Is anyone else worried about the new salvage options?
The economy is way screwed up compared to when guildwars prophesis came out. i remember when getting a gold req 12 15-31 (or whatever) hammer made people want to be hammer warriors. now, if it's not perfect, it's junk. and now that you can salvage 15>50 mods, 95% of any drops are gonna be junk and the others will sell for 2k.
pissin me off anet. pissin me off.
pissin me off anet. pissin me off.
Guys, look at what we have been using for our source of information. Now, I admittably have not read the magazine but I have seen this following quote from various sources and will therefore assume it is a valid quote from the magazine.
Quoted from PCGAMER...
GW's armor, weapons, and salvaging systems have also been tweaked in some important ways. "Inscriptions" will take the place of inherent bonus modifiers for weapons and can be transferred between most weapons or sold for quick cash. The armor system will be simplified to allow you to replace individual components (say, a breastplate) instead of purchasing a new set. Nightfall will also help crafters by allowing them to select which component they would like to salvage from a weapon, with the extra bonus of not having the rest of the weapon disintegrate after the process is complete.
Now, please look again at the the third sentence..
"The armor system will be simplified to allow you to replace individual components (say, a breastplate) instead of purchasing a new set."
How can we seriously get all up in arms about a statement in a magazine that also has this statement following? To the best of my knowledge this so called "simplification" has been in game since day one, and is by no means something new that is going to happen in Nightfall.
When i am confronted with such glaringly innacurate reporting such as this I am forced to conclude that the rest of the information contained within are also, either innacurate or not held to any reasonable standard that mainstream journalism has adopted.
In conclusion, I serious doubt that this new "inscription" feature will ever see the light of day. If you decide to start buying up high req. crappy skinned 15>50 weapons then please be aware of the old saying.......BUYER BEWARE.
Quoted from PCGAMER...

Now, please look again at the the third sentence..
"The armor system will be simplified to allow you to replace individual components (say, a breastplate) instead of purchasing a new set."
How can we seriously get all up in arms about a statement in a magazine that also has this statement following? To the best of my knowledge this so called "simplification" has been in game since day one, and is by no means something new that is going to happen in Nightfall.
When i am confronted with such glaringly innacurate reporting such as this I am forced to conclude that the rest of the information contained within are also, either innacurate or not held to any reasonable standard that mainstream journalism has adopted.
In conclusion, I serious doubt that this new "inscription" feature will ever see the light of day. If you decide to start buying up high req. crappy skinned 15>50 weapons then please be aware of the old saying.......BUYER BEWARE.

Originally Posted by manitoba1073
i hope ur not meaning me? no i am saying the drop in weapons prices would make everything else rise. and since by what ppl are hoping for that prices will drop on weapons will make everything else in game more expensive to get or longer for ppl to have to grind to get. as ive said before its gonna hit the whole GW economy.
and seeing it from an optimistic side is how i saw this happening. at first i was like bitching cool idea, still feel that way , but i also feel its being implented wrong. |
Originally Posted by sindex
First off you need to quote weapon mod’s, not weapons in general. Second of all you seem working up a storm stating now that these new cheap efficient weapon mod’s will make everything more expensive? Interesting if you think that people who buy cars today, buy cheaply made cars of junk (in mass production), compared to people who buy old classic 1950 corvettes; does the automobile industry take a hit from this? The answer should be no, because the simple fact their still in high demand. Will weapons mod’s simply flow away since they can be simply salvaged the best parts and drive prices sky rocket? The answer is also no, because the randomness of getting what you want in GW; as well as people will continue to buy at a normal rate. Sure it will affect it just a little when it starts out, but A-net will weed out any thing that comes close to an in-game economy crash. They’ve done it before and they will do it again if need be. Stop living in the 1930’s and feel the new millennium.
it wont just affect weapons and there mods.and it will hurt the newer ppl. no where have i said i was worried for myself. must be something right bout what im saying i have yet to see a single person who thinks im wrong to take me up on my offer earlier in this post, gee i wonder why.
gee doesnt really take a roket sciencetist to see no increase in supply with a increase in demand means. yes they are giving more options but not increasing the supply adequately. plzz read all my posts . anet done alot for there community far more than most companys have. and i have always been on there sides, but this worried me.
i think after 254 post its about half and half there just might be something here after all. theres some that are dismissing it right out. i mean besides the small delay thread its he most posted in the nightfall section. and if u go back through the posts ull see where to be concerned by some posts. it will be very bad when this hits.
now to put in perspective the last thing i disaggreed on and still dislike cause it removes real skill from PvP was when anet allowed everyone to see what the opponites where doing. but thats O.T. and maybe for another discussion.
In response to several posts along the lines of it's a game, not about making money etc:
For me farming, making money, trading and all that stuff is one of the things that is most fun for me about guild wars. Killing players and mobs is half the game, playing the market is the other. That's just because i find pretending im the guild wars equivalent of a wall st day trader to be highly enjoyable. It's like a whole game within a game.
I think a lot of people might feel similarly as well, so that's why i think a lot of people are so wrapped up in changes that would affect this part of the game for them, and why shouldn't they be if that's what's fun for them?
Anyhow i'm hoping one of the posters above me has nailed it when he says we shouldn't read too much into this article. It has so many inaccuracies I expect this may just be another one.
For me farming, making money, trading and all that stuff is one of the things that is most fun for me about guild wars. Killing players and mobs is half the game, playing the market is the other. That's just because i find pretending im the guild wars equivalent of a wall st day trader to be highly enjoyable. It's like a whole game within a game.
I think a lot of people might feel similarly as well, so that's why i think a lot of people are so wrapped up in changes that would affect this part of the game for them, and why shouldn't they be if that's what's fun for them?
Anyhow i'm hoping one of the posters above me has nailed it when he says we shouldn't read too much into this article. It has so many inaccuracies I expect this may just be another one.
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
i wasnt worried about myself. yes Anet has done it several times. and redone and redone and redone. i was more worried bout new players but since me a a very few actually have worried about the masses guess thats where our prob is. and ive been way past the 30's bro. and as far as comparing the game to real lets all be real u think ppl are gonna act any different in game compared to reality, i highly doubt it.
it wont just affect weapons and there mods.and it will hurt the newer ppl. no where have i said i was worried for myself. must be something right bout what im saying i have yet to see a single person who thinks im wrong to take me up on my offer earlier in this post, gee i wonder why. |
As far as the bolded text, not sure what earlier post you're talking about, but I certainly refuted your entire post where you give suggestions, unless you just so happen to skim over it. Otherwise, no clue what you're saying.
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
gee doesnt really take a roket sciencetist to see no increase in supply with a increase in demand means. yes they are giving more options but not increasing the supply adequately. plzz read all my posts . anet done alot for there community far more than most companys have. and i have always been on there sides, but this worried me.
Not to mention the inscriptions making now useless items useful. That severely increases the amount of useable items in the game, thus increasing supply, and thus lowering cost everywhere. Not sure what you're not getting about that part.
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
i think after 254 post its about half and half there just might be something here after all. theres some that are dismissing it right out. i mean besides the small delay thread its he most posted in the nightfall section. and if u go back through the posts ull see where to be concerned by some posts. it will be very bad when this hits.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Huh? Seriously I don't understand at all what you're talking about, please explain a little better.
yes its a great idea from an individuals point of view but from a collective wide view is a train wreck waiting to happen. and if u still dont think im right well ill buy all ur 15^50s weapons swords axes bows req 13 at 5k each req 12 at 6k each req 11 at 7k each. now i doubt any of u that thinks im wrong about this will take me up on it. i have close to 1 mill in storage of my accounts. so who will sell those to me. if u think prices are really gonna drop sell them to me and we'll post a confirmation of it here. basically im putting my 1 mill in storage im right. u guys up to it. thats as long as its as it was written to be as atats that the inherent or inscripitions mods will be salvageable. we really need like GG to get in on this and really clear this up. |
As far as the bolded text, not sure what earlier post you're talking about, but I certainly refuted your entire post where you give suggestions, unless you just so happen to skim over it. Otherwise, no clue what you're saying.
not quite sure where u refuted my entire post. u did aggree on last half
as far as the first part went if anet really wanted to fix the high prices that is what they would have done as u clearly showed how effective that weekend was, thank you for that
Not sure what you mean by 'not increasing the supply', either. Supply of what? Inscriptions? They're being added to the game, kind of a -duh- there. Weapon mods? Completely relative to how many mods people get, and the salvage options should surely increase supply. Weapon skins? It's a whole new chapter's worth of weapon skins being added. That's three total continents worth of unique weapon skins, rare and common, freakin everywhere. How is any of that not increasing supply of anything? Sounds like a crap-load to me.
Not to mention the inscriptions making now useless items useful. That severely increases the amount of useable items in the game, thus increasing supply, and thus lowering cost everywhere. Not sure what you're not getting about that part.
well ill try to explain a little better. sure u will have a few more notably items ppl want for there dervs and paras, maybe 3 or 4 other types. and as far as making useless items useable. i really dont count any item under req 10 as useless. and u wont see any item above that anymore for ppl to get cause noone will sell them anymore, they will instead remove the mods and dump to the merchant instead of selling them, and all anyone will see is the "rare items" (which i mean percieve as rare) or all the old so called useless will have moded will be all req 8-9's no more seeing things as req 8 +15% vs hexed for cheap as they will all be 15^50's. and if u wanted a req 10-13 15^50 well no more either cause they've all be salvage to be added to the under 8-9's going for lots more instead of picking those higher ups for under 20k.
hope that helps a little. sorry if sometimes my posts arent exactly legiable. i work second shift and play after i get home and try to post while playing
i do love playing this game hehe 3300+ hours on 2 accounts and still going strong
Eh, what can I say? People hate change. Not to mention most of these posts contain speculation because there's no official word, which is unsettling. I'm a bit concerned, but only because I want to know how it works, not because I fear change.[/QUOTE]
as far as speculation u did read the PC gamer magazine right? but yes we need real confirmation from gaile and ill say it again
think if i offer scooby snacks she come quicker

This will be a good change.
If it means, that this random casual player, who wants to join PvP with his PvE-Wammo has a better chance to get a perfect weapon with the skin of his choice it will be good for the game. If it means, that a monk can now equip shields with +10 AL vs piercing/+30, +10 AL vs. fire/+30 health and so on without spending several 100k it will be good for the game!
However, i also can understand the point of a certain group - "rich" people who like to trade, farm and spent money on vanity items. Someone would say GW is the wrong game for them, but heck, there are many of those people, so don't take the fun for them. I would introduce very very rare new skins - let them drop at the chance of 1:5000 of HoH-chests, let them be worth 10 million credits, i really don't care. But for people who care there would be still a reason to play their game in the game, as they like it so much this way. Make platinum colored weapons, shields with superunique skins, make superrare drops where you can craft superspecial armor (way more uncommon than FoW) and whatevernot, but don't let them gain a advantage with their equippment. And i really hope - iam sure many won't like it - they finally get rid of those 13%, 14% and 15% unconditional weapons while they are at it. They give a player a (for sure - a small) advantage in PvP - and should not exist in GW anymore. Especially not, of they can be salvaged from this non-max Axe and added to a max-damage Axe. You get the point.
So, cheap 15^50 weapon for everyone? Yes! And introduce other (super-)rare skins, give the people who want to spent their millions something to spent it on.
That's my point of view.
If it means, that this random casual player, who wants to join PvP with his PvE-Wammo has a better chance to get a perfect weapon with the skin of his choice it will be good for the game. If it means, that a monk can now equip shields with +10 AL vs piercing/+30, +10 AL vs. fire/+30 health and so on without spending several 100k it will be good for the game!
However, i also can understand the point of a certain group - "rich" people who like to trade, farm and spent money on vanity items. Someone would say GW is the wrong game for them, but heck, there are many of those people, so don't take the fun for them. I would introduce very very rare new skins - let them drop at the chance of 1:5000 of HoH-chests, let them be worth 10 million credits, i really don't care. But for people who care there would be still a reason to play their game in the game, as they like it so much this way. Make platinum colored weapons, shields with superunique skins, make superrare drops where you can craft superspecial armor (way more uncommon than FoW) and whatevernot, but don't let them gain a advantage with their equippment. And i really hope - iam sure many won't like it - they finally get rid of those 13%, 14% and 15% unconditional weapons while they are at it. They give a player a (for sure - a small) advantage in PvP - and should not exist in GW anymore. Especially not, of they can be salvaged from this non-max Axe and added to a max-damage Axe. You get the point.
So, cheap 15^50 weapon for everyone? Yes! And introduce other (super-)rare skins, give the people who want to spent their millions something to spent it on.
That's my point of view.
I think the #1 best thing about the inscriptions (if they work the way we assume), is the affect they'll have on previously un-alterable items. Wands, inhernet mods on staves, sheilds, off-hands, etc. This will open up a whole new market for those items that never existed before now. I think it's fantastic!
If you want a Staff with 20% cast Illusion, and 33% shorter Blindness, you can make it! You can't do that with a collector's item! Or say you want an off-hand with 10% faster spell recharge and +5 armor - now you can make it!
God I hope this is what the inscriptions can let us do...
If you want a Staff with 20% cast Illusion, and 33% shorter Blindness, you can make it! You can't do that with a collector's item! Or say you want an off-hand with 10% faster spell recharge and +5 armor - now you can make it!
God I hope this is what the inscriptions can let us do...
Originally Posted by miasma
Guys, look at what we have been using for our source of information. Now, I admittably have not read the magazine but I have seen this following quote from various sources and will therefore assume it is a valid quote from the magazine.
Quoted from PCGAMER... ![]() ![]() Now, please look again at the the third sentence.. "The armor system will be simplified to allow you to replace individual components (say, a breastplate) instead of purchasing a new set." How can we seriously get all up in arms about a statement in a magazine that also has this statement following? To the best of my knowledge this so called "simplification" has been in game since day one, and is by no means something new that is going to happen in Nightfall. When i am confronted with such glaringly innacurate reporting such as this I am forced to conclude that the rest of the information contained within are also, either innacurate or not held to any reasonable standard that mainstream journalism has adopted. In conclusion, I serious doubt that this new "inscription" feature will ever see the light of day. If you decide to start buying up high req. crappy skinned 15>50 weapons then please be aware of the old saying.......BUYER BEWARE. ![]() ![]() |
Either they failed to convey a new system (perhaps exchangeable Runes?), or it's not a new feature at all. Either way, bad journalism.
However, there are many other things PC gamer got right:
- Heroes, including details how they work.
- The different areas.
- The different Professions (although there was a bit of nonsense how Dervishes had blades on their cloaks - I didn't see any, but maybe 15k armor will?)
- Skill templates.
- New Assassin and Ritualist skills in Nightfall (no one believed this either)
That's all I can remember on the top of my head, but I'm sure there are others.
So, no, Inscriptions are far from being confirmed, but I personally have no doubt something like it will be in Nightfall, and perhaps something new for Armors as well.
after all PC Gamer did go to Anet headquarters to get this interview not just pull out a crystal ball.
As far as I know, "The armor system will be simplified to allow you to replace individual components (say, a breastplate) instead of purchasing a new set" is the only inaccurate quote.
If there are more, please let me know. I added "new Assassin and Ritualist skills" to my above list, no one believed that was true either...
If there are more, please let me know. I added "new Assassin and Ritualist skills" to my above list, no one believed that was true either...
Food for thought ...
Those of us that are already rich will be ... yes you guessed it RICH. We are NOT trying to protect our personal wealth but the life of the game. Any one of the super rich could tank ecto prices single handed and screw the economy. Yet we are arguing this will be bad for the game ... not for us. The casual short sighted players can't quite think beyond themselves. The rich don't need rare items anymore ... the ECONOMY does. If nothing has value how exactly do you intend to afford armor let alone FoW armor? Without the drops that can make you 30k or more how many months of grinding at 1k will it take the casual gamer or new gamer to get 15k armor or FoW? To those thinking the economy can be tweaked at this stage to help new people to the game you are wrong. Anet would like to close Pandora's box but guess what ... you can't.
Those of us that are already rich will be ... yes you guessed it RICH. We are NOT trying to protect our personal wealth but the life of the game. Any one of the super rich could tank ecto prices single handed and screw the economy. Yet we are arguing this will be bad for the game ... not for us. The casual short sighted players can't quite think beyond themselves. The rich don't need rare items anymore ... the ECONOMY does. If nothing has value how exactly do you intend to afford armor let alone FoW armor? Without the drops that can make you 30k or more how many months of grinding at 1k will it take the casual gamer or new gamer to get 15k armor or FoW? To those thinking the economy can be tweaked at this stage to help new people to the game you are wrong. Anet would like to close Pandora's box but guess what ... you can't.
Originally Posted by leprekan
Food for thought ...
Those of us that are already rich will be ... yes you guessed it RICH. We are NOT trying to protect our personal wealth but the life of the game. Any one of the super rich could tank ecto prices single handed and screw the economy. Yet we are arguing this will be bad for the game ... not for us. The casual short sighted players can't quite think beyond themselves. The rich don't need rare items anymore ... the ECONOMY does. If nothing has value how exactly do you intend to afford armor let alone FoW armor? Without the drops that can make you 30k or more how many months of grinding at 1k will it take the casual gamer or new gamer to get 15k armor or FoW? To those thinking the economy can be tweaked at this stage to help new people to the game you are wrong. Anet would like to close Pandora's box but guess what ... you can't. |
And actually, having to wait that long for my first 15k set made it that much sweeter.
FoW armor is beyond my reach. I've accepted that fact, I'm a casual player, and will never get it, even if weapon prices do remain the same.
Again, leprekan, you are playing a different game than I am. I do the quests, missions, unlock Elites, etc. I don't farm for Greens or Golds, don't Chest Run, I don't solo farm UW or FoW...
That's just me. And, honestly, I don't really care about rare skins. I DO care about perfect mods and inherent bonus modifiers, and if this makes it easier to get those, I'm happy.
This may sound like a stupid question, but is every inherent bonus modifier even currently available from a Collector or Crafter?
The alleged "economy" of Guild Wars was never intended to be. This is a game that caters to balance, not how uber you can make your character. The inscriptions salvage will cater to the heart and intent of the game.
It is, in a word, brilliant.
It is, in a word, brilliant.
Originally Posted by Mordakai
This may sound like a stupid question, but is every inherent bonus modifier even currently available from a Collector or Crafter?
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
If you look hard enough, as far as I know, yes.

Still, I wanted to make a few more points I missed earlier:
Originally Posted by leprekan
Food for thought ...
Any one of the super rich could tank ecto prices single handed and screw the economy. |
The very fact that items are over the 100k trade limit placed by Anet proves something is very, very wrong with the "economy."
Originally Posted by leprekan
The rich don't need rare items anymore ... the ECONOMY does.
Anyway, I'm now officially Neutral on this issue, as the more I think about it, the more I realize it won't really effect me.
Now, if only we could get transferable Runes for all those Heros...
Last warning: this is not the "who do I want to leave GW" thread, this is a thread about weapon inscriptions. So knock it off.
Any single modifier item is available from crafters or collectors, but you'll have a much harder time finding that specific dual-modifier item you want. Notably, shields and offhands with +10 versus a specific damage type aren't easily available. There's also no +15/-1e 20% inspiration recharge wand available.
Any single modifier item is available from crafters or collectors, but you'll have a much harder time finding that specific dual-modifier item you want. Notably, shields and offhands with +10 versus a specific damage type aren't easily available. There's also no +15/-1e 20% inspiration recharge wand available.
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Well, I guess they could sell all their ecto and "tank" the price, but how will that "screw" the economy? People won't be able to trade Ecto for Items anymore? They'd find something else.
I say it takes a variable of things to make the price of ecto plummet, but for every person selling ecto, there eventually will be someone buying it for FoW armor for the new characters while it's cheap, and it will never take too long for ecto to hit 7k again. (however it is worth noting that you would see many ectos being bought in the form of the price going back up, when they were 4500 I wouldn't be suprised if people with foresight and massive bank were stacking and stashing ecto for their rebound on prices.)
To maintain the topic of discourse, I don't think inscriptions will tank the economy the way people think it will, but you'd better believe people are trying to offload their perfect mod weapons before Nightfall hits the market, and people are starting to hold onto lesser weapons with rare skins in the hope of applying that perfect modifier.
Originally Posted by leprekan
Food for thought ...
Those of us that are already rich will be ... yes you guessed it RICH. We are NOT trying to protect our personal wealth but the life of the game. Any one of the super rich could tank ecto prices single handed and screw the economy. Yet we are arguing this will be bad for the game ... not for us. The casual short sighted players can't quite think beyond themselves. The rich don't need rare items anymore ... the ECONOMY does. If nothing has value how exactly do you intend to afford armor let alone FoW armor? Without the drops that can make you 30k or more how many months of grinding at 1k will it take the casual gamer or new gamer to get 15k armor or FoW? To those thinking the economy can be tweaked at this stage to help new people to the game you are wrong. Anet would like to close Pandora's box but guess what ... you can't. |
FoW and 15k armor are more geared towards the harder core player who will put in more then an hour or two every night or every few nights.
Casual gamers would profit from such a system as it would be easier for them to transfer a singular nice mod to another item that they may have. It will hurt the harder core gamer / farmer by making these more accessable.
Jeremy Untouchable
I have read all 14 pages here, very entertaining, thanks for leaveing this thread open saivo. Anyhow heres my 2 cents. I love the idea of changing insriptions.I can now have a perfect weapon tailor made for each area. A 20% wile hexed longsword of dwarfslaying for SF, A 15>50 summit axe req 8-10 in vamp, furious and one with +7 ele and the other with+7 phs....A longsword with +5 energy for running....Drop a +5 on my otherwise perfect customized fellblade on my monk. These changeing of mods will make me better suited for what ever zone i'm in. Maybe i will be able with just a few k make it so my warrior looks the same when i weapon swap? And just some background info....i'm not super rich, made it to 600k once, (400 plus hours in the hydras).right now i have less then 100k, and only one suit of 15k, plus pants on my monk. i have over 1300 hours in 12 months and havnt grown tired of this game yet, my most costly purchase weapon wise has been that req8 14%enchant fellblade......(60k)..most of my cash has gone to buying npc's, stuff for new players, guildhalls etc......or skills, spent 7k on skills yesterday.....Anyhow my point is, This is a wellcome change in the game and i will be glad to upgrade my allready customized stuff even more........
Thom Bangalter
I can't wait to get my ele a +5 energy fiery dragon sword.
if that ever came up, I will quit guildwars after nightfall, because:
a) collecting rare/expansive things is the one and only thing I'm actually do in prophecies+factions because playing their quests is boring as hell. No, I'm not playing pvp.
b) I loved playing the preview event. I want to put rare stuff on my heros, so I can show other players how cool I am ^^ (that's a part of pve, isn't it?) but if this "approvement" came up and everyone was using a crystalline 15^50 (which I DO NOT own atm) omfg that would be worst case ever. PVE-motivation = 0 (there are games with better quests)
c) why not let make us craft our own weapon at weapon trader?? :P
- chose a style
- chose a mod
- chose upgrades
- chose a name
hahahaha sorry that would be the worst thing they ever changed in the game (even worse than my "create a weapon" 'idea').
a) collecting rare/expansive things is the one and only thing I'm actually do in prophecies+factions because playing their quests is boring as hell. No, I'm not playing pvp.
b) I loved playing the preview event. I want to put rare stuff on my heros, so I can show other players how cool I am ^^ (that's a part of pve, isn't it?) but if this "approvement" came up and everyone was using a crystalline 15^50 (which I DO NOT own atm) omfg that would be worst case ever. PVE-motivation = 0 (there are games with better quests)
c) why not let make us craft our own weapon at weapon trader?? :P
- chose a style
- chose a mod
- chose upgrades
- chose a name
hahahaha sorry that would be the worst thing they ever changed in the game (even worse than my "create a weapon" 'idea').
Cybah: This is a serious question, and not meant to be a flame in any way:
If you don't like PvP, or the Missions, or Quests...
what do you do once you get all your cool equipment? I mean, what's the point of "show[ing] other players how cool I am" if you don't ever do anything with them?
(oh, and I promise, if I ever get a 15 above 50 crystalline, I won't use it, just for you...)
If you don't like PvP, or the Missions, or Quests...
what do you do once you get all your cool equipment? I mean, what's the point of "show[ing] other players how cool I am" if you don't ever do anything with them?
(oh, and I promise, if I ever get a 15 above 50 crystalline, I won't use it, just for you...)
that's a thing that will never happen (since I'm no ebayer). for this reason I'm still motivated as hell. but that will stop immediately after this change.
Actually I think this new method of salvaging inherent mods may actually make fow more attainable for the average players. If perfect weapons can no longer command the huge 100k + ecto prices then maybe people won't horde ectos and the price of them will lower to something reasonable thus making fow armor more affordable.
As for uber-rich players being able to 'tank the price of ectos' and 'ruin the economy' I would ask 'who's economy?' I don't really care about fow armor so I don't keep ectos. I sell them. I keep around 500k in storage at any one time and have no need to store more. Seems like the only 'economy' that would be ruined is the false one created by those selling perfect rare-skinned weapons and it looks like the days of that are numbered in any case.
As for uber-rich players being able to 'tank the price of ectos' and 'ruin the economy' I would ask 'who's economy?' I don't really care about fow armor so I don't keep ectos. I sell them. I keep around 500k in storage at any one time and have no need to store more. Seems like the only 'economy' that would be ruined is the false one created by those selling perfect rare-skinned weapons and it looks like the days of that are numbered in any case.
Originally Posted by Cybah
that's a thing that will never happen (since I'm no ebayer). for this reason I'm still motivated as hell. but that will stop immediately after this change.
Man, you make no sense... that's the only reason you play this game, huh? I feel sorry for you. Again, I'm not flaming, I just think it's sad that you think a particular weapon skin is the best thing about Guild Wars... and you can't even show it off in town.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Mordakai
What would never happen? Getting a Crystalline?
Man, you make no sense... that's the only reason you play this game, huh? I feel sorry for you. Again, I'm not flaming, I just think it's sad that you think a particular weapon skin is the best thing about Guild Wars... and you can't even show it off in town. |
People dont just buy the game to only PVP or only do Missions and Quests all the time. Some people just hang out in Grotto. Others are obsessed with collecting armor sets and making their chars look nice. Collecting items was never a bannable offense so I dont see why people are hating on something which is not even a bannable offense or prevents people playing Guild Wars properly.
And yeah, you are flaming as you are insulting how someone decides to spend their time playing Guild Wars when there is nothing unethical, illegal or bannable about it. Maybe I feel sorry for people who only quest and do missions. Maybe I feel sorry for people who think the Guild Wars storyline is so compelling that they can play it daily and never get bored. This isnt a thread on which is the "right" way to play Guild Wars.
Ive virtually quit Guild Wars so whether it happens or not is not important. By the time Nightfall is out I wont be playing it at all and whether I have lost millions of gold wont matter. I do however feel sorry for people playing Guild Wars when it (if it) does happen.
Originally Posted by Savio
Any single modifier item is available from crafters or collectors, but you'll have a much harder time finding that specific dual-modifier item you want. Notably, shields and offhands with +10 versus a specific damage type aren't easily available. There's also no +15/-1e 20% inspiration recharge wand available.
Not only are these mods impossible with current collectors, but the inscriptions will allow casters to actually pick and choose the skins with the inherent mods.
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
first off lets start this by saying its not about a single person lossing there fortunes. its more along the lines of possible GW wide implications.
this thread has a lot of rational, friendly debate, and its fair share of idiocy as well; lets please not tank the whole thing on the part of the latter.
that having been said, many people are resorting to attacks on the opposing side, and i'd like to see an end of it.
A: not all poor players support inscriptions
B: not all rich players are against inscriptions
this is not a battle between the rich&the poor, its sad that so few people see this. what it is, is what possible repercussions this could have on the guild-wars economy, and the game itself, including the playerbase aftermath of such an update.
i do not take issue with the rich or the poor, i take issue with people who have an opinion on this matter, on either side of the line, whose sole intentions is their own well-being.
many of the poorer players couldnt care less about the inscriptions effect on their own wealth, as they care more about the people who play and the general PvE content, some of which, because of this some of them inscriptions as a way of freeing the poor from the clutches of the rich.
a valid opinion? yes. a correct one? maybee.
many of the richer players couldnt care less about their own wealth being effected by the inscriptions (in fact MOST of the wealthy players i know in-game have long since stopped caring about their personal wealth), and instead care about the effects such a thing will have on their friends and guildies, because of this some of them see inscriptions as a way of tanking any future value of replayability in the game.
a valid opinion? yes. a correct one? maybee.
my point is both arguments have their merrit, so lets try and keep this within the realms of common sense, reason, and intillectual debate.
because frankly, im sick of everyone saying "the poor are all imbicils" and "the rich are all greedy bastards." because in neither case is it true for everyone on either side.
alot of elite pvers and pvper(rank9+ and in top 10 guilds) are also decent traders. again it is ppl's intelligency makes them rich not their items or money. you take all akh's money and items away from him and he can still make them back in no time
< right? akh
> the new salvage kit will just shorten the game lifespan. people will stop playing sooner than ch1 and ch2.. which is bad for everybody. imao. you are not doing good in trading you are not doing good in pve and pvp... cuz you dont obtain the same lvl of intelligency as the top pver and pvpers. and you dont have to spend alot of time in trade to make yoruself rich. alot of pvpers and pvers dont.

I like rare stuff.
So Im not thrilled about being able to rip a 15^50 off things. Finding that extra rare item will lose its lust to me. Ill just get a blue max dmg weapon, rip a 15^50 off something else, buy one of the hundereds of +30HP pommels out there (since you can choose the mod, whose going to rip 33% longer bleeding) and I have my item in a day max.
I hope you cant rip the mods off collector items. Or they remove collectors completley cept for the armor guys.
On the other side of the fence :
If every weapon mod drops in price, the skins will rise I believe. Making certain skins drop very very very rarely will keep a high price market (which you need in my opinion, gold sinks are good in RPGs and not just armors) and farmers happy. Popular skins will retain some value as well but not as much. So instead of hitting 1 million in 1 month (for dedicated player) it might take 1 month and 2 weeks.
You cant salvage the req either
so that blue req 7 max dmg sephis axe is looking mighty nice right about now. The color cant be salvaged either, and if factions was an indication, color still matters to the high money elite and those who care about appearance. (eg : req 8 14^50 dual gothic axe purple for 10k, gold for 80k)
Wonder what the cost of 15^50 mods will be. They arent that easy to find now, so Im willing to bet they will be in the 10s of thousands of gold (10k-90k). So maybe the 100e+ market will decline somewhat, as long as things do not become totally worthless then its okay by me. Worthless stuff noone cares about, less interest in game will mean less people play it, less people to play with.
It makes me slighlty pissed off that I spent a tremendous amount of money and time to get something others will get for a fraction of time/cost. But thats unimportant to a community ^^
As for the "innaccurate" comment in PC Magazine :
It sounds like the cool armor someone submitted a long time ago will finally see the light of day. Some ghostly armor set that got infused with the properties, and possibly look of other armors you bought and was able to change to them (in town only). If someone has the link somewhere, go ahead and throw it up.
*The armor system will be simplified to allow you to replace individual components (say, a breastplate) instead of purchasing a new set*
They went 1 step ahead in factions from prophecies and had 1 skin of armor be possible to have all the stats from the different ones (instead of the grotto glads set and the ascalon set you can now have 15k kurzick but it can be whatever stats you want, grotto glads look platemail stats ftw). But you still had to buy each set and keep each piece in your inventory
And that took a lot of space for those with 2+ sets. Sounds to me like it might be a on the fly switch. You buy the skin, not the stats, and can freely choose to change the stats to which set you need for the moment. I hope Im right ^^ More inventory space without actually increasing it ftw.
So Im not thrilled about being able to rip a 15^50 off things. Finding that extra rare item will lose its lust to me. Ill just get a blue max dmg weapon, rip a 15^50 off something else, buy one of the hundereds of +30HP pommels out there (since you can choose the mod, whose going to rip 33% longer bleeding) and I have my item in a day max.
I hope you cant rip the mods off collector items. Or they remove collectors completley cept for the armor guys.
On the other side of the fence :
If every weapon mod drops in price, the skins will rise I believe. Making certain skins drop very very very rarely will keep a high price market (which you need in my opinion, gold sinks are good in RPGs and not just armors) and farmers happy. Popular skins will retain some value as well but not as much. So instead of hitting 1 million in 1 month (for dedicated player) it might take 1 month and 2 weeks.
You cant salvage the req either

Wonder what the cost of 15^50 mods will be. They arent that easy to find now, so Im willing to bet they will be in the 10s of thousands of gold (10k-90k). So maybe the 100e+ market will decline somewhat, as long as things do not become totally worthless then its okay by me. Worthless stuff noone cares about, less interest in game will mean less people play it, less people to play with.
It makes me slighlty pissed off that I spent a tremendous amount of money and time to get something others will get for a fraction of time/cost. But thats unimportant to a community ^^
As for the "innaccurate" comment in PC Magazine :
It sounds like the cool armor someone submitted a long time ago will finally see the light of day. Some ghostly armor set that got infused with the properties, and possibly look of other armors you bought and was able to change to them (in town only). If someone has the link somewhere, go ahead and throw it up.
*The armor system will be simplified to allow you to replace individual components (say, a breastplate) instead of purchasing a new set*
They went 1 step ahead in factions from prophecies and had 1 skin of armor be possible to have all the stats from the different ones (instead of the grotto glads set and the ascalon set you can now have 15k kurzick but it can be whatever stats you want, grotto glads look platemail stats ftw). But you still had to buy each set and keep each piece in your inventory

The rich will stay rich. With or without these new salvaged inscriptions I will learn to cope and find new ways to continue to build my millions. Hardcore players will find another way to make their money reasonably fast. Besides, if they can't they probably weren't hardcore to begin with.
Been playing GW for 11 months now and through out all the nerfs farmers STILL managed to make money. Evolve and adapt.
As for the poorer players out there. The new salvaging system gives them the ability to obtain weapons they once couldn't even imagine ever owning.
Been playing GW for 11 months now and through out all the nerfs farmers STILL managed to make money. Evolve and adapt.
As for the poorer players out there. The new salvaging system gives them the ability to obtain weapons they once couldn't even imagine ever owning.
being able to salvage 15^50 and other weapon damage/energy bonuses is just stupid. I can probably get a req 5 fellblade with max stat (unfair for pvp only char). All I need to do is find a fellblade with max damage, craft/trade with npcs for a 15^50 salvage it add to the blade find 2 other mod done.
Jas D
People selling whites? Why? You know how EASY it is to get a white item that's max damage?
No need for greens or collector items? Why? It would be cheaper to just buy those instead of buying perfect weapon mods.
I don't get what you're trying to say..
The only thing I can figure is that gold items will go down a bit in price, because they will be easier to craft "perfect" weapons.
No need for greens or collector items? Why? It would be cheaper to just buy those instead of buying perfect weapon mods.
I don't get what you're trying to say..
The only thing I can figure is that gold items will go down a bit in price, because they will be easier to craft "perfect" weapons.
Ok, I'll respond to the people that responded to my post. Those that agreed and sighted examples in other games, thank you. Those that disagreed and backed up their arguments with past examples...well, there aren't any of those.
Point #1 - The people that have played other games already see what will happen. There will no longer be elite items anymore. Players that play games to suceed and have the best of the best will leave, plain and simple. The replier that posted the comment about middle class/poor class was also exactly right. There will no longer be any distinction in class whatsoever (cough* communism *cough*). With this gone, there will be little reason for people to attempt to attain any items. For those that argue that there are many players that don't care about farming or elite items, you are partially correct. Your faulty reasoning lies in the fact that #1, these are NOT the people that keep games alive, and #2 that those people are actually honest about not caring about elite items, etc. I think that most DO actually care.
Point #2a - To those that claim that "inherent mods will boost the economy." Get real, please. Ok, read that post that was like 4 after mine. The person complains that currently, you could have 2 items #1 - Req9 chaos axe with +18% while hexed, and #2 Req13 generic axe, non max that had a 15>50 inherent mod and consequently have 2 worthless items. That person then claims that after the update, you will be able to combinde them into 1 valuable item. Well, if nothing changed in the economy, you could have a 50K+ item. The problem is that the economy WILL change drastically to affect this. Not MIGHT, not COULD, it WILL. A 15>50 Chaos axe will have almost no worth after the update. Anyone could spend 1 hour in FoW and get a max chaos axe, and anyone with a brain could find/farm a 15>50 axe in 1-2 hours of trying, or maybe 2 weeks of passive looking. Suddenly a 200K+ item is worth 20k.
Point #2b - Continuing on the "value" that these 15>50 mods will have. Just like every single thing in any economy, this will follow supply and demand. Yes, for 1 day (or maybe 12 hours), people will demand 200K for 15>50 mods, and people wanting to perfectly mod crystalline swords and dwarven axes, once those few people are satisfied, demand will drop greatly, and supply will only continue to rise. Prices will drop, and probably stop somewhere in the 20k-50k range for swords/axes.
Point #3 - To those that claim this is "capitalistic progress" and will be good. Ok, I ask you to think, just think about 2 things. #1 - You assume that progress is automatically good, and fall into a dangerous trap (does the phrase "change is good" come to mind?). This is not always the case. Casepoint, Hitler's Germany. He took a country that was in economic and psychological distress, build it back up, and they progressed into a war superpower. This was progress that lead to millions of deaths and ultimately ruined Germany's economy and many others in Europe. #2 - You incorrectly refer to this as capitalism. This is the exact opposite of capitalism. This is roughly equivalent to a government coming out and telling everyone that the minimum wage is now $1,000/hour and capping wages at $1,000/hour. There's no incentive to work harder or exceed because everyone is given what everyone else has. Keep in mind that "farming" is part of capitalism. People work 80, 90, 100 hours to achieve things and afford nice things that they ironically have no time to enjoy. Nothing wrong with this, welcome to capitalism 101.
I'll try to break this down into how this update and neutering of the economy will affect each economic class in Guild Wars (exactly what happens in any economic system, real world or not).
Poor - For a short time they will love this update and enjoy the game. However, it will be shortlived. All of a sudden, they get all the weapons they've already wanted, but #1 - There's no sense of satisfaction at all; they did nothing to deserve what they got, and #2 - As with any person, they look at how to move up, but there will be place to move up to and they will grow bored over time.
Middle Class - They get elite items, yes, but they also see noobs and people that put no effort or thought into the game getting the same items. Nothing is left to strive for, they beat the game and grow bored very quickly.
Upper Class - They get nothing from the update. As a matter of fact, they get screwed. Again, outside of the pure joy of the grind (sarcasm intended) of beating the same game over and over for no real reason, there's nothing left at all. They may not even buy Nightfall, and will immediately lose interest and ignore later chapters.
Arenanet, you did an awesome job developing the game from the original Prophecies, to the Sorrow's Furnace patch, through to Factions. You gave us newer items to strive for, harder areas to complete to get rare skins, and gave people an incentive to suceed. Now that will be gone, and many of us will be missing certain elemens of the game that we enjoy. Thanks for everything, but please make this economic change one of the many things you promised or alluded to but forget to put into practice.
Point #1 - The people that have played other games already see what will happen. There will no longer be elite items anymore. Players that play games to suceed and have the best of the best will leave, plain and simple. The replier that posted the comment about middle class/poor class was also exactly right. There will no longer be any distinction in class whatsoever (cough* communism *cough*). With this gone, there will be little reason for people to attempt to attain any items. For those that argue that there are many players that don't care about farming or elite items, you are partially correct. Your faulty reasoning lies in the fact that #1, these are NOT the people that keep games alive, and #2 that those people are actually honest about not caring about elite items, etc. I think that most DO actually care.
Point #2a - To those that claim that "inherent mods will boost the economy." Get real, please. Ok, read that post that was like 4 after mine. The person complains that currently, you could have 2 items #1 - Req9 chaos axe with +18% while hexed, and #2 Req13 generic axe, non max that had a 15>50 inherent mod and consequently have 2 worthless items. That person then claims that after the update, you will be able to combinde them into 1 valuable item. Well, if nothing changed in the economy, you could have a 50K+ item. The problem is that the economy WILL change drastically to affect this. Not MIGHT, not COULD, it WILL. A 15>50 Chaos axe will have almost no worth after the update. Anyone could spend 1 hour in FoW and get a max chaos axe, and anyone with a brain could find/farm a 15>50 axe in 1-2 hours of trying, or maybe 2 weeks of passive looking. Suddenly a 200K+ item is worth 20k.
Point #2b - Continuing on the "value" that these 15>50 mods will have. Just like every single thing in any economy, this will follow supply and demand. Yes, for 1 day (or maybe 12 hours), people will demand 200K for 15>50 mods, and people wanting to perfectly mod crystalline swords and dwarven axes, once those few people are satisfied, demand will drop greatly, and supply will only continue to rise. Prices will drop, and probably stop somewhere in the 20k-50k range for swords/axes.
Point #3 - To those that claim this is "capitalistic progress" and will be good. Ok, I ask you to think, just think about 2 things. #1 - You assume that progress is automatically good, and fall into a dangerous trap (does the phrase "change is good" come to mind?). This is not always the case. Casepoint, Hitler's Germany. He took a country that was in economic and psychological distress, build it back up, and they progressed into a war superpower. This was progress that lead to millions of deaths and ultimately ruined Germany's economy and many others in Europe. #2 - You incorrectly refer to this as capitalism. This is the exact opposite of capitalism. This is roughly equivalent to a government coming out and telling everyone that the minimum wage is now $1,000/hour and capping wages at $1,000/hour. There's no incentive to work harder or exceed because everyone is given what everyone else has. Keep in mind that "farming" is part of capitalism. People work 80, 90, 100 hours to achieve things and afford nice things that they ironically have no time to enjoy. Nothing wrong with this, welcome to capitalism 101.
I'll try to break this down into how this update and neutering of the economy will affect each economic class in Guild Wars (exactly what happens in any economic system, real world or not).
Poor - For a short time they will love this update and enjoy the game. However, it will be shortlived. All of a sudden, they get all the weapons they've already wanted, but #1 - There's no sense of satisfaction at all; they did nothing to deserve what they got, and #2 - As with any person, they look at how to move up, but there will be place to move up to and they will grow bored over time.
Middle Class - They get elite items, yes, but they also see noobs and people that put no effort or thought into the game getting the same items. Nothing is left to strive for, they beat the game and grow bored very quickly.
Upper Class - They get nothing from the update. As a matter of fact, they get screwed. Again, outside of the pure joy of the grind (sarcasm intended) of beating the same game over and over for no real reason, there's nothing left at all. They may not even buy Nightfall, and will immediately lose interest and ignore later chapters.
Arenanet, you did an awesome job developing the game from the original Prophecies, to the Sorrow's Furnace patch, through to Factions. You gave us newer items to strive for, harder areas to complete to get rare skins, and gave people an incentive to suceed. Now that will be gone, and many of us will be missing certain elemens of the game that we enjoy. Thanks for everything, but please make this economic change one of the many things you promised or alluded to but forget to put into practice.
I believe everyone is assuming too much...
I also fear the loss of the main reason I continue to play the chapters long after I've completed them with all my characters: the ultra rare items.
I also believe what A-net is trying to do is bring the prices of items into more reasonable range: for example: crystalline swords going for 20-30 mil.
I also believe A-net is money making business and they are probably well aware what a major loss (profit-wise) they would realize if the worst some here have imagined comes to pass.
We don't know the exact details of the inscriptions, how they work and what limitations they have. We aren't even sure they will be in NF at all.
However, if A-net were to impose a few restrictions/problems with inscriptions, it would probably solve alot of the possible issues: how about inscriptions require the item to be gold (not white,blue or purple), how about using an inscription on an item has a chance to destroy the item (would you try to mod a gold crystalline?)
Seeing as this is all conjecture at this point, there really is no reason to cry wolf, (remember: 'greens will destroy the economy'?). Voicing concerns in a constructive manner, i can agree with whole-heartedly.
So far A-net hasn't seriously disappointed me, (although the face changes kinda put a kink in that, it was fixed, for the most part). I'm just gonna sit back and wait, and try to sell as many +5, 15^50 inscriptions as a can.
I also fear the loss of the main reason I continue to play the chapters long after I've completed them with all my characters: the ultra rare items.
I also believe what A-net is trying to do is bring the prices of items into more reasonable range: for example: crystalline swords going for 20-30 mil.
I also believe A-net is money making business and they are probably well aware what a major loss (profit-wise) they would realize if the worst some here have imagined comes to pass.
We don't know the exact details of the inscriptions, how they work and what limitations they have. We aren't even sure they will be in NF at all.
However, if A-net were to impose a few restrictions/problems with inscriptions, it would probably solve alot of the possible issues: how about inscriptions require the item to be gold (not white,blue or purple), how about using an inscription on an item has a chance to destroy the item (would you try to mod a gold crystalline?)
Seeing as this is all conjecture at this point, there really is no reason to cry wolf, (remember: 'greens will destroy the economy'?). Voicing concerns in a constructive manner, i can agree with whole-heartedly.
So far A-net hasn't seriously disappointed me, (although the face changes kinda put a kink in that, it was fixed, for the most part). I'm just gonna sit back and wait, and try to sell as many +5, 15^50 inscriptions as a can.
Originally Posted by SirErnieMacGloop
I also believe what A-net is trying to do is bring the prices of items into more reasonable range: for example: crystalline swords going for 20-30 mil.
that bid went down the toilette when the person selling the sword was scammed, and i, in turn, was scammed using the sword (since i was not warned). because of this, i lost just over 1,300 ecto and 2 other items of mine (for a total value of appx 15million)..
as an added consequence, since this particular event (and it is probably the most well-known scam in guildwars history), noone in the right mind would pay over 100k+1,750 ecto for a crystalline...its just too risky, and assuming ecto at a generous 8k/ea, thats an even 14million gold.
...but take it from me, its easier to afford an 8 15>50 crystalline, than it is to find one legitimatly being sold. MOST have been used to scam people.
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
The alleged "economy" of Guild Wars was never intended to be. This is a game that caters to balance, not how uber you can make your character. The inscriptions salvage will cater to the heart and intent of the game.
It is, in a word, brilliant. |
[QUOTE=Akhilleus]please, lets keep this on topic.
this thread has a lot of rational, friendly debate, and its fair share of idiocy as well; lets please not tank the whole thing on the part of the latter.
u do realize i was the one that started the thread and was trying to keeo that part u mentioned on track, but thnaxs for reminding others though,

Originally Posted by Savio
Any single modifier item is available from crafters or collectors, but you'll have a much harder time finding that specific dual-modifier item you want. Notably, shields and offhands with +10 versus a specific damage type aren't easily available. There's also no +15/-1e 20% inspiration recharge wand available.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
That's simply not true. The +10 armor versus specific damage types are not just 'not easily available', they're simply not available at all. Same goes for those same mods on off-hands, as well. Nor are +armor while health is ^ or v 50%. I'm sure there are others, like staves with 33% shorter poison duration, etc.
Not only are these mods impossible with current collectors, but the inscriptions will allow casters to actually pick and choose the skins with the inherent mods. |