Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
How are you "throwing away" a title simply because you cannot multiply it by the number of characters you have?
Let's speculate that it works like this:
You got X.
You can give X to one character, the "descendent" of the character that got X in the first place.
Instead, some seem to say:
I got X.
I want every character I make in the future to have whatever reward X brings in GW2.
I only earned it once, but the Hall of Monuments should be a copier of credentials, giving me what I earned on one char to multiple chars.
I know not all of you are saying this. But I fear that some are, and it just doesn't make sense to me.
Ok, lets take an example.
2 Guild Wars players, each having maxed 15 titles. For arguement's sake, we'll say the same 15.
The first player enjoys a particular class, and mainly plays with that class. They've not had much desire to explore other classes as primary class, but may have experimented with them as a secondary class. They may have a few characters, but their main character is the one where they've put their time - and this character has all their achievements.
With GW2, their "decendant(s)" will be able to inherit from all 15 achievements.
The second player enjoys playing over multiple main-classes, and has a level 20 character of
each primary class - which meant they bought extra character slots.
Because they were playing multiple characters at once, their achievements are split among their characters.
With GW2, their "decendant(s)" will likely have a max of something like 4/5 achievements to inherit from.
Both players have invested the same time/effort, but the player with multiple characters (who had to pay
extra to
get the additional characters) is being penalised. Further, this player
did not know that when they achieved specific titles with specific characters that they were going to be penalised for not consolidating everything on a single character, and in some cases
did not have the chance to get some titles on their characters.
How is that fair?
Further, the whole "inheritance" thing itself relies on *something* being actually inheritable - so what is being passed on? Maps, diaries - a "library" of how those achievements were made? I find it hard to believe that a Cartographer title or Mission completion title would be
genetic (although a sweet tooth could be *grins*).
The reason this is coming out now rather than a month ago is that when people
asked about how HoM would work, there was no definitive indications. They looked at the videos, with the armour monuments containing multiple class & sex armours, and believed that indicated the HoM would be account based.
I've got no problem with only being able to choose "a few" achievements to inherit - e.g. so both those players can only choose say 3 of their titles as inherited ones for their GW2 character.
separate, split HoM I do have a problem with - there's no point to it, since you can see the achievements on a char with that char
who got the achievement and storing them all in the same hall (or "library") would be great. The HoM effectively becomes like a Guild Hall for an individual account - which I think a lot of people thought was what would happen.
Our characters are already a family - otherwise they'd be *no* account-based titles. They already *share* resources - storage, gold, materials. So making a consolidated HoM for the "family" - and having their decendents inherit from a selection of those "consolidated" achievements (what they chose to study from the "family library" as they grew up?) - this makes sense, and is fair for both the single-character player and the multiple-character player alike.
I've still got a
major problem with mini-pets being character-customised rather than account-customised, but if the HoM was consolidated it'd be of less importance.