Unhappy with your character name, but don't want to lose your time and energy?


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

this should be good



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


As Gaile already said, they woukd have to take a fee for the change, and as GW1 currently works, the character would NOT be able to use any customized items anymore.

That can't be changed.

Are you sure you want the thing even with that figures?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

*support the idea*

Possibly a repeatable quest for earning the ability might be nice too. Somethat allows the change whenever but requires 15 mins of your time to keep it from being a different name every day for some folks. Not opting for super difficult quest or a certain limitation on number of times here would be a great game feature..... can't understand why it hasn't already been an option for players, along with changing your hair color, face, sex, etc.

Great idea for a thread! Hopefully its not falling on deaf ears with all the hyping about GW2. I know many don't plan to leave even though they'll buy GW2 as well.

Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
As Gaile already said, they woukd have to take a fee for the change, and as GW1 currently works, the character would NOT be able to use any customized items anymore.

That can't be changed.

Are you sure you want the thing even with that figures?
Sounds like b.s. to me from the same Gayle that doesn't know Polar Bear mini's exist and then confirms them only several hours before they are unattainable for another year.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007



The above poster needs to be a little bit more mature. And leave Gaile alone!!!! (crawls under a blanket)She may not always be right, but she's much better than other people in her position for other games. In any event, the fact that Gaile did not know about the mini polar bear doesn't discredit her here either. You, sir(above poster) need to know what your talking about.

On another note. I don't like this idea. It's a loophole for all sorts of trouble.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2007


Philosophers Legacy


(lol cant post less 12 chars. )



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2007

right behind you

Highlander Honor Guard [HHnr]


Originally Posted by leeky baby

think it would be awsome, althou i alrdy remade the charchter i would of wanted renamed about a year ago :P
amazing timing that's just about when this thread was made.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


im am so up for this

if i cld change my PvE wars name i cld take him to pvp

although to counter the scammers, if someone is reported for scamming and its proved (screenshots etc) then put a permanent title which cant be removed with "Scammer" as it. (just an idea)

/sign again


oh yea, do it like the tournament guys do

"you can only name your account ever 30 days" you cld run it like that



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]



I actually stopped working on my monk even though he has kobd (1) title because I don't care for his name.

Sheena Inverse

Sheena Inverse

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

Thats for me to know... and for you.../stab



I like all my names, only way i would want to change is if the original name that i based mine on was available. Which they never will be since (although they havnt played in over 2 years) its still taken by an inactive account... annoying.

I would rather have a hairdresser to be honest.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2007


would be a nice idea indeed

even though changing appereance sometimes would be nice
i got sick of my warrior and made a new one lol
100k down the drain
and i spent over 150k on my new one

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

in the middle of a burning cornfield...

Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

Actually it was started around 2 years ago... late 2005 was the start year... now 2008... ya you do the math.



I like all my characters named as all of them except my monk have a name with Scorpio in it. But I wouldn't mind switching 2 of the names around.

Fitz Rinley

Fitz Rinley

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Rusty Rose



I have always understood that the name could not be changed because of the addressing and security structure. But that may at this point (about 2 years later) be a half-misremembered thread. I think this option would be very good (as well as the idea of a hair stylist as 1k per change - talk about a gold sink, lol)

But seriously - I would support being able to change a characters name at the log in screen section. I think an additional button right along side of create button would be appropriate. An Edit Character feature that would allow you to change the name and possibly the hair (to any hair available in GW that the account has open that belongs to that gender and class).



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

East Sussex, England

Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS]


I hate having the 'The Hedgehog' now. I'm not in the Sonic fan community anymore so it would be nice to ditch it for 'Goes Pve' or something


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by shmek
Sounds like b.s. to me from the same Gayle that doesn't know Polar Bear mini's exist and then confirms them only several hours before they are unattainable for another year.
Read back what your wrote and just for a second be realistic!

Are you suggesting you understand the economics and business issues off running GWs better then a member of the Anet staff, or that you have better resources at hand to find that information out?

If you are, you need to grow up and just accept it if Gaile says it cant be done without charging a fee. Just because Anet says something cant be done without a charge and you dont like the sounds of it, is no reason to start slagging off one of their staff for being the messenger of bad news.

And big deal if she doesnt know exactly everything about the game!

Does Gaile actually do any coding, designing or testing or does she just handle PR? If she doesnt code, design or test then her only contact with actual ingame stuff is when she is either playing in her spare time or doing PR ingame and talking to customers to answer question.

And I expect alot of those questions get passed to other staff! I know I do that when I was working in IT support. Do you know everything about your job? or do you only know the bits concerning your department and the things you come in contact with?

I expect she only knows the stuff shes either taking a hand in creating or has experienced while playing, and while she may play A LOT, I expect she plays more then just GWs or has other projects on the go aswell. Thats alot of games to know stuff about. Ive played for a long time and I havent seen everything or done everything. Mainly because some aspects dont interest me!

Dont shoot the messenger just because they wont do what you ask and if you to say im kissing a*s then go ahead!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Putting The Cute In Electrocute [ZZAP]


Woo, I was sure this thread would exist. I'd like this very much, same problem as many: my first character name >_>

(eventho this thread started in 2005 :P)

You can't see me

You can't see me

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006



Gaile has clearly stated this will not be implemented. This thread is useless.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007


i def agree.

ll Templar ll

ll Templar ll

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Toronto, Canada

Fish Sphere [pH], Unknown Phenomenon [vK], Arizona Iced Tea [vR]


/signed ....


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007

Gaile has not said this will not be implemented. Show me one place where she says that. As I recall, Anet has been entertaining this idea for some time, and are still undecidied because they wanted to know how many people think its a good idea.

I dont see how anyone can be against this idea imo...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007


10K fee for plastic sugery!! LAWL


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


but maybe giving a 1-2 change per year (for the whole account)

because when you first pick it, it's meant to be serious.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by VendingMachine

but maybe giving a 1-2 change per year (for the whole account)

because when you first pick it, it's meant to be serious.
I don't mind that this happens, but like you say it needs to be SERIOUSLY restricted. Its not like you should be able to change your name everytime your moood changes ie "I Am Bored" 2 days later "I Didnt Sleep"

I mean, I did screw up with the last names of two of my characters, because they don't match the rest of my guildwars character "family" but it doesn't matter to me either way

people shouldn't make chars (or play for that matter) when they're intoxicated or feeling like pulling a gag.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2007

Originally Posted by Tarnix
Gaile has not said this will not be implemented. Show me one place where she says that. As I recall, Anet has been entertaining this idea for some time, and are still undecidied because they wanted to know how many people think its a good idea.
Here's to you:

She says that MAYBE in GW2 they will offer this feature.
And that will cost money. Real life money, not ingame money.

Originally Posted by Tarnix
I dont see how anyone can be against this idea imo...
There are many reasons... just give a look to the previous pages of this thread.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

KaoS League



I would love to change a couple of names on my characters. I only need it to happen once on a couple of characters. Just make it cost money. Like 5k/name change. Or even 10k that will keep people from abusing it.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by EmptySkull

I would love to change a couple of names on my characters. I only need it to happen once on a couple of characters. Just make it cost money. Like 5k/name change. Or even 10k that will keep people from abusing it.
5k and 10k are way too little. A person will 100k can easily change it a lot of times.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

KaoS League


Originally Posted by VendingMachine
5k and 10k are way too little. A person will 100k can easily change it a lot of times.
whoa mr richy rich :P. Well it would deter me. And I guess some people would be stoopid and spend all thier money to spam changing thier name. So then a limit once per year per character. And no charge.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2007

Righteous and Honorable (RAH)


/Not signed.

Learn to take character creation more seriously before you play. If you use a silly name then why bother building that character up? I can understand just wanting to sample a primary profession if you just wanna see if you might be willing to continue with it. Soon as you know you like the profession, then delete the silly character and start over with a name you've given serious thought about.

I think Guild Wars needs to have bigger warning sign in the character creation menus to notify people to more more thought in their characters primary profession, hairstyle, skin tone, facial features and most importantly character name. A big red sign asking "ARE YOU SURE THIS IS THE _____ YOU WANT? THERE IS NO GOING BACK!!!!!"


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Legacy of Angels [Halo]


/signed if it costs ~50k per name change. That would be the ideal ammount to prevent abuse.

Pyjama Sam

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

This is a great idea, I agree 50k would be the right price to change it. I've played too much with my character's to still have them running around with crappy names...





Join Date: Oct 2007


/signed charging money to change it i think is the wrong way to go about it i think havening it time sensitive would be better. like you can change it once every 3 or 6 months

Croco Clouds

Croco Clouds

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2007

Montreal, QC, Canada

Divine Illumination [LaZy]


I don't mind paying some plats for name change... /signed



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


How about a real money fee like in other MMOs? for character name change that is... Not tailor.

I have to admit it would be nice to be able to go and chance the character skin to a different campaign skin BUT obviously its not that big a deal. Its just a would be nice to have. but considering the current state of the game I somehow doubt that will happen.



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2007

My Imagination

Team Santa [木凸木]


/not signed, scammers changing names. NTY.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

WT[B] swamp club, pm me if you have it, or know someone who does..

Golo dupe na mesecini


That option would be awsome



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Edible Granite Pencil [yumy]


Wow, this thread is still alive 2 years later. I still want this implemented.

Sparks Dawnbringer

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Los Angeles



Well, this is being hashed out yet again. I'm suprised you didn't get refered to all the other posts in the past that asked this.

I don't have any problems with being able to change things about how you look i.e. sex, hair, colors, height whatever.

But your name is how others recognise you. So if you are a good guy and respectiful player no problem. But consider if you are a scammer and take advantage of players if you could change your name how would any one recognise you. If a ranger named XXXXXXXX cheated me than changed his name how would I know if he tried to trade with me again.

Jaythen Tyradel

Jaythen Tyradel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

A 2 year old necro'ed thread that hasn't been locked down?? SHOCK!

I can agree that I would like a hair changer, but the rest I can't personally agree with. I chose my char's carefully for the long haul. I wanted to make sure that I would be happy with how my char's look for as long as I play them. I like the idea of a hair changer for it seems more natural change for the GW setting, plus how many of us keep our hair the same way for years on end without trying something new or hair just simply growing longer in length or disappearing altogether.

However, isn't this thread beating a very dead, pulverized, and hashed horse?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


only if it's restricted like they used to restrict territory changes.

5 name changes maximum per account for example, to prevent all the obvious abuse that can come from being able to change nicknames ...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Pink Clan




Kwan Xi

Kwan Xi

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2007

Writhe in Pain


I support this idea I want to change my Ranger's Name also if possible allow a way to change their Character's Face and Hairstyles too, my Ranger needs a new hair color.