Vote on PvP access control over PvE areas.
Phaern Majes
Vote: Yes
omg 12 chars...
omg 12 chars...
Originally Posted by Suxipo
it can be changed so that only those who have defeated Lich and completed all titan quests will be able to enter FOW/UW.

Bryant Again
Originally Posted by wsmcasey
Oh god please no! Ascending should be enough. I shouldnt have to complete the entire game, then do all the titan quests on top of that.
![]() |
Nevermind, that'd be a pain in the ass.
I guess the OP'll update the tally when they get home?
In most of the other MMO's on the market currently, you deal with an open world PVP setting, where the PVE is directly integrated with the PVP. Having PVP effect your ability to get into FoW/UW is just ANet's way of integrating the two since everything is instanced. Essentially, they are conforming to a standard set in other MMO's in their own way. It's like a little nudge to remind you that there is PVP over and above PVE, and Guild Wars was always intended to be about the PVP.
Bryant Again
I dunno...When I read that Guild Wars box, I only read about two sentances related to PvP. And I also thought Guild Wars' intention was to balance the two, the 'two' being PvP and PvE?
Finally, a thread where I can post my argument on the favor system... sit back in your chairs and grab popcorn cause here I go...
I believe there are 2 main problems with the entire favor of the gods system that is in Heroes Ascent that effects the elite missions in PvE(Fissure of Woe/Underworld). The very first problem is that the international district exists, the second problem being that the incentive is misplaced, and by incentive I mean the reason why people try to hold halls and the outcomes of it.
The international district is the biggest problem HA has at the moment, in any given time of the day there are at least twice as many international districts compared to Euro districts or Amer districts combined. Why is that? Why would people go to international districts instead of their own servers to gain favor? The number one most obvious reason is that the average core pvp'er infact does not care. So still the question remains... why go there? Well there are 2 reasons, primarily the better players go there, from each continent making a "powerful pug" team more effective beyond belief. The second reason is that this shares a district where people in international guilds can work together.
The consequences though of the majority of players is beyond belief. With the international districts the "International King of the Hill" is destroyed. If no one cares and the favor system is perhaps a "rigged dice roll" then why let it affect the other aspect of the game? PvE. Why was this not a problem in the earlier stages of GW when prophecies was released? Because the game was new to all continents and HA wasn't as abused but looked upon as something great.
My main solution to the favor system would be to eliminate the international district, then it would encourage players of their own servers to play with each other and gain favor legitamently during prime hours of play.
My second point is probably the most obvious, if you are holding halls you do not care to go to FoW immediately. There has never been a point in time where I was in HoH and cared to immediately go to FoW, why? Because the biggest profit in this game is HoH, cigils fluctuate and can be compared IMO to ectoplasm, and just the glorious chance of picking up a crystaline sword is worth more then any adventure PvE can offer. Not only that your incentive is also to get your guild name/account name shown with a little "pride".
Everything you fight for in HA, is the exact opposite reason people go to FoW or UW. Why is there this link? Well, I think Anet placed it there to make PvE and PvP get along, but since PvP just moved to getting better and not caring. Then PvE getting angry from skill nerfs and America not caring that Europe has favor approx 16/24 hours(this past week on average) the line between PvE and PvP is already hell let loose.
This is a huge problem I have focused on leading my guild in order to show people the balance between the two, I love my guild and we work together just fine. The fact of the matter is just that you cannot change the entire mode of HA PvP with a single point of view. Heroe's Ascent is in the way, but its not being used right. Either take out the international districts or take out the favor system directly and reward the players holding HA with less money.
I believe there are 2 main problems with the entire favor of the gods system that is in Heroes Ascent that effects the elite missions in PvE(Fissure of Woe/Underworld). The very first problem is that the international district exists, the second problem being that the incentive is misplaced, and by incentive I mean the reason why people try to hold halls and the outcomes of it.
The international district is the biggest problem HA has at the moment, in any given time of the day there are at least twice as many international districts compared to Euro districts or Amer districts combined. Why is that? Why would people go to international districts instead of their own servers to gain favor? The number one most obvious reason is that the average core pvp'er infact does not care. So still the question remains... why go there? Well there are 2 reasons, primarily the better players go there, from each continent making a "powerful pug" team more effective beyond belief. The second reason is that this shares a district where people in international guilds can work together.
The consequences though of the majority of players is beyond belief. With the international districts the "International King of the Hill" is destroyed. If no one cares and the favor system is perhaps a "rigged dice roll" then why let it affect the other aspect of the game? PvE. Why was this not a problem in the earlier stages of GW when prophecies was released? Because the game was new to all continents and HA wasn't as abused but looked upon as something great.
My main solution to the favor system would be to eliminate the international district, then it would encourage players of their own servers to play with each other and gain favor legitamently during prime hours of play.
My second point is probably the most obvious, if you are holding halls you do not care to go to FoW immediately. There has never been a point in time where I was in HoH and cared to immediately go to FoW, why? Because the biggest profit in this game is HoH, cigils fluctuate and can be compared IMO to ectoplasm, and just the glorious chance of picking up a crystaline sword is worth more then any adventure PvE can offer. Not only that your incentive is also to get your guild name/account name shown with a little "pride".
Everything you fight for in HA, is the exact opposite reason people go to FoW or UW. Why is there this link? Well, I think Anet placed it there to make PvE and PvP get along, but since PvP just moved to getting better and not caring. Then PvE getting angry from skill nerfs and America not caring that Europe has favor approx 16/24 hours(this past week on average) the line between PvE and PvP is already hell let loose.
This is a huge problem I have focused on leading my guild in order to show people the balance between the two, I love my guild and we work together just fine. The fact of the matter is just that you cannot change the entire mode of HA PvP with a single point of view. Heroe's Ascent is in the way, but its not being used right. Either take out the international districts or take out the favor system directly and reward the players holding HA with less money.
I am not sure if I understood your question but if you are asking whether or not should PvP control access to the UW and FoW.I would vote Yes on this as I would like to why I am doing all of this and for the lore of the game.What do the Hoh really represent sure our heros go there when they all die but why fight over it? What is the favour really about?
I know most hate waiting for Favour but there are other things you can do like help others with missions etc.That is why it is broad casted wherever you are.
I know most hate waiting for Favour but there are other things you can do like help others with missions etc.That is why it is broad casted wherever you are.
I would say that PvP should have 0 effect on what happens in PvE. It is retarded that people that want access to the underworld, or Elite missions in Factions have to depend on the sucking (or not sucking) of players that they have nothing to do with!
Step back and imagine the freaking whine factory that would be created if they turned the tables on PvPers. Something to the nature, of having to complete PvE content BEFORE gaining access to arenas....
Holy F#$% would that raise hell.
But as any Guild Wars player knows, this game gets perverted to the whim of the biggest whiners.......that being the PvP folks.
I would say that PvP should have 0 effect on what happens in PvE. It is retarded that people that want access to the underworld, or Elite missions in Factions have to depend on the sucking (or not sucking) of players that they have nothing to do with!
Step back and imagine the freaking whine factory that would be created if they turned the tables on PvPers. Something to the nature, of having to complete PvE content BEFORE gaining access to arenas....
Holy F#$% would that raise hell.
But as any Guild Wars player knows, this game gets perverted to the whim of the biggest whiners.......that being the PvP folks.
Originally Posted by Prometheus8703
In most of the other MMO's on the market currently, you deal with an open world PVP setting, where the PVE is directly integrated with the PVP. Having PVP effect your ability to get into FoW/UW is just ANet's way of integrating the two since everything is instanced. Essentially, they are conforming to a standard set in other MMO's in their own way. It's like a little nudge to remind you that there is PVP over and above PVE, and Guild Wars was always intended to be about the PVP.
Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
Actually, that's completely false. I don't know where this all got started, but it certainly did not get started with anyone who was involved with alpha testing over a prolonged time period pre-release..
The game was *always* intended and designed as both a PvE and PvP experience. This was communicated in the earliest announcements about the game and continued as the goal throughout development. While there were phases of development where one or the other was focussed on, none of the assertions you present in your post are accurate. |
Can we say ecto market crash? I will not give a dirrect answer because well, I am looking at it from both sides - I say noish only IF some other way can be made to preserve the economy - in the end I think allowing them to be too easily accessable to all at all times would cause pve to become lame and its precious items to become worthless. No I do not own FoW armor, or a max gold fellblade or any of the new DoA shinies... Do I want to? yes some day but being that they are so hard to obtain only makes me continue to play towards a goal, whether it is to earn them myself or earn the gold in which to buy them...
so yesish?
so yesish?
I vote: eliminate any control one has over the other.
Examples to gain access:
Must be Lvl 20;
Must be ascended (in place);
Must have DEFEATED Glint;
This one suggestion will require some exploration - a chest in each area (or a mission in each area) containing an item that the gods guarding the access point will ask for to gain access. (7 items total) Each item is customized for each character to prevent farming and selling these items. Once given, that character has access at anytime.
Examples to gain access:
Must be Lvl 20;
Must be ascended (in place);
Must have DEFEATED Glint;
This one suggestion will require some exploration - a chest in each area (or a mission in each area) containing an item that the gods guarding the access point will ask for to gain access. (7 items total) Each item is customized for each character to prevent farming and selling these items. Once given, that character has access at anytime.
Originally Posted by Perkunas
I vote: eliminate any control one has over the other.
Examples to gain access: Must be Lvl 20; Must be ascended (in place); Must have DEFEATED Glint; This one suggestion will require some exploration - a chest in each area (or a mission in each area) containing an item that the gods guarding the access point will ask for to gain access. (7 items total) Each item is customized for each character to prevent farming and selling these items. Once given, that character has access at anytime. |
Originally Posted by Perkunas
I vote: eliminate any control one has over the other.
Examples to gain access: Must be Lvl 20; Must be ascended (in place); Must have DEFEATED Glint; This one suggestion will require some exploration - a chest in each area (or a mission in each area) containing an item that the gods guarding the access point will ask for to gain access. (7 items total) Each item is customized for each character to prevent farming and selling these items. Once given, that character has access at anytime. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Eviance
Can we say ecto market crash? I will not give a dirrect answer because well, I am looking at it from both sides - I say noish only IF some other way can be made to preserve the economy - in the end I think allowing them to be too easily accessable to all at all times would cause pve to become lame and its precious items to become worthless. No I do not own FoW armor, or a max gold fellblade or any of the new DoA shinies... Do I want to? yes some day but being that they are so hard to obtain only makes me continue to play towards a goal, whether it is to earn them myself or earn the gold in which to buy them...
so yesish? *shrugs* |
I vote no.
For those of us who play PvE almost exclusively, PvP controls are very frustrating. In addition, I'd also like to say that I don't like how skill balances are almost always done with PvP in mind with little apparent thought to PvE. Nerfs might be necessary when playing against lvl 20 humans, but against lvl 28 and 30 AIs they can be very damaging.
For those of us who play PvE almost exclusively, PvP controls are very frustrating. In addition, I'd also like to say that I don't like how skill balances are almost always done with PvP in mind with little apparent thought to PvE. Nerfs might be necessary when playing against lvl 20 humans, but against lvl 28 and 30 AIs they can be very damaging.
Smile Like Umean It
The fact that PVP can restrict access to ANY PVE area yet it's not vice versa should tell you something is wrong.
Until the same can be said about PVE, PVP shouldn't have that control either.
The fact of the matter is is that rarely you will find someone who thinks PVP and PVE are complete equals, so even if this game was designed to do both it's clearly not working and hasn't been for a long time, if ever. It needs to be rethought.
Personally, I think you should have to do something in PVE to get access to things like UW/FoW and doing something in PVP, like getting favor, should grant you something there. It doesn't restrict you from doing one or the other or both and it doesn't penalize you for not doing the other/both.
My answer is No btw.
Until the same can be said about PVE, PVP shouldn't have that control either.
The fact of the matter is is that rarely you will find someone who thinks PVP and PVE are complete equals, so even if this game was designed to do both it's clearly not working and hasn't been for a long time, if ever. It needs to be rethought.
Personally, I think you should have to do something in PVE to get access to things like UW/FoW and doing something in PVP, like getting favor, should grant you something there. It doesn't restrict you from doing one or the other or both and it doesn't penalize you for not doing the other/both.
My answer is No btw.
Pandora's box
I vote: No.
Access to FoW or Uw, as well as getting blessings at shrines, should be earned by doing repeatable PvE quests and/or by 'normal' PvE quests giving rewards like coins that can buy you those privelages.
Access to FoW or Uw, as well as getting blessings at shrines, should be earned by doing repeatable PvE quests and/or by 'normal' PvE quests giving rewards like coins that can buy you those privelages.
Hell Raiser
I have already posted my opinion here, I would just like to say that a few people (Lyra, from earlier pages, mostly.) are not seeing that majority of people DO NOT share their same opinion, they can't see beyond what they like to do. You like PvE+PvP, great, but why restrict PvE only people access to a PVE area until someone from your region wins in PvP.
People who do Hardcore HA and hold halls don't give a $h17 that they are getting favor for their region, they want the Fame/Faction/Gold (as I said before). PvP and PvE should be unlinked or PvE should have control over some part of PvP. In my experience, PvE areas are alot more active than PvP (american Servers, not sure about others). For example, wasn't there between 100 and 200 districts during Wintersday in LA/Kamadan? How many districts were in HA when they were testing things like Map changes, Skill Balances, and Party formation sizes? I know there were nowhere near that many (Please don't flame me on this, I'm not trying to say that PvP'ers are 'Tehsuxors' or anything, I am simply explaining something I viewed.)
Some people prefer PvP, some prefer PvE, it is a matter of Choice. I despise Hardcore PvP, simply because I've had bad experiences with Elitists, Hardcore PvP'ers, and reqs. Combine these things with things I haven't mentioned and it takes the fun out of it for me. PvE is much better because Heros don't call me a Nublet because I only have a deer, PUGs and PvE guilds generally (In my experience) are nice to people, there are no insane reqs to join some PvE guilds or PUGs or even Guild Groups doing a mission. People in PvE have fun, because (outside of DoA) you don't have to stand around looking for a group for a mission.
The other thing I really dislike is how The HoH chest is the ONLY place for a Gold Crystalline (Yeah, this could be used for PvP). Hardcore Pvp'ers who hold Halls daily get tons of Fame, Gold, and Faction, do you think they care that they have favor for their Region? No. The other thing someone said here is those Regions like Japan and Taiwan, I've seen Taiwan with favor ONCE and they did not hold it long. I'm sure most people in these regions haven't even seen FoW/UW. As for Ecto Prices dropping... People already farm 24/7, many Botters/Hardcore Farmers have Accounts in several regions so they can farm 24/7 no problem.
People who do Hardcore HA and hold halls don't give a $h17 that they are getting favor for their region, they want the Fame/Faction/Gold (as I said before). PvP and PvE should be unlinked or PvE should have control over some part of PvP. In my experience, PvE areas are alot more active than PvP (american Servers, not sure about others). For example, wasn't there between 100 and 200 districts during Wintersday in LA/Kamadan? How many districts were in HA when they were testing things like Map changes, Skill Balances, and Party formation sizes? I know there were nowhere near that many (Please don't flame me on this, I'm not trying to say that PvP'ers are 'Tehsuxors' or anything, I am simply explaining something I viewed.)
Some people prefer PvP, some prefer PvE, it is a matter of Choice. I despise Hardcore PvP, simply because I've had bad experiences with Elitists, Hardcore PvP'ers, and reqs. Combine these things with things I haven't mentioned and it takes the fun out of it for me. PvE is much better because Heros don't call me a Nublet because I only have a deer, PUGs and PvE guilds generally (In my experience) are nice to people, there are no insane reqs to join some PvE guilds or PUGs or even Guild Groups doing a mission. People in PvE have fun, because (outside of DoA) you don't have to stand around looking for a group for a mission.
The other thing I really dislike is how The HoH chest is the ONLY place for a Gold Crystalline (Yeah, this could be used for PvP). Hardcore Pvp'ers who hold Halls daily get tons of Fame, Gold, and Faction, do you think they care that they have favor for their Region? No. The other thing someone said here is those Regions like Japan and Taiwan, I've seen Taiwan with favor ONCE and they did not hold it long. I'm sure most people in these regions haven't even seen FoW/UW. As for Ecto Prices dropping... People already farm 24/7, many Botters/Hardcore Farmers have Accounts in several regions so they can farm 24/7 no problem.
Tari Laisi
I cant beleive we put PvP players that want nothing to do with PvE in charge of getting into PvE aeras. Why should PvE players have to rely on a PvP player to get into an elite aera. I can't figure out ANET's was thinking when they came up with that.
Thank you for your time.
Tari Lasi
Thank you for your time.
Tari Lasi
Retribution X
I vote no.
Sure, I've won HoH once or twice, But I absolutly LOATHE 6vs6.
And, you expect me, a PvE player to go and spend 4-5 hours to go to the UW/FoW for 4 hours?
That's 8 hours. I'm a CASUAL gamer. I do have a life, and usually I can't sit in front of a computer for 8 hours.
Sure, I've won HoH once or twice, But I absolutly LOATHE 6vs6.
And, you expect me, a PvE player to go and spend 4-5 hours to go to the UW/FoW for 4 hours?
That's 8 hours. I'm a CASUAL gamer. I do have a life, and usually I can't sit in front of a computer for 8 hours.
My vote is for no and always has been, regardless of who has favor.
Favor is good idea on paper or whiteboards. In the real world of GWars current environment, it doesn't work out.
This is coming from someone that has an account in Europe and Americas.
Favor is good idea on paper or whiteboards. In the real world of GWars current environment, it doesn't work out.
This is coming from someone that has an account in Europe and Americas.
My vote is no.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Balthazar Faction has been introduced, the J menu, you can purchase entire skill unlocks instead of getting the PvE content in the game and JUST buy the PvP component of the game. Nearly every single advantage that a creating a PvE toon to PvP with has been done away with.
However PvE areas are limited by a factor determined by PvP influence. It doesn't make any sense why this system is still in effect except maybe for the lore issue. Well, to hell with the lore; let players in both worlds play the freaking game how they want. Just do something so the enjoyable endgame PvE content can be enjoyed at any hour of the day without some PvP crutch holding that back. If I could get five other players at any given hour of the day to just up and win halls (then hold) so I could FoW, odds are I wouldn't be PvEing now would I? |
I think they need to do away with the favor system and let people play.. Yeah the favor system was nice when the first guild wars came out but now that we are 2 chapters into it let the people play when they want
Curse You
Vote: No
Here is a complete way of making it fair:
Remove the requirement of having favour to access UW and FoW
Keep the 1k cost at all times (the gods need that money, for some reason...)
Keep favour's effect on Statues in explorable areas
Make it so that the Statues in the Temples always act as though the region has favour. The reasoning; it is a holy place and the gods have specially blessed the statues in each temple.
Make it so that if the region does not have favour, a person seeking to enter UW or FoW must first defeat the corresponding god's "Elite team" (similar to fighting the Zaishen before doing HoH). This way, it can help prevent farmers from entering UW or FoW at any time, since the "Elite team" would contain a set-up similar to the Zaishen (necros with Rend Enchantments).
However, if the region does have favour, you wouldn't have to fight the "Elite team" and so all farmers would be able to get in easily.
In this way, you can maintain some of HoH's control over Uw and FoW (and thus sticking to the WaW lore), but make it more fair for PvE only players.
Here is a complete way of making it fair:
Remove the requirement of having favour to access UW and FoW
Keep the 1k cost at all times (the gods need that money, for some reason...)
Keep favour's effect on Statues in explorable areas
Make it so that the Statues in the Temples always act as though the region has favour. The reasoning; it is a holy place and the gods have specially blessed the statues in each temple.
Make it so that if the region does not have favour, a person seeking to enter UW or FoW must first defeat the corresponding god's "Elite team" (similar to fighting the Zaishen before doing HoH). This way, it can help prevent farmers from entering UW or FoW at any time, since the "Elite team" would contain a set-up similar to the Zaishen (necros with Rend Enchantments).
However, if the region does have favour, you wouldn't have to fight the "Elite team" and so all farmers would be able to get in easily.
In this way, you can maintain some of HoH's control over Uw and FoW (and thus sticking to the WaW lore), but make it more fair for PvE only players.
The reason I vote no is because out of all the guys i know that do hero's ascent about 75% have changed there territory to europe. Because they say its easier to find groups there. But if they fixed it to where your territory reflected your actual location I would vote yes
I don't care for pvp I am more for pve I don't like the system they have in effect for granting access to the underworld or fow, I haven't seen america have favor when I am logged on and I am can't stay up till the wee hours of the morning for it to happen as I am a working woman and have to be to work early in the morning and sometimes don't get home to late at night.
I don't feel right killing another player for favor. My vote is NO!!
I don't feel right killing another player for favor. My vote is NO!!

My vote is NO. Favour is by all means a novel concept, and yet it shouldn't have impact on PvE, or if so, should not cut you off completely from the UW/FoW.
I live in North America. So why am I on european servers ANET? Because clearly they have favour 75% of the time, and I don't want to have to play at 2AM just to go to the UW/FoW. Some of us do have other things to do with our free time, however difficult that is to believe.
I live in North America. So why am I on european servers ANET? Because clearly they have favour 75% of the time, and I don't want to have to play at 2AM just to go to the UW/FoW. Some of us do have other things to do with our free time, however difficult that is to believe.
Omega X
My Vote is NO also.
There should be a PvE way to handle those areas.
There should be a PvE way to handle those areas.
Dragon of Mist
I don't see a button to click to say ("NO") so I will make my comment.
I say NO.
Through the day I play the quests and mission because There is no access to FOW or UW. I have to wait till around 6:00PM or so, and then play through the wee hours. It would be nice to be able to enjoy those areas with out being exhausted or sleep deprived, as well as players leaving in the middle of the night because they have school or work and can't finish do to the late hour.
We would have access anytime.
I say ("NO")
Thank You for your time and attention.
I say NO.
Through the day I play the quests and mission because There is no access to FOW or UW. I have to wait till around 6:00PM or so, and then play through the wee hours. It would be nice to be able to enjoy those areas with out being exhausted or sleep deprived, as well as players leaving in the middle of the night because they have school or work and can't finish do to the late hour.
We would have access anytime.
I say ("NO")
Thank You for your time and attention.
Originally Posted by Age
You don't need to defeat Glint you just need to beat Dragon's Lair to get to don't even need to do that all you need is to beat your doppleganger.
By 'defeating' Glint, you will show you have "The Right Stuff". The looking for chests, makes it PvE centered, whether the chests are in a mission or along a trail during a quest. The chests will/should give items based on the chapter you are playing and accessing from.
Go ahead and critique away. They are there for that reason.
hell no
it burns me that they still refuse to address this (among other things)
it burns me that they still refuse to address this (among other things)
Answer is a big NO on pvp controlling pve areas but their is the rest of this rant as well:
I agree the system should change and this is not just because being in america server rarely have favor but this is for the other servers aswell. The people that have the money to buy things for outrageous prices and ask for those prices aswell are those that either started the game when it first came out and made tons of money or they get to go to UW all day long. Theirs alot of servers out their playing guild wars and ussualy its only america and europe who ever have favor and the others are left out. I do not think it should reflect UW and FoW anymore but theirs another complaint about PvP itself.
Their are things out their in the game that people want but can only obtain through HoH which they cannot participate in because only ranked groups are wanted. WIthout rank you can not get anywhere in HA let alone get to HoH and get a chance at the chest with HoH only items. Its a ridiculous system that prevents ussualy pve'rs and those that just start playing guild wars from having any fun in PvP let alone get anything desirable or worth money. That and the people that get these items sell them for outragest amounts of money that the pvers (I atleast) cant imagine having let alone paying it all for one single item. The system is just screwy and changes the game from being fun to being ridiculous and making alot of people very mad with it. It needs to change somehow. Cause its just not working for the poor ones that want things they can never imagine getting.
That and the game is not about luck, because I dont get anything i want from chests or drops when i see other people getting them multiple times when i dont. Its not luck, its always the same people getting the good stuff that they ussualy just want to sell while those who just want to use the items cant even obtain them because they dont have the kind of money to buy it, means to get to it, or the "luck" of it dropping for them. Well theirs my rant.
I agree the system should change and this is not just because being in america server rarely have favor but this is for the other servers aswell. The people that have the money to buy things for outrageous prices and ask for those prices aswell are those that either started the game when it first came out and made tons of money or they get to go to UW all day long. Theirs alot of servers out their playing guild wars and ussualy its only america and europe who ever have favor and the others are left out. I do not think it should reflect UW and FoW anymore but theirs another complaint about PvP itself.
Their are things out their in the game that people want but can only obtain through HoH which they cannot participate in because only ranked groups are wanted. WIthout rank you can not get anywhere in HA let alone get to HoH and get a chance at the chest with HoH only items. Its a ridiculous system that prevents ussualy pve'rs and those that just start playing guild wars from having any fun in PvP let alone get anything desirable or worth money. That and the people that get these items sell them for outragest amounts of money that the pvers (I atleast) cant imagine having let alone paying it all for one single item. The system is just screwy and changes the game from being fun to being ridiculous and making alot of people very mad with it. It needs to change somehow. Cause its just not working for the poor ones that want things they can never imagine getting.
That and the game is not about luck, because I dont get anything i want from chests or drops when i see other people getting them multiple times when i dont. Its not luck, its always the same people getting the good stuff that they ussualy just want to sell while those who just want to use the items cant even obtain them because they dont have the kind of money to buy it, means to get to it, or the "luck" of it dropping for them. Well theirs my rant.
I say NO
I have never gone to UW because I am never on when we have favor.
I have never gone to UW because I am never on when we have favor.
PvP all the way.
And factions-style PvE control doesn't count. That never did involve and still doesn't involve's a disgrace is what it is. It's all carebear nonsense and I don't care what you think of it.
Also, something the OP conveniently forgot to mention:
This "Poll" is by no means representative of the game's population. Guild Wars Guru (like GWOnline) is a hive of PvE carebears; such has been known and established for long.
The results of the poll would look very different if held on Guild-Hall and no prizes for even guessing the outcome if this was held on IQ forums.
These poll numbers mean nothing.
And factions-style PvE control doesn't count. That never did involve and still doesn't involve's a disgrace is what it is. It's all carebear nonsense and I don't care what you think of it.
Also, something the OP conveniently forgot to mention:
This "Poll" is by no means representative of the game's population. Guild Wars Guru (like GWOnline) is a hive of PvE carebears; such has been known and established for long.
The results of the poll would look very different if held on Guild-Hall and no prizes for even guessing the outcome if this was held on IQ forums.
These poll numbers mean nothing.
Originally Posted by zara
As for favor, it is a bit outdated - but I would not want it changed. And to take a line that has been said many times before...If you want favor so bad, go win it and stop relying on others to do the work for you.
Rene Saliere
Originally Posted by Geminus_Solis
These poll numbers mean nothing.
Getting into fow in US servers usually means you gotta play at night. Id rather have it how it is (PvP affects PvE) because HoH does have a storyline: you try to win favor of the gods, and when you do so, everyone waiting to get in loves you
In fact, after waiting for 30 minutes for us to get favor, i went with my FoW group to do HoH in effort to get favor. Good times

In fact, after waiting for 30 minutes for us to get favor, i went with my FoW group to do HoH in effort to get favor. Good times

Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Geminus_Solis
PvP all the way.
And factions-style PvE control doesn't count. That never did involve and still doesn't involve's a disgrace is what it is. It's all carebear nonsense and I don't care what you think of it. Also, something the OP conveniently forgot to mention: This "Poll" is by no means representative of the game's population. Guild Wars Guru (like GWOnline) is a hive of PvE carebears; such has been known and established for long. The results of the poll would look very different if held on Guild-Hall and no prizes for even guessing the outcome if this was held on IQ forums. These poll numbers mean nothing. |
Originally Posted by Geminus_Solis
PvP all the way.
And factions-style PvE control doesn't count. That never did involve and still doesn't involve's a disgrace is what it is. It's all carebear nonsense and I don't care what you think of it. Also, something the OP conveniently forgot to mention: This "Poll" is by no means representative of the game's population. Guild Wars Guru (like GWOnline) is a hive of PvE carebears; such has been known and established for long. The results of the poll would look very different if held on Guild-Hall and no prizes for even guessing the outcome if this was held on IQ forums. These poll numbers mean nothing. |
However, I really don't see the big deal why a PvPer would really care if Anet removed the favor restriction on FOW/UW. It's the PvEers (if that really is a word) that are affected. If favor restriction for FOW/UW is removed then this makes the PvEers happy and it makes the PvPers......?
Bryant Again
....Not care less.
(to finish for ya...wait does it make sense??)
(to finish for ya...wait does it make sense??)