Originally Posted by twicky_kid
people really can't stand change. get in your little bubble and everything will be ok. anything on the outside is just met with fear right aways. guess its just human nature.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
its time to come out of the bubble people it is safe.
I just want to say, I think you've been incredibly unfair to people during this entire experience. You insist that this patch (well, both the 11/10 and 11/11) was the "best thing ever" and all that, and I'm glad you like it. It's good that the update made your non-fire elemental more important, but it's painful to see you take issue to every single person who had a problem with it.
As I said in my one other post, I wasn't directly affected by this patch, except as it pertained to my wife, who is, from a practical standpoint, the only person I actually game with. Her character was reduced to nothingness by the first patch, with her skills scattering all the monsters out of my mesmer's spell-casting range. The badguys would run before her firestorm was cast, and often they'd go in completely random directions. It was horrible, and unpleasent.
Now, after the second patch, things have gotten better. Yes, the badguys still dodge AoE, but they do so after they take damage, not before. They also don't go running off like they left the oven on somewhere, which means you can actually kill them when they return.
She's happy, because her fire elementalist can still work. It wasn't that she was afraid she couldn't be the greatest nuker ever, or that the game got harder. It was that her character, whose function was to damage the enemy, was unable to damage the enemy. Saying AoE isn't meant to damage the enemy is just absurd.
Any skill/spell/whatever that inflicts damage on the enemy is meant to damage the enemy. It may not be much (chaos storm still isn't really hurting them), but it has to be usable. It has to inflict enough damage that you don't feel like a waste casting a 25-mana spell. When creatures were dodging meteor shower before the first meteor fell, then it was crippled and rendered useless.
For non-fire elementalists, how would you feel if your favorite character skills were crippled, such that they couldn't perform their desired function. For example, if your water skills no longer slowed the enemy, if your warrior could no longer absorb the damage that they do, or if your mesmer could no longer make life miserable for spell-casters? Cheated?
That's how many of the fire-elementalists felt, and that's why they complained. Fire elementalists are nukers, and they are incredibly powerful. Maybe they're too powerful, but there's a massive difference between what they were pre-patch, and what they were after the 11/10 patch. It was akin to the difference between a level 20 guy and a level 3. Suddenly, they couldn't hurt anyone, when they used to hurt everyone. Why shouldn't they complain, or be unhappy?
The 11/11 patch fixed that to a large degree. Not completely, but enough to return them to their happy space as Damage-Dealers. I hope this will work for most of those affected, because I hate to see so much fighting over what should be a friendly and stress-relieving game.
Also, to everyone who said things like "oh no, now you need to use your brain" and "if you can't adapt, you should just leave", and all that jazz, I just want to say "let the hostility end, please?" and "It's just a freak'n game". Let those who have complaints voice them, and those who enjoyed the patch, say so, and not act like any voice other than your own should be banned, or any idea that you disagree with should be shouted down.
alright, I'm really tired and this was supposed to be a short post...so I'm just gonna go.
hopefully, that will be all I have to say.
good day