Originally Posted by supaet
LOL, you can PLAY the game to get a FOW which costs 75k + 100 ectos and you cannot PLAY the game to get a 15^50 rare skin that costs 100+20 ectos? a certain area that drops ectos? sure. PLAY the certain area and get your ectos buddy. If that is so easy, people can just sell the ectos and get the gold they need for weapons. weapons are gold sink too
Did you read any of my posts in this thread at all? I'm guessing no. Because, if you did, you'd have read that my problem isn't 'working' to accomplish something in the game. I even suggested putting in crafters for vanity weapon skins, for god's sake.
There's a huge difference between buying FoW armor and paying exorbitant amounts of money to other players for vanity skins. Buying FoW armor helps the economy along. It removes resources from the game. Every FoW armor bought goes a little way to fighting inflation. If no resources ever left the game, there'd soon be more gold around than all existing accounts together could hold. People would put their gold in trader items, until each and everyone of them maxed out at 100k. That's why there are gold sinks: mechanisms to remove resources from the economy. Buying armor is a gold sink, buying keys or ale is a gold sink. Customizing weapons is a very subtle gold sink, removing 10 gold AND a weapon from the economy.
Paying another player gold and ectos for a weapon, that's not a gold sink.
There's nothing inherently wrong with player trading of course. There isn't even anything wrong at all with wealthy players passing ever-increasing amounts of gold around in an endless circle of self-congratulatory wankery. It just doesn't contribute to the real game, it's something those players made up themselves. That's why ANet can break it up any time they want, and only the people completely caught up in it will be hurt, and the people who care about what other people pay for their items.
The game won't be hurt, just the people who think e-wealth amounts to anything, and the people begrudging other people. These guys make up one part of the people against it. The rest of them are doomsayers who are clueless about game economics.
And by the way, aren't the doomsayers a funny lot? Half of them proclaim everything will be more expensive after these changes, and the other half insist that nothing will be worth mud anymore.
Here's my prediction:
"Things will change.
The economy will bounce back and run on another level.
The vast majority of players will shrug and play on.
The rest will find something else to bitch about."