Originally Posted by Akhilleus
which goes to the heart of my point, the only stake i have in what inscriptions will do to the economy, is what it will do to the game itself, and the effect it will have on the future gaming experience of the people i know&care about.
You should explain better who are "the people i know&care about".
From you previous posts, I got the idea that you're speaking about a specific category of players, that is players who consider that the ultimate GW goal is collecting uber rare unique items, and work to reach this goal.
In my opinion and from my experience, this is a very little minority of the player base, and, opposite as many have said, they will not ensure the future of GW.
The future of GW is represented by the so called "casual" players and especially by new players.
For both, the new system will add something to enjoy more the game, that is the satisfaction of creating items with the skin and the stats they like, without the need to deal with the "100k+XXecto no noobz offerz" morons, but just "working" a reasonable amount of time to achieve a "small" result that for them is a big one and can encourage them to go on instead of being frustrated.
A class of collectors and traders for "100k+XXXectos" of rare unique items will not keep this game alive. They just play their own minigame inside the main game, thinking that their minigame is "the" game.
If someone really "cares about" the future of GW, the only thing he/she can do should be this: spend his/her time helping newcomers to enjoy the game.
An example, just something happened to me yesterday.
I was in Shing Jea with one of my mule characters (yes I have 4 of them, I contributed to A.net buying 2 extra slots for each account lol) by the storage, and an elementalist opened a trade window offering me a red dye, a purple katana, a vial of ink and another cheap item. I closed the trade window, then I saw him/her opening with another character, with no success again.
I pm the ele, and the dialog was:
"do you need money?"
"yes, I have a lot of things to do with it!"
"how much do you need?"
I felt really ashamed, I'm not a uber rich player but anyway I have 500k in my storage, 600g for me is nothing but I realize that for a newcomer represents at least an acceptable armor to begin the game. I gave him/her 3k and then I spent some time explaining to save gold for armors and how to acquire collectors weapons which are the best to play the game.
I hope I did something that helped a new player in the early stages of the game, but I'm aware that giving gold is nothing compared to give to other players the most important resource we have in game: our time, and possibly our experience.
I have a friend I usually play with, he's got 8 PvE character who have completed both Tyria and Cantha, all his chars have 1,5k armors, the only green and gold weapons he has are those he dropped in game, probably he has no more than 20k in his storage, anyway he is called all the time by guildmates and lots of other people who know him as a skilled and reliable player and want him for help in missions.
The same thing doesn't happen to me, because I play alone for a good part of the time, and since I want the gold 15^50 weapons with the skins I like (which are not the 1337 ones but the ones "I" like) I spend a lot of time farming greens or just farming gold.
The result is that I have 4x15k armors perfectly runed (and the other 4 chars with 1,5k also with sup vigors and I didn't buy the 15k simply because I didn't like the look) 5-6 "perfect" gold weapons over 100k, 500k in storage + several superior vigors for the future armors, but they call him and not me.
If I will be able to spend less time farming for equipment, and more playing the game together with other people and also with newcomers, my personal game experience will be furtherly improved.