Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Gaile says a lot of things...
Gaile said that Razah would NEVER be changed, because it would devalue the effort of people who had worked heard to get him.
Attaining Razah was drastically changed.
Gaile said the favor would NEVER be changed, because it was part of the core design of GW.
Favor was drastically changed.
I could go on and on, but I think the point is made: Gaile often makes absolute pronouncements that don't hold up in the long run.
Gaile is a hard-working, honest, helpful person. This is in NO WAY a slam against Gaile. It is simply a fact that ANet changes direction based on player feedback -- and this is a GOOD THING.
And so I keep beating on these points:
Full hero parties WILL NOT obsolete henchmen, since most people don't have the time/inclination to fully equip 25 heros.
Full hero parties WILL HELP deal with the spreading of the population, which makes PuGs difficult.
Full hero parties WILL NOT make Hard Mode into Easy Mode, since heros can't use PvE-only skills and can't coordinate finesse-based builds. AI will always be inferior to real humans.
Full hero parties WILL ADD greater tactical and strategic diversity for those of us who like the challenge of building synergistic teams.
Full hero parties WILL NOT force anyone to use heroes! If you think they make the game too easy, don't use them!
Full hero parties WILL ALLOW people like me to pursue HM titles otherwise locked off to us by a lack of players.
And for the insulting twits in this thread: I don't need full hero parties to beat Normal mode. I got seven Protector titles on three characters across three campaigns WITH PUGS.