Is anyone else worried about the new salvage options?
The guys arguing against the change totally crack me up. First they say it would be bad because then everyone would look the same (all go with crystallines, etc., although I disagree). Then they say you can just use a collector item, like 20/20 staffs (talk about all looking the same).
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Do crystallines cost more than FoW armor? If so, shouldn't it be reduced in price? Shouldn't FoW armor be the highest grind item in the game?
15k armor is perfectly priced. Casual players like me can get it even just playing for 500 hours, no farming, easily. I don't consider it "grind", because I'm just playing the game. |
2. A full set of 15K armor costs about 100K, when you include materials. A typical rare skinned weapon with perfect modifiers costs a very similar amount. How can 15K armor be "perfectly priced", while these rare skined items are "outrageously priced"? Seems like a very fine distinction you're drawing there.
To me, the argument is simple - if A-Net wants to make all variations of items accessible to all players, they need to be consistent. Make ALL vanity items, including 15K and FoW, accessible as well. Do the same with other expensive items, such as Black Dyes, Ectos/Shards, and the like.
Personally, I think it's a change that is bad for the game, although I will personally benefit from the change (as I carry a number of non-perfect rare skinned items that I can't wait to upgrade). I applauded the introduction of green items to give access of more varieties of items to players, but inscriptions, IMO, will basically shatter an entire aspect of the game for many players.
Originally Posted by DeathByAmor
Yes FoW armor most definitely should be the highest grind item in the game.
Two April Mornings
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Personally, I think it's a change that is bad for the game, although I will personally benefit from the change (as I carry a number of non-perfect rare skinned items that I can't wait to upgrade). I applauded the introduction of green items to give access of more varieties of items to players, but inscriptions, IMO, will basically shatter an entire aspect of the game for many players.
Fascinating debate.
Since we don't know the exact mechanics of "inscriptions", we can only guess at their affect on the game and its economy.
I am guessing that "elite" skins (with max damage) will be the items of greatest desire (and thus price). People will then add whatever characteristics fit their needs or wants.
There will still be hordes of people screaming in District 1 of the major cities; there will still be plenty of things being sold. It will be easier for "normal" folk to get a weapon with great stats, as long as they don't need one of the "elite" skins.
Prices on greens will continue to drop. I suspect many greens will end up on Heroes.
Life goes on, the game goes on, and those of us without our panties in a knot will continue having fun.
Since we don't know the exact mechanics of "inscriptions", we can only guess at their affect on the game and its economy.
I am guessing that "elite" skins (with max damage) will be the items of greatest desire (and thus price). People will then add whatever characteristics fit their needs or wants.
There will still be hordes of people screaming in District 1 of the major cities; there will still be plenty of things being sold. It will be easier for "normal" folk to get a weapon with great stats, as long as they don't need one of the "elite" skins.
Prices on greens will continue to drop. I suspect many greens will end up on Heroes.
Life goes on, the game goes on, and those of us without our panties in a knot will continue having fun.

lol why is everyone worried about crystallines ?
They arent going down in price, they are going up trust me.
Everyone will want to have a crystalline 15^50, But there arent many in this game, so yeah... Now people sell req 13 crystallines 11%stance for 100k+ 100 ectos , (example) When the 15^50 inscriptions come out, they will sell double that or triple ^^. Supply and Demand, everyone will want one.
Ofcourse with this, most people will be able to afford a zodiac or fellblade 15^50, but who cant already?
Pointless arguement...
They arent going down in price, they are going up trust me.
Everyone will want to have a crystalline 15^50, But there arent many in this game, so yeah... Now people sell req 13 crystallines 11%stance for 100k+ 100 ectos , (example) When the 15^50 inscriptions come out, they will sell double that or triple ^^. Supply and Demand, everyone will want one.
Ofcourse with this, most people will be able to afford a zodiac or fellblade 15^50, but who cant already?
Pointless arguement...
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
As stated many times in this thread, there are very few combinations of inherent modifiers that are not available either on a collector/crafter weapon or a green weapon. Any 99% of those are on CASTER items, which may not even be affected by this inscription update.
There is absolutely nothing about the current system that is about grind, which is completely unlike WoW. You can get a perfect item with perfect mods for insanely cheap, without one second of grind in GuildWars. Everything outside of that is vanity, pure and simple. |
I'll grant you, you can get perfect base weapons pretty easily, but perfectly modded weapons are a different story. Especially if you take your builds seriously, because you need a hell of a lot of weapons to make all of them work. And then there's shields... it took me over a year of playing to finally find a +29 life/+10 armor vs. piercing shield. Not perfect, and it has a skin that's common as muck, but items like that don't drop all that often, and they sure do affect gameplay.
It took me a hell of a long time to get all of my equipment. I could have done it a lot faster by farming a lot and trading, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to do that. I'm a social player; farming and trading are loner activities. I rarely play without at least a few guildies. Wouldn't you think a game called Guild Wars should be playable without having to indulge in loner activities? Skill over time played, where soon our equipment choice might become a matter of skill as well, instead of time played.
And I do agree that there needs to be a vanity reward for grinding. The solution is vanity weapon crafters. Create a few skins for each item type that'll never drop, costing the equivalent of FoW armor to craft, with perhaps one being really incredibly expensive. If people need stuff to obsess about, it's better to have it as a gold sink than economy unhinging drops.
Originally Posted by Two April Mornings
Exactly. I am against the change because it'll hurt the integrity of the game and becuase it devalues much of the time many people put into the game, being that some people play to collect certain weapons/gold.
Did these people you're talking about not enjoy themselves spending that time? Was it all about the reward? What an odd way to approach playing games.
Two April Mornings
^Personally I enjoy playing the game. As an officer in my guild I constantly help peopel through PVE missions and quests over and over, while trying to get my titles and rare weapons. I have definitely made many friends through Guild Wars. Some people though are lop sidded and care mostly about collection and money and less about the rest of the game, this is a very small minorty of the population. This inbalance is what is causing many to be upset. However, people like me who still want the rarity of perfect golds to remain the same (assuming that inscriptions added to godls will make them perfect with no consequences) are agaisnt inscriptions because it can destroy an enjoyable PART of the game, which by no means is the whole game, but which I can easily see going into a snwoball effect and causing many other aspects of the game to deteriorate.
i enjoyed my time in Guild Wars, but I just think that the PART of the time that I put into aquiring several items will be devalued. And in those cases, yes it was all about reward. When I help people, its all about playing a game with integrity and getting nothing out of it except respect and friends.
Final statement for a while, going away on vacation.
Keep on debating guys, this thread is surely not closed at this point for a reason =). Someone is watching...
i enjoyed my time in Guild Wars, but I just think that the PART of the time that I put into aquiring several items will be devalued. And in those cases, yes it was all about reward. When I help people, its all about playing a game with integrity and getting nothing out of it except respect and friends.
Final statement for a while, going away on vacation.
Keep on debating guys, this thread is surely not closed at this point for a reason =). Someone is watching...
oooh thats creepy, i better behave.. LOL ofcourse someone is watching, why do you think they make threads like this, its to let the big wolves know the small wolves opinions xD
Originally Posted by Gli
And as I stated before, the problem isn't about getting one perfect item with 2 perfect mods. To be competitive, you need several perfect items with a variety of perfect mods. My warrior has over a dozen weapons, some 15^50, some 15 in stance, etc. Some even have nice skins, and not all of them have an equivalent green. (Though factions added some variety in the greens, many combos are still unvailable.) Or would you have everyone run around with a single set of equipment that's perfect in one situation but completely mediocre in another?
I'll grant you, you can get perfect base weapons pretty easily, but perfectly modded weapons are a different story. Especially if you take your builds seriously, because you need a hell of a lot of weapons to make all of them work. |
2. With that being said, for a warrior almost EVERY combination of weapon will be available for a relatively cheap cost. Want a Vampiric 15>50 Sword of Defense? Buy/salvage the prefix and suffix for cheap and get yourself a collector's sword. BINGO, that variation is done. Want a Zealous 15 Stance Axe of Axe Mastery? Do the same and BINGO, that variation is done.
As you refer to above, you're talking about the playability of the item. The only impact that the inscriptions will have on warrior/ranger weapons is the skin - vanity, pure and simple. You simply cannot make an argument that says that inscriptions, at least for warrior/ranger weapons, impacts your gameplay at all.
3. Regarding Shields and Caster weapons, I think most of the talk has been pure speculation. I personally am a bit skeptical as to how this would be implemented, since both Shields and Caster weapons have DUAL modifiers...would you allow 2 inscriptions to be applied? Or would only the combo inscriptions be available.
For example, if I have a +45 enchanted -2 damage stance shield...will the inscription be for each one of those individually, or would they be a combo package?
If the answer is that only "combos" will be available, then this too will not impact your gameplay at all, as they would simply be transferrable for skin purposes only.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
As you refer to above, you're talking about the playability of the item. The only impact that the inscriptions will have on warrior/ranger weapons is the skin - vanity, pure and simple. You simply cannot make an argument that says that inscriptions, at least for warrior/ranger weapons, impacts your gameplay at all.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
As you refer to above, you're talking about the playability of the item. The only impact that the inscriptions will have on warrior/ranger weapons is the skin - vanity, pure and simple. You simply cannot make an argument that says that inscriptions, at least for warrior/ranger weapons, impacts your gameplay at all.
You guys waffle more than the waffle house. In one breath, you say it will take away variety cause people can put together weapons and will all want the same skin. In the next, you tell everyone to use the same collector skin that can't get the skin they want.
I for one don't WANT a crystalline. Keep it. Looks like crap to me, just like eternal shields. What we're talking about doesn't take ANYTHING away from you arguing against the change, other than you want to feel leet. People will continue to pick skins they like because that's what they LIKE and WANT. I feel sorry for you that only want something cause you think it's "rare". I have 6 chars, 4 with FoW armor. I could have FoW on the other 2, but don't like the looks of it. If I was one of you, I guess I'd craft it anyway to feel better about myself and dye it black, even though I didn't like it.
And BTW, I love the crafter idea. Super expensive material / money craftable weapon skins, available to all (like FoW), not dependent upon luck, and solves the problem of you guys complaining you'll have nothing to work for.
Unless I'm 100% right and it's all about lording something over no one else has.....that COULDN'T be it.....
Phoenix Ex
Originally Posted by sumrtym
And BTW, I love the crafter idea. Super expensive material / money craftable weapon skins, available to all (like FoW), not dependent upon luck, and solves the problem of you guys complaining you'll have nothing to work for.

Ohh, how I want a buyable plasma sword at fow price.
And maybe a money icon emote...just joking
Fred Kiwi
Originally Posted by Franco
lol why is everyone worried about crystallines ?
They arent going down in price, they are going up trust me. Everyone will want to have a crystalline 15^50, But there arent many in this game, so yeah... Now people sell req 13 crystallines 11%stance for 100k+ 100 ectos , (example) When the 15^50 inscriptions come out, they will sell double that or triple ^^. Supply and Demand, everyone will want one. Ofcourse with this, most people will be able to afford a zodiac or fellblade 15^50, but who cant already? Pointless arguement... |
eveyones overestimating the cystalline thing, prices are more likely to stabilise drastically and be around 100-400k as people sell and buy them, and the guru price check effect takes hold. prices are more likely to go down than up.
all other weapon prices will go up slightly in the mad dash for 1337ness
Originally Posted by Phoenix Ex
OMG someone actually liked my idea of adding merchant vanity weapons....

I have nothing against vanity items at all, but they should work with the game, not stand in the way of improvement.
how can the price triple when hardly anyone will be able to afford that? eveyones overestimating the cystalline thing, prices are more likely to stabilise drastically and be around 100-400k as people sell and buy them, and the guru price check effect takes hold. prices are more likely to go down than up. all other weapon prices will go up slightly in the mad dash for 1337ness |
lol 400k is nothing and its not a high price for a crystalline, some of them go over 1 -2 million easy.
here's an idea... instead of having vanity weaps at merchants why not just make the 15^50 and other inherent mods available at the eternal weaponsmith in FOW available for a fixed price of 15k, 15 ecto, 15 shards. That way there's a sufficient barrier to a total market crash and makes super high end items like crystallines somewhat more accessable.
Of course lesser mods like 15/-5 and 15/-10 should also be accessible there... say 15k+5e+5s for either of those 2
and maybe make 15 ench and 15 stance mods available for like 15k +1e +1s or 15k flat.
Also, make getting to weaponsmith a bit harder....
Of course lesser mods like 15/-5 and 15/-10 should also be accessible there... say 15k+5e+5s for either of those 2
and maybe make 15 ench and 15 stance mods available for like 15k +1e +1s or 15k flat.
Also, make getting to weaponsmith a bit harder....
Evls Pwn
Originally Posted by Mordakai
LOL! Why don't you go play another MMORPG that you want to play, then, and not try to force your wants and desires on us.
Geez, the hypocrisy is thick in here. First I'm told I don't have to farm in Guild Wars (which, at this point, if I want certain mods not available from the Collector or Crafter, I have to either Farm or Trade). Now I'm told, oh, you don't like farming? Play another game! Thank god Anet runs this game, and not you, because if you were making the decisions, I would have never even bought your WoW clone. |
oh and btw. Here's the lazyness. "I have to trade to get items I want" "I want them handed to me on a silver platter". I really wonder how people like you function in Rl.
Evls Pwn
^ Good idea tenryo.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
2. A full set of 15K armor costs about 100K, when you include materials. A typical rare skinned weapon with perfect modifiers costs a very similar amount. How can 15K armor be "perfectly priced", while these rare skined items are "outrageously priced"? Seems like a very fine distinction you're drawing there.
A 15K armor actually costs 15k per piece, in the sense that you cannot negotiate with the crafter to have a discount and pay let's say 10k
Which is the "cost" of a rare skinned weapon? Maybe 600g of the key, maybe nothing because you drop it just killing a monster, maybe ... the price written in the bottom line of the description:
Sundering Dwarven Axe of Fortitude
Dmg 6-28 req. 8
Armor penetration 20/20
Health +30
Value 357 gold <--
There's no predetermined cost for a rare skinned weapon, it's all left to the negotiations between players.
So a 15k armor can be considered well priced, it's not available the very first day you start to play GW but requires a certain effort, whereas a rare skinned weapon can be outrageously priced simply because you can sell for 1 million something that you get simply killing one single mob, or opening a chest using a 600g key.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
If GW is not supposed to be about "grind", why do you need an ultimate goal for grinding?
here's an idea... instead of having vanity weaps at merchants why not just make the 15^50 and other inherent mods available at the eternal weaponsmith in FOW available for a fixed price of 15k, 15 ecto, 15 shards. That way there's a sufficient barrier to a total market crash and makes super high end items like crystallines somewhat more accessable. |
as for people who pull the "GW is a non grind game" line.... I'd like to remind you that you can always get perfect items crafted for a measly 5k plus some iron and steel... or pay 5-50k for a perfect green with an acceptable looking skin. Want uber, prestige items? then you have to be "prestigious". try working for a change.
I really have no problem with inscriptions... the only problem I have is that they will be salvagable. I think they should be offered at weaponsmith at a flat fee... or, better yet, as I posted before, offered at the eternal weaponsmith.
Furthermore, it would be a nice addition if only customized weapons were inscribable
Furthermore, it would be a nice addition if only customized weapons were inscribable

What inscriptions will ultimately do is make players like myself, the casual maybe a couple hours a night, not every night, have a whole lot more fun. For example:
The other night I got a white max damage fellblade, no mods whatsoever. I now have visions of Koss running around with a white 15>50 fellblade with all the fixings, so to speak. Would I ever buy something like this for a hero? Hell no. I do cartwheels if I accidentally go over 50 Plat in storage.
>>> Hey cool! I just won a bike! <<<
OK, back. Just picked up a new bike.
Anyhow, folks like me that don't buy weapons (just seems silly...) will make out the best from this. I'll be able to equip my heros, for example, with top line items scavanged together plus the occassional green and will be quite happy for it. Couple things waiting for the mod table... a set of Golden Talons I got in a chest, a req 9 Platium Longbow, 15>50 already (another chest), a req 8 Grinning Longbow (not 15>50 yet...)... couple staves and the like... and none of it will cost me more than the cost of salvaging.
How does this cost anyone else gold? It doesn't. Where I was never a prospect to purchase anything from the high-end collectors, what I do in my private collection will have no effect on anyone else.
Until I sell excess 15>50 inscriptions for 5K, perhaps, for spending money. Or trade for keys. I like keys.
The other night I got a white max damage fellblade, no mods whatsoever. I now have visions of Koss running around with a white 15>50 fellblade with all the fixings, so to speak. Would I ever buy something like this for a hero? Hell no. I do cartwheels if I accidentally go over 50 Plat in storage.
>>> Hey cool! I just won a bike! <<<
OK, back. Just picked up a new bike.

Anyhow, folks like me that don't buy weapons (just seems silly...) will make out the best from this. I'll be able to equip my heros, for example, with top line items scavanged together plus the occassional green and will be quite happy for it. Couple things waiting for the mod table... a set of Golden Talons I got in a chest, a req 9 Platium Longbow, 15>50 already (another chest), a req 8 Grinning Longbow (not 15>50 yet...)... couple staves and the like... and none of it will cost me more than the cost of salvaging.
How does this cost anyone else gold? It doesn't. Where I was never a prospect to purchase anything from the high-end collectors, what I do in my private collection will have no effect on anyone else.
Until I sell excess 15>50 inscriptions for 5K, perhaps, for spending money. Or trade for keys. I like keys.
Originally Posted by tenryo
as for people who pull the "GW is a non grind game" line.... I'd like to remind you that you can always get perfect items crafted for a measly 5k plus some iron and steel... or pay 5-50k for a perfect green with an acceptable looking skin. Want uber, prestige items? then you have to be "prestigious". try working for a change.

Originally Posted by tenryo
I really have no problem with inscriptions... the only problem I have is that they will be salvagable. I think they should be offered at weaponsmith at a flat fee... or, better yet, as I posted before, offered at the eternal weaponsmith.
Furthermore, it would be a nice addition if only customized weapons were inscribable ![]() |
Originally Posted by Evls Pwn
you can't call it a MMORPG. |
Ghull Ka
Originally Posted by Evls Pwn
People play Gw in order to not have to pay subscriptions. It's that easy. If you say you think Gw is a better game than WoW straight-up, that's a bold faced lie. I would play WoW. I can't afford it. I'm just saying that if your gonna change Gw like this you can't call it a MMORPG. That's another bold faced lie.
oh and btw. Here's the lazyness. "I have to trade to get items I want" "I want them handed to me on a silver platter". I really wonder how people like you function in Rl. |
2. Me being upset about having to trade to get the items (read: mods) I want isn't "lazyness". I don't like dealing with trader-gamers. I don't like playing the "offer" game, and I don't like a bunch of megalomaniac jerks price-fixing and gouging me out of plat that I'd rather not spend time farming, just to get standard mods.
3. Get off your lazy ass an get a job, then you could afford WoW. I guess you just want your gaming experience handed to you on a silver platter, huh?
Phoenix Ex
I think ANET should just put mods at a merchant at a set price and just let it be. From crappy non-perfect mods at 500g to perfect 15>50 and other ones at 100k, perfect for gold sinking and let people be as anti-social as they wish.

the weaponsmith idea, is possibly even worse...
what that would do to the price of ecto...
while it would maintain (to a lesser degree) the value of golds, since i can almost guarantee by the time it's said and done inscriptions would be 500k+ each with this method, it would skyrocket the price of ecto, and simentaneously the price of FoW and make inscriptions something only the wealthy are accessible too, which seems like it would defeat their whole purpose to begin with. also, in relation to 100k+ecto trades, you'd find wealthy players buying up cheap, white, highly desireable skins from poorer players, remodding them with 15>50 stats, and selling to other rich players for insane profits, even further segregating the GW classes. it would be benificial almost exclusivly to the wealthy, and in the logn term would no nothign other than cause price deflation of the types of items the poor have, and price inflation of the items the rich have, and even further purge guildwar's middle class than what was done origionally by the onset of greens. short, a very bad idea from an economic standpoint.
the last thing i want to see is the guildwars economy go down the crapper, een if it would benifit myself and people i know.
so far, the best suggestion i've seen so far, is that inscripting a weapon would customize it, and change the item color.
if they made a green crystalline sword, i think you would find that the gold high-quality ones would retain their value...this would hold true if the inscriptions in some way changed the weapon itself (meanwhile people can stop their whining about not being able to get the skins they want).
because true collectors LIKE to put work into something rare&exclusive.
you can buy a violin from any music store for a few hundred bucks, or a coupple grand, depending on quality. they will play just fine, but, if you want a violin made by a 19th century luthier (string instrument maker), you're going to pay 50, 60, 100, 200, 300 thousand dollars, depending on that persons reputation and whom may have owned or played the instrument. it may look or play the same, but to the person who goes the extra mile, its a physical embodyment of their own dedication, and as such, they will never feel as if they've wasted a dime.
as for the new slew of "omg you just want to show off your elite stuff" arguments...
i owned an 8 15>50 crystalline for TWO MONTHS, before anyone knew i had it. im in a guild (4 guilds or so) with over 300 members, and im pretty sure less than 2 dozen of them have ANY inkling of my situation, except for the ones who frequent guru. most, have never even seen my characters other than for joining missions. so, to say every rich player is simply in this for the bragging rights, is plain false. ive never hidden my wealth, and ill show anyone my collections who asks (in a timely manner), but i hardly go out to random channels saying "OMG IM UBER LEET CUZ IM RICHER THAN YOU!" if anything, 9 times out of 10 when i see a braggart, its some guy in 15k armor with a green weapon or two whose getting on some new guys case for having droks armor...its in situations like this when ill display my wealth to the person and remind them that items have zero ability to determine the skill of the player, attitude, however, does (which is why i will NEVER party with people such as the aforemantioned).
what that would do to the price of ecto...
while it would maintain (to a lesser degree) the value of golds, since i can almost guarantee by the time it's said and done inscriptions would be 500k+ each with this method, it would skyrocket the price of ecto, and simentaneously the price of FoW and make inscriptions something only the wealthy are accessible too, which seems like it would defeat their whole purpose to begin with. also, in relation to 100k+ecto trades, you'd find wealthy players buying up cheap, white, highly desireable skins from poorer players, remodding them with 15>50 stats, and selling to other rich players for insane profits, even further segregating the GW classes. it would be benificial almost exclusivly to the wealthy, and in the logn term would no nothign other than cause price deflation of the types of items the poor have, and price inflation of the items the rich have, and even further purge guildwar's middle class than what was done origionally by the onset of greens. short, a very bad idea from an economic standpoint.
the last thing i want to see is the guildwars economy go down the crapper, een if it would benifit myself and people i know.
so far, the best suggestion i've seen so far, is that inscripting a weapon would customize it, and change the item color.
if they made a green crystalline sword, i think you would find that the gold high-quality ones would retain their value...this would hold true if the inscriptions in some way changed the weapon itself (meanwhile people can stop their whining about not being able to get the skins they want).
because true collectors LIKE to put work into something rare&exclusive.
you can buy a violin from any music store for a few hundred bucks, or a coupple grand, depending on quality. they will play just fine, but, if you want a violin made by a 19th century luthier (string instrument maker), you're going to pay 50, 60, 100, 200, 300 thousand dollars, depending on that persons reputation and whom may have owned or played the instrument. it may look or play the same, but to the person who goes the extra mile, its a physical embodyment of their own dedication, and as such, they will never feel as if they've wasted a dime.
as for the new slew of "omg you just want to show off your elite stuff" arguments...
i owned an 8 15>50 crystalline for TWO MONTHS, before anyone knew i had it. im in a guild (4 guilds or so) with over 300 members, and im pretty sure less than 2 dozen of them have ANY inkling of my situation, except for the ones who frequent guru. most, have never even seen my characters other than for joining missions. so, to say every rich player is simply in this for the bragging rights, is plain false. ive never hidden my wealth, and ill show anyone my collections who asks (in a timely manner), but i hardly go out to random channels saying "OMG IM UBER LEET CUZ IM RICHER THAN YOU!" if anything, 9 times out of 10 when i see a braggart, its some guy in 15k armor with a green weapon or two whose getting on some new guys case for having droks armor...its in situations like this when ill display my wealth to the person and remind them that items have zero ability to determine the skill of the player, attitude, however, does (which is why i will NEVER party with people such as the aforemantioned).
Originally Posted by Gli
Oh boy... how about you try to read the whole discussion for a change, before adding your 2 cents? Because everything you're posting here has already been addressed several times by several different people.
![]() |
It is doubtful that any color switching will occur for using an inscription. The whole purpose of the inscription system is to allow for greater weapon customizability. What purpose would text color switching serve?
Originally Posted by lord_shar
It is doubtful that any color switching will occur for using an inscription. The whole purpose of the inscription system is to allow for greater weapon customizability. What purpose would text color switching serve?
People like to feel their stuff is special. I honestly don't care, if having Inscriptions change the color of an item means the Traders will accept Inscriptions with less bitching, I'm all for it.
Originally Posted by tenryo
Read 51 pages of flames just for the gratification of posting one of my own? surely you jest :P
It's all over now though. Alas, poor thread, we hardly knew you.
Originally Posted by Mordakai
To satisfy those who somehow think that all Golds are better than Purples.
People like to feel their stuff is special. I honestly don't care, if having Inscriptions change the color of an item means the Traders will accept Inscriptions with less bitching, I'm all for it. |
In the end, the GW player base has no choice but to accept whatever Nightfall introduces, even if they don't purchase the product. Nothing short of a huge GW-sales drop will force ANET/PLAYNC to back-pedal on such production changes.
Originally Posted by Gli
You're forgetting one major point that PC gamer mentioned: salvaging without destroying the weapon and swapping inscriptions. I'm going to need far less weapons if I can swap upgrades and inscriptions among them. If my +3 vampiric/+7 vs. physical sword would be better with a stance bonus in a certain situation, I'll do a little swap and presto. Heck, I could do with just one or 2 nice skins and only keep some crappy weapons around as a 'hatstand' to keep the mods/inscriptions. Of course my game play would be impacted, I would have easy access to every possible weapon imaginable without having to spend tons of time trying to get them all.
Originally Posted by tenryo
Read 51 pages of flames just for the gratification of posting one of my own? surely you jest :P
On topic regarding opposing arguments...none of them hold water. The economy will be just fine, better for the majority of casual players. Don't like it? Don't buy nightfall. Let your voice be heard.
Originally Posted by Rok
Can't read or count. This is only the 50th page.