Originally Posted by Isileth
Should we ban chocolate ice cream to keep vanilla sales up?
Depends on the budget, and this isn't really a fair comparison since you eating chocolate ice cream doesn't really affect someone eating vanilla. If someone uses heros and hencies (eating chocolate), that lessens the chance for people pugging (eating vanilla.) It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Originally Posted by Isileth
I dont think it is. People who choose to PuG over going solo are suprise suprise, chosing to PuG over going solo. Adding 7 heroes doesnt take that choice away. People who play for social interaction, who enjoy the random nature of PuGs etc still will carry on if that is what they prefer.
It's just not as simple since people PUG for numerous reasons, some believing it to be how you're supposed to play, others doing it because it could be more effective for them, or because they're inexperienced. Not only just because they enjoy social interaction.
Originally Posted by Isileth
Really have to disagree here as well. Are you suggesting that having to have 4/8 of your team not using 8 skills, using extremely poor builds, using fixed builds isnt a disadvantage?
I guess I can't really comment as I've had little problem with them. Sure the builds suck, but the builds of my heroes more than make up for it.
Originally Posted by Isileth
Yes we dont know how reduced it will be. But it will still be a viable form of play.
How reduced it will be lessens its viability.
Originally Posted by Isileth
Look at the addition of heroes for example.
They couldnt have known how many people would use them but they put them in anway.
Actually, ANet included them due to the reason that henchmen just weren't enough for the huge and expansive world that was becoming Guild Wars. At this point, they knew that many places were going to be deserted, places where certain roles were needed where henchmen weren't available.
Well considering a party search feature was added. All it needs is improving.
Also think about extra storage, extra char slots. All these things got added, all of them asked for by the players. Just because something isnt added instantly doesnt mean it cant and wont be added.
Originally Posted by Isileth
Because some players like myself have to go afk quite often. With a group of players I cant expect them to sit and wait 10-15 mins while I go do whatever I need to do.
With heroes they dont quit if I go afk suddenly.
You'd be surprised how lenient people can be towards multiple AFK's. Generally, if people have the patience and will to do a 4 hour elite mission they probably wouldn't mind if someone had to go use the bathroom suddenly.
As to other reasons for going afk, I can only say *shrug*. I can only say limit what happens and set aside some time.
Originally Posted by Isileth
No reason to close this thread. Its a good discussion, good points from both sides, no flaming etc. This is exactly the sort of thing that is meant to be discussed.
I only said that because Unienale was observing the thread...and it *is* starting to go in circles.
Again to sum up my point: You can complete any of the campaigns with the heroes and henchies as it stands. The only reason do add 7 at this point is to increase the enjoyment for a few people. But we do not know how that could affect people who enjoy pugging. We can only assume and predict, nothing concrete - and that's what ANet wants: something with proof. If they don't have that proof, they won't do anything.
Originally Posted by Vinraith
But WoW's an MMO, Anet's always maintained (and I've always agreed) that GW isn't. I'd never buy an MMO, and this is one reason why, but there's no reason an action RPG that is supposed to be able to be played SP should have the same scheduling problems as an MMO.
The players asked for elite and hardcore dungeons, and ANet delivered. Even though GW isn't an MMO, it does have a lot of relations to one (elite dungeons being one of the many.)
Originally Posted by Vinraith
As to set up time, I can find quite a few hours to play, I just can't find the same hours as my friends that have the game (at least not without a great dealing of schedule finangling).
Same here, really. My friends have much different school schedules that I have. If I really wanted to, I could probably post a tread here somewhere on Guru telling people my schedule and seeing who I could play with. But I'm not terribly excited about having to go in those dungeons again.