Originally Posted by Scaper
BY WE I mean the GW community is it so WRONG TO SHARE!? WHy? Cause point 3.(Which you did not mention) MOST OTHER BUILDS SUCK THATS WHY!
i never said most other builds sucked, i just said not all were "optimum efficiency," and often there are more efficient builds than the cookie-cutter ones, its just that the creators have the sense not to share thier hard-work with people who want everything handed to them on a silver platter.
first off, no need to caps your entire argument, i can read is just fine.
and yes, they made the skills, and yes they made them that way, but these are the
game creators not only do they have a
right to edit any skill at any time for any reason, they have a
duty to do so.
you complain about this patch, but if they reverted to the last patch, and didnt patch the game ever again untill gw 2 comes out, most people would complain they dont patch the game enough.
these guys cant win either way, so instead they picked a side of the line, and stood by it. in an area where the line divides simplicity and innovation, they chose innovation.
in d2 the mistake was made to cater to the lower-class of players, by making the game ridiculously easy; and almost instantly the veterancy of diablo 2 left the game, the game became a giant farm-fest for ebayers and websites, and the game degraded into a grind-fest that few people would remain in for more than a few months due to the repetative nature of replayability.
the guildwars devs, many of them veteran blizzard programmers who worked on diablo 2 decided not to repeat this mistake with guildwars.
Why is that? Cause they say it helps or some junk? WHy should I have to justify them NERFING IT? I NEVER SAID I justify them nerfing your just saying I SHOULD JUSTIFY THE NEFRING! THAT IS WHAT YOU SAY NOT ME! YOU LIKE NERFING NOT ME! WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO JUSTIFYING NERFING!?
no, what i said is that your statement shows a general disconcern towards the balance of the game; something the devs have repeadedly said they are very intent on upholding. they have taken this line since the beta weekend events, it is nothing new. those who have adapted to the changes have remained fervent veterans of guildwars, those who have not have left after a short period of guildwars-play; and as was exemplified by starcraft, keeping a core contingency of veteran gamers that remain with the game for years is far more important than catering to people who will get bored with the game in three months anyway and leave for something else, regardless of what you do to please them.
THIS NEW PATCH SUCKS BOTTEMLINE! read in my previous post!
i dont like many, if not most of the provisions of the patch, but i can adapt to them and not only use them to my advantage, but learn to enjoy them, given time.
now, to keep this discussion from degrading into an excriment-flinging contest of monkey-like preportions, i will decline to respond to you directly from here on out, and simply stick to the issue at hand;
those who are willing to deal with a dynamic game and playstyle can deal with this patch and grow to like it; those who cannot will reject the patch and possibly leave the game.
the difference is the devs, since the beginging, have showed a predesposition to the former class. they market guild-wars as a game of skill and dedication, not a game where you can come in, copy a farm build, feed your ego by bashing those who choose to use a more honorable style of play, and leave after you get bored from playing for 2 months.
OOOkay. You know, I've posted more here in the past twenty-four hours than I have in the past two months. Go figure. Anyways, since you're such a... vocal person, I feel I'll take this moment to attempt to make myself heard amidst the boldtype and allcaps. (Capslock. Cruise control for COOL!)
1) Certain builds are good, yes. They're very good, but it doesn't have to do with the build itself, necessarily, and there are many GOOD builds. In fact, you could pick me any two professions, and I could make a good build out of 'em. Welcome to GuildWars. That's what the game's about.
There are several EXCELLENT builds. Those builds usually are good builds, tweaked and played well by players with skill.
There are several more BROKEN builds. (See: Minion-blood-other necros with Dark Bond, no points in death magic, and a single corpse skill to bring a minion up. 65 seconds of free -75% damage that you can use to blast the living heck out of anything you lay eyes on. Almost unkillable in the right situations.) These builds are excellent, powerful, and damn-near indestructable for the most part. Why? Because they're based on skills that weren't balanced properly, skills that didn't work the way they were intended, and/or skills that were downright bugged. I'm not gonna include the invincimonk smiter build here, because honestly, it's both still perfectly viable, and very much killable. Just gotta use some common sense about it now.
Now.. in the first cases, yes. ArenaNet made those builds strong in that it made the skills themselves. In the last case, it did the same, but it did it unwittingly. When there's a mistake made, you fix it. The fact that it's a mistake that benefits YOU doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed. Believe me, you'd be screaming awful loud if there was a bug that made ataxes take 0 damage from all sources.
2) The new patch doesn't suck. It's poorly implemented, and needs tweaking, leastwise in my opinion. If I had MY way, the monsters would be a great deal smarter than they are right now. I enjoy a challenge. I don't want the enemies to line up and die for me, I want to have to put some thought and strategy into the battle. If I wanted to repeat the same action over and over again, I'd go play Statbuilder. (Or World of Warcraft. Hur Hur. )
The fact is, from what I gather, that you want to cheat. A lot of the players want to cheat. They want an unfair advantage, and they want the dice loaded in their favor, and THAT, my friends, is that. No amount of ALLCAPS or boldface (or even BOLDFACE ALLCAPS) will change that. People don't want a fair fight, obviously, and THAT is the real issue here. I'd support it if it were a matter of bugginess, but I KNOW ArenaNet will fix that. They've been good for it up until now, that's for sure.
oh, and which country do you like better, england, or germany? i'd like to know where to build the shrine in your honor.