kinda powers ~ high attributes ... heal and use smiting prayers ~ smite? what's that?
gg ~ later
I noticed last night that area effect spells like Lava Font and Inferno still work. Sure, you don't want your mage in the middle of things getting hacked, but by following tankers who draw attacks, this strat can work.
(Lava Font also recharges in 4 sec, and has half the casting time as Fire Storm...)
Bottom line, the latest update will force players to change strategies, but new strategies will emerge in their place. That's what keeps this game fun and worth playing... change is good.
(Lava Font also recharges in 4 sec, and has half the casting time as Fire Storm...)
Bottom line, the latest update will force players to change strategies, but new strategies will emerge in their place. That's what keeps this game fun and worth playing... change is good.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the Update Notes as few days ago. How many times have you guys gotten mad at the Henchies? And haven't you felt just a tiny bit cheesy when you cast an AoE Spell like Fire Storm, knowing it that the monsters were going to stand there like lumps, taking it until they died?
"Hey, there, my Charr buddy, did you notice your fur was flaming and your teeth were melting?" "Why yes, my stalwart comrade, I did note that uncomfortable fact. But you know, I'm just too dense to up and move my furry behind out of this torrential downpour of spells. I think I'll just stay here and expire." How fun is it? Sort of like taking candy from a baby, isn't it? I never wanted to feel sorry for my enemies; I just wanted to feel powerful when I smited them. So if the monster enemies are actually more on par with a real player, isn't that a good thing? Doesn't that make accomplishments more meaningful? And for those who are concerned (I won't say "whining" but others have ![]() In the end, though, my opinions aside, we tested these changes for some time and the consensus was that they were reasonable and fair. We are most definitely listening to all your feedback and will certainly be willing to consider future changes in the interest of game improvement. |
This is a fantasy Game. Were talking about Dog People, made of bones, and dragons with bird feathers. Unless your putting them in the same class as a human. i would think that they would more than likely stand there and attack someone as they were getting hammered with something else. When an agro'd real dog is attacking someone and someone come up with a bad and starts hitting the dog.. that dog doesnt give a crap. he continues to maul whoever he has his teeth in. This arguement is looking @ the game from the perspective that they arent really pissed off @ us. and if you take that perspective. why not replace aoe's with Tea Parties.
Dont like the update? Petition...
I don't suppose any of us can speak sensibly on what guildwars is supposed to be about, but personally I think one of the reasons that the game has done so well is its appeal to the casual gamer.
This is initially because of the lack of a monthly fee (something WoW surmounted of course). But the actual game play in PvE is very forgiving on the casual gamer, it is by and large no risk, there is no permanent penalty for dying, characters can be remoulded on a whim and most of the game is not very difficult.
Clearly though the hardcore gamer needs to be appealed to, they are more likely to stick with a game as it matures and buy the subsequent addons that will keep the money coming in - and PvP provides an ideal environment for the hardcore gamer.
Personally as a casual player of guild wars I can say that I am not enjoying the change. I don’t enjoy running around after monsters or being swamped by a second or third group because Littlethorn chases off into them after a stone summit that didn’t like the AOE that landed on them.
Its frustrating to chase things about, and while the challenge has been increased, I believe that at best only 50% of our market want that. Even if this is the most profitable half I don't think they would have left you over easy PvE.
I understand that skills can be balanced more easily if the PvE environment is similar to the PvP one, that a game tends to get better reviews with "Clever AI" and that some people can find opponents that just come for you like zombies a turn off, but if you want to change the aggro system in the game then it should implemented as a full aggro system rather than what appears to me to be a bit of a hack (even granting that running from spells like fireball may be bug).
I guess less people would complain if mobs went after the character that damaged them, and other classes had aggro management skills to help protect (protectors strike puts user to top of aggro list perhaps).
Yes I can mitigate these problems (for me) by dropping my W/E’s fire AOE and by not taking AOE henchmen, and possibly by not spending my lunch hour wandering from Grenths into SF. But in 1h I may not be able to complete a mission with players and I wouldn’t want to quit on people so I’m not sure of my options (I do PvE sometimes but I tire of 13 year olds quickly)
I really appreciate the effort that has been made supporting the community for this game and in particular for reading this thread (Thanks!) but I don’t really want to chase monsters. I recognise you have your responsibility to the economy but there really should be a way to tackle heavy farmers more directly – perhaps characters(accounts) accrue farming points which affect drops, perhaps mobs strip enchants or break stances (even conditionally based on the number of characters in the instance)
This is initially because of the lack of a monthly fee (something WoW surmounted of course). But the actual game play in PvE is very forgiving on the casual gamer, it is by and large no risk, there is no permanent penalty for dying, characters can be remoulded on a whim and most of the game is not very difficult.
Clearly though the hardcore gamer needs to be appealed to, they are more likely to stick with a game as it matures and buy the subsequent addons that will keep the money coming in - and PvP provides an ideal environment for the hardcore gamer.
Personally as a casual player of guild wars I can say that I am not enjoying the change. I don’t enjoy running around after monsters or being swamped by a second or third group because Littlethorn chases off into them after a stone summit that didn’t like the AOE that landed on them.
Its frustrating to chase things about, and while the challenge has been increased, I believe that at best only 50% of our market want that. Even if this is the most profitable half I don't think they would have left you over easy PvE.
I understand that skills can be balanced more easily if the PvE environment is similar to the PvP one, that a game tends to get better reviews with "Clever AI" and that some people can find opponents that just come for you like zombies a turn off, but if you want to change the aggro system in the game then it should implemented as a full aggro system rather than what appears to me to be a bit of a hack (even granting that running from spells like fireball may be bug).
I guess less people would complain if mobs went after the character that damaged them, and other classes had aggro management skills to help protect (protectors strike puts user to top of aggro list perhaps).
Yes I can mitigate these problems (for me) by dropping my W/E’s fire AOE and by not taking AOE henchmen, and possibly by not spending my lunch hour wandering from Grenths into SF. But in 1h I may not be able to complete a mission with players and I wouldn’t want to quit on people so I’m not sure of my options (I do PvE sometimes but I tire of 13 year olds quickly)
I really appreciate the effort that has been made supporting the community for this game and in particular for reading this thread (Thanks!) but I don’t really want to chase monsters. I recognise you have your responsibility to the economy but there really should be a way to tackle heavy farmers more directly – perhaps characters(accounts) accrue farming points which affect drops, perhaps mobs strip enchants or break stances (even conditionally based on the number of characters in the instance)
This always RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing happens. The devs start getting patch happy. there are other ways to make missions harder. I do support that a lot but making them run out of aoe's like right now is bs. The missions are already too easy but cmon you just nerfed all the aoe spells. Ugh the devs simply don't understand the metagame in pvp. This just shows how they don't understand PvE either.
Change Strats?? uhh Strats have always been changing ... every player is different - every player likes certain spells. That is why we're HUMAN and not AI ...
might force PvP to change skills, but it will force Regular players to find another game - this update should be for PvP only if you ask me or just scratch it altogether.
might force PvP to change skills, but it will force Regular players to find another game - this update should be for PvP only if you ask me or just scratch it altogether.
Originally Posted by ShinJin Kahn
People dont want realistic, they want fun.
I'm not having fun playing the new Hokey Pokey game with all the mobs that run out from under my expensive skills.
There are 2 big advantages that the mobs have over a player/group:
1. they have drastically higher hps than I do.
2. there are generally MANY more of them.
I've always considered the AoE skills (and the fact the mobs would tend to stay around to bear the brunt of those skills) to be compensating for those two advantages (or vice-versa). So now it takes me much longer, I only get to do 1 or 2 things during the few hours I have to play a day (yes, "casual player" quite fits me) due to the amount of time I'll now have to spend chasing them around.
Not fun.
P.S. For those who say "Adapt!" ... I've invested a lot of time & energy into building several characters and learning to play them. I'm going to now evaluate whether I want to continue to play a game that forces me to throw away investments like that ... and determine if I want to go make my next investment somewhere else.
Originally Posted by senji
Not fun.
P.S. For those who say "Adapt!" ... I've invested a lot of time & energy into building several characters and learning to play them. I'm going to now evaluate whether I want to continue to play a game that forces me to throw away investments like that ... and determine if I want to go make my next investment somewhere else. |
Dont Like the Patch... Petition.. Its as easy as signing a recipt in a restaurant ((Without the tip))
Numa Pompilius
1) Echo Nukers have been nerfed. Good. It was skill-less brute force relying on two spells, exploiting a weakness in the mob AI. Good riddance.
2) USE SNARES! You want the mobs to stay in your AoE? Snare them! FFS, eles have something like a dozen different snares to chose from, learn to use them!
3) Don't give me the "my build is based on echo nuking and now it's useless" crap. Respeccing is FREE and UNLIMITED in Guildwars. This isn't RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing WoW! So stop crying and respec your build!
2) USE SNARES! You want the mobs to stay in your AoE? Snare them! FFS, eles have something like a dozen different snares to chose from, learn to use them!
3) Don't give me the "my build is based on echo nuking and now it's useless" crap. Respeccing is FREE and UNLIMITED in Guildwars. This isn't RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing WoW! So stop crying and respec your build!
Look for something other than a damn fire ele?
Easy solution
Spikers. They do just as much damage, it's just not over an area, so you spike 1 target instead of multiple. It's the same effect, you do the same damage
Easy solution
Spikers. They do just as much damage, it's just not over an area, so you spike 1 target instead of multiple. It's the same effect, you do the same damage
Personally i think some of us have missed the mark.
Please re-read the official guild wars statement regarding the game.
ill sum up a few points. Start off with the name of the game. Its Guild wars not farm wars or PvE wars. Guild wars.
from the mouth of anet's mission statement.
I think anet has had to make hard choices, and they chose to keep to their mission statement. do i agree with them? time will tell. sop far anet has done a slam bang job of busting their humps trying to give us a good challenging and fun game...and all for the low low price of no monthly fee.
In regards to the economy, farm nerfing ,ect.. i really don't think they planned on people taking the economy and farming as seriously as some of us do. Im a farmer buyer and seller. but i can see the dilemma anet is in. I think that they should re think the game. It can still be a game in which strategic play etc are the main goals , but also support farming without making it mandatory. that's the trick how to support farming, and giving us a working economy without introducing grind, and without making it mandatory for players to participate in these activities.
Please re-read the official guild wars statement regarding the game.
ill sum up a few points. Start off with the name of the game. Its Guild wars not farm wars or PvE wars. Guild wars.
You don't have to spend countless hours on a leveling treadmill to get to the interesting parts of the game, because combat is designed to be strategically interesting and challenging right from the beginning |
The game is designed to reward player skill and teamwork not time spent playing, so you won't need to spend hundreds of hours leveling up your character to compete. |
I think anet has had to make hard choices, and they chose to keep to their mission statement. do i agree with them? time will tell. sop far anet has done a slam bang job of busting their humps trying to give us a good challenging and fun game...and all for the low low price of no monthly fee.
In regards to the economy, farm nerfing ,ect.. i really don't think they planned on people taking the economy and farming as seriously as some of us do. Im a farmer buyer and seller. but i can see the dilemma anet is in. I think that they should re think the game. It can still be a game in which strategic play etc are the main goals , but also support farming without making it mandatory. that's the trick how to support farming, and giving us a working economy without introducing grind, and without making it mandatory for players to participate in these activities.