Originally Posted by Gli
Real answer: no one thinks you're evil, no one cares if you eBay.
We all realize the economy is going to change.
We either don't care or embrace it.
Our enjoyment of the game doesn't hinge on a few 'elite' players' obsession over a meaningless virtual economy.
If ArenaNet introduces features that will 'ruin' the way you enjoy the game, that's just too bad, but it's their choice to decide how they want the game to be. I'm absolutely certain that way, way, WAY more people applaud the new salvage options and inscriptions than there are people decrying it.
you misunderstand, as ive said, i've long since stopped caring about my wealth...for one, its gotten to the point where i could never trade again, and still be well-off for the remainder of he GW series.
what i care about is the fact that 99% of the people i play this game with are not particularly wealthy, most, however, wish to be, and most of them i know, do not like what inscriptions will do to the replayability and long-term effects it will have. what i care about is that anet is killing the future of the game for people who dont want handouts, who'd prefer to have something to do 6 months down the line after they're done with whatever it is they want to do...people who can see past the instant benifit inscriptions will bring, and see the long-term ramifications. they understand, that while they would like flashy items, they want them legitimatly. the kind of person i am, and the kind of people i know&play with, are the kind of people who enjoy every aspect of the game; pve, pvp (both to lesser or greater extents), missions, questing, trading, farming, etc, and they dont want to see any aspect they enjoy tanked for the sake of people too lazy to accomplish anything for themselves.
as for the following:
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Holy crap! LOL. You make a lot of assumptions, my friend.
1. As I've said before, I'm not the one complaining.
you've CLEARLY not been reading every page as it goes along, have you?for every rational argument ive put forth, ive gotten back 10 insults about how ima greedy asshole concerned only for his well-being.
I welcome this change, I think the net effect will be good. YOU are the one complaining how this will single-handedly ruin the game. I'm not buying into that argument until someone proves to me that:
i welcome any change that will have a positive long-term effect.
for example; greens. good idea. they allowed middle-class and poorer players to afford the maximum stat weapons they hadnt been able to afford, meanwhile keeping the initial purpose of golds.
a) the majority of people who play this game are rich
it doesnt matter whether or not the majority of players are rich, something like this WILL effect the entire economy. Period.
b) this will somehow hurt new players.
initially, it wont, you;d know this if you'd bothered to read my past posts.
in fact, i have no argument with the statement that the majority of people will welcome this. im sure they will, but that doesnt necissarily mean its a good idea. theres a reason for two and a half thousand years every "democratic" government that existed on earth required 2 things in common:
A: literacy
B: citizenship
because the LAST thing you want is someone who only recognizes what comes to their own personal benifit voting on something that could have nation-wide effects.
2. You DO NOT need gold to play this game!!! Why do you think I don't have 1 million gold? Because I don't want it! I'd rather do missions and quests then farm. That's just me.
exactly my argument, thank you for agreeing with me.
like i said, i made a concious decision to start trading and going for gold items, and recongized the time it would take. instead of complaining "OMG I WANT THAT, BUT I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO PUT ANY THOUGHT INTO GETTING IT!" i told myself "yeah, its gunna take a while, but eventually, i'll have what i want."
3. YOU took a risk by investing time/effort into obtaining items that could go down in value. It's not like this is the first time in the history of Guild Wars some item was devalued. (HoD swords anyone?)
however, theres a difference between reintroducing +5 energy as an item modification, since that actually made a difference in item modifications...
tanking golds does nothing to improve someones battlefield effectiveness.
in fact, i'd even agree with runes and weapon upgrades being at a set, low cost form the traders...that would have at least some validity in making it possible for people of low means to aquire what they need.
but frankly, as you said yourself, noone needs gold. and furthermore, noone needs gold items...they just WANT them. they difference some people are only interested in themselves.
4. The game will go on, with or without Inscriptions. I think it's a great idea, but if it doesn't happen, I'm not going to rage quit! Why?!? Because I actually enjoy the GAME.
as i stated,
A: ill probably quit either way, since im moving into an apartment later this month.
B: if i quit because of inscriptions it would be not for its toll on my wealth (since i'd be giving away my items anyway), but for showing a complete disregard for the long-term health fo the game, at the cost of appeasing whiners.
5. There will be other things to farm / trade. You seem smart and energetic, I have faith you'll survive. So take your own advice: quit complaining, and start trading, cause I have a feeling change is coming, whether you like it or not.
A: im not complaining, i'm warning, plain and simple. the fact of the matter is very, very few people have even a basic grasp of economics...those who do, are generally not poor.
B: as stated, i already have enough to survive the rest fo the GW series, i have no need for trading anymore, nor would a market drop really effect me, especially since, i KNOW i could rise to the top again, that isnt an issue to me. like i said, ive since stopped caring, what i care about is that the experience could be tarnished for the people i know, and people who actually have a general sense of playing a game for the sake of playing the game (in its many forms)...not for the sake of getting stuff handed to you right off the bat.
C: the same people who complain "OMG IM SO POOR AND I DONT WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" are the same people who whine that they cant get into pve parties, they cant do pvp, complain that they should get elites from the start, that skills cost too much gold, etc, etc.
lazyness is an entire mentality, and not a mentality thats pleasant to game with in ANY aspect of guildwars.
6 months down the line do you REALLY want guildwars to be left with nothing but whiners? because as long as anet caters to their will, it will slowly drive away people who care.
Right... which is why you are against Inscriptions, because Anet doesn't know what it wants.
anet wants more money, and rightfully so.
they think (probably thruthfully) that inscriptions will (short-term at least) bring in more, new players.
however, the intelligent ones it succeeds in bringing in will beat the game fast, and look for other things to do, and with the inscriptions thing, that will kill a large part of the GW metagame.
so, they'll tire all that much faster, see that anet caters to whiners, and say "man, that game coulda been good, if only the company didnt listen to idiots." and neglect to get another chapter.
on the other hand, it will retain whiners so long as they give them what they want.
first its the UAS unlock, then inscriptions, whats next, spend an extra $10 when you sign up, and start at rank 12, with 100% mission completion?