Originally Posted by Tommy
well it is the late area  so i assumed that you have what it takes to get there  ? btw you shouldn't be using hencheis and heroes in the late area imao, go find someone good to play with ya  as for most ppl why dont you think of this? your warrior run into mobs, dealign damage, while your water ele and cripple ranger stop the mobs from getting closed to your group, your warrior use bull's charge to knock them down. your assin run in and cast ward against foes to slwo them down, and mesner use hex to slow them down too.. this change will make the pve more challenge  the AI seems more like human for me, it is like if you see somebody trying to kill you and your teammates, you will probably run to call for reinforcement<aggro another even bigger group of mobs>, what we can do is cripple them so they can't run away.
I assume you quoted the wrong person, I never mentioned any of the above. I was refering to general AI improvements as a whole. Not only towards end game nor in turning the entire game into a single PvP match.
Also, why should players be forced to PuG in the later areas of the game. I would love to know why we are using and equiping the heroes throughout the entire campaign only to not be able to use them because the AI for them is sub-par vs the mob AI. That's something that needs fixing by Anet, not worked around by players.
Running for reinforcements is dead on, and something I am currently loving... when done by human AI. Creature AI should not have that knowledge to "run" for, rather a "howl" or other sound related call for help would make the creature act like a creature.
The AI needs to be made "real". All the devs need do is look at nature. Creatures rule and survive by strength. When they lack the strength, they use numbers. Humans rule by strength of mind and the tools we use. Put a man in an arena with a lion without a tool (weapon) and he's a lion snack. Put that same man with a shield and spear and he now has a fighting chance against that lion.
Put that man against another man armed or not, the out come will be messured in both skill and strength.
Apply that simple structure to the game world (PvE game world) and we can start to have a winner.
Lastly, before anyone mis-understands me. I am for making the PvE more difficult, far more difficult. I believe however the way to go about this is a far move away from PvPish balanced group build ups. Making creatures more self reliant (as mentioned above with a few examples), and human AI act and react correctly and less scripted - as in the second the AI sees a monk, they bee-line for it, completely leaving their own back line exposed.
The AI needs to be damage and threat aware. The fact that they now do not flee an AoE that does no damage is a step in the right direction.. when it was working. The fact that the mob monks flee when attacked is a step in the right direction as well, but it should understand it's surroundings and not run away, rather attempt to run you into it's warriors or other front line tanks. That should be simple battle tactics that the human AI should know, and should be tougher and improved the further into the game we go.
As for hero and hench AI. They shoud always be a step above the mob AI. Always. They are "heroes" after all, not less than common criminals or nameless grunts on the field.