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Looking For Guild
PvE: LFG - Want to replay the game
PvX LF Guild for casual PvP and high-end PvE
PvP: Looking for GvG guild
PvX Looking for a PVX Guild with a PVP focus
PvP: Looking for GvG/HA mainly.
PvE: Looking for PvE guild
PvE: mqsc luxon guild
PvE: LF guild: RP, vent, active, mature
PvE: LF active guild with vent
PvX LF Guild to grow with
PvP: Looking to learn
PvX Old vet looking for a laid-back guild.
PvX LF mostly pve Kurz guild
PvE: LF very active pve guild
PvX Looking for mature guild 18+ [Europe]
PvX LF Active PvE/Light PvP Guild
PvE: LF Speed Clear Guild
PvX LF active guild for mainly PvE/light PvP (teaches PvP)
PvP: Looking for active pvp guild
PvE: looking for fowsc guild
PvX Mature 5 year Vet. looking to join a relaxed and MATURE and ACTIVE guild!
PvP: LF PvP Guild/Alliance
PvE: LF SC guild
PvX LF mature (18+) guild that does DoA/FoWSC/HMs/HoM
PvE: Looking for title hunting guild
PvX LF guild chasing GW2 points
PvP: Active GvG guild
PvX LF Friendly SC Guild
PvP: Lf regular GvG
PvX SC guild
PvX Greets!
PvE: LF Title Hunting Guild
PvE: Closed
PvP: 5 year old GW player lf a HA/GvG oriented guild
PvX Looking for a guild with PvE and PvP
PvE: Looking for a Kurzick FFF guild
PvX LF A Laid Back Guild
PvE: looking for a casual, nub-friendly, sc guild
PvE: LFGuild. I am looking for a guild that still does Urgoz atleast daily.
PvE: LF DOASC guild UWSC BOGROOTS SOOSC must be active
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