Originally Posted by Nurse With Wound
PayPal is selling email adresses to ad companies. I will never use it.
The statement below is from the PayPal Privacy Policy page:
How you can restrict PayPal from sharing your personal information Federal and state laws allow you to restrict the sharing of your personal information in certain instances. However, these laws also state that you cannot restrict other types of sharing. Because we have chosen to refrain from certain types of data sharing, the only type of sharing of your personal information that you may restrict is as follows: If you do not want PayPal to share your personal information with other financial institutions for the purpose of marketing our jointly offered products to you, please log in to your account and uncheck the box in the Information Sharing section of the Notifications and Information Sharing page. This page can be accessed by going to the Profile subtab under the My Account tab. You can also control how we use your contact information to market our services to you in the notifications preferences. |