GW1 features in GW2: Wants and Don't Wants
P.s.- more Lore!!!!!!! Lore=awesome
all u noobs that want high lvl caps and more skills and more lore go play WoW i want gw 2 to be like gw 1 but with more races
Tamuril elansar
1. RA and TA
2. necro's
3. good graphics
absolute dont wants:
1. any form of grind
2. report of abusive language option
3. HB the way it is now
1. RA and TA
2. necro's
3. good graphics
absolute dont wants:
1. any form of grind
2. report of abusive language option
3. HB the way it is now
A proffesion with guns.
Higher level cap 40ish.
Dual proffesions.
No goes:
Useless skills
Asuras xD
A proffesion with guns.
Higher level cap 40ish.
Dual proffesions.
No goes:
Useless skills
Asuras xD
Scarlett Romanov
1. I'd like to be able to do something outside of fighting in pve and pvp. Fshing, mining, anything really!
2. Balanced character classes. In otherwords, I don't want one profession to be shunned by the community as a whole.
3. I want my titles from Gw1 to be worth something. I don't want to find out that I wasted my time on something stupid. (Which will most likely be the case.)
Don't Wants
1. High level cap - If I wanted to spend countless hours leveling, I'd play another mmorpg.
2. Grind of any kind. Grind is boring and is not fun. I want to play and enjoy myself.
3. Half-assed storyline. *cough* GWEN *cough* I want them to put some thought into the story and make it as interesting as the original prophecies.
1. I'd like to be able to do something outside of fighting in pve and pvp. Fshing, mining, anything really!
2. Balanced character classes. In otherwords, I don't want one profession to be shunned by the community as a whole.
3. I want my titles from Gw1 to be worth something. I don't want to find out that I wasted my time on something stupid. (Which will most likely be the case.)
Don't Wants
1. High level cap - If I wanted to spend countless hours leveling, I'd play another mmorpg.
2. Grind of any kind. Grind is boring and is not fun. I want to play and enjoy myself.
3. Half-assed storyline. *cough* GWEN *cough* I want them to put some thought into the story and make it as interesting as the original prophecies.
- Increased level cap
- More rewarding quests...(for the love of god, dont make quests like in prophecies where u get 500exp at lvl 20..)
- More Gigantic monsters
- Better spell animations
- the ability for anyone to have a pet companion(but make rangers have some bonuses of course)
- Dragons that arent female with a the voice of a grandma with lung cancer.
- More Weapon types, armor types
- More customization
- Make areas more solo friendly..perhaps do a system like in diablo where the more you are the harder and rewarding it gets...
- more easter eggs
Don't want
- useless nerfs
- heroes (they killed the social of this game)
- mehlo
- unique items with non unique skin
- Increased level cap
- More rewarding quests...(for the love of god, dont make quests like in prophecies where u get 500exp at lvl 20..)
- More Gigantic monsters
- Better spell animations
- the ability for anyone to have a pet companion(but make rangers have some bonuses of course)
- Dragons that arent female with a the voice of a grandma with lung cancer.
- More Weapon types, armor types
- More customization
- Make areas more solo friendly..perhaps do a system like in diablo where the more you are the harder and rewarding it gets...
- more easter eggs
Don't want
- useless nerfs
- heroes (they killed the social of this game)
- mehlo
- unique items with non unique skin
K Westgate
- an interesting storyline which twists and turns, and then unexpectedly goes and surprises us; also it teaches us and our character something.
- missions that will require a lot of co-operation between players in a team. Eg like Aurora Glade and Thunderhead Keep, and others like Vizunah Square where you have a much larger sized teams. I'd love to see teams of 100 players like you get in WoW. I also think challenging areas like DoA are a good thing.
- an amazing pvp element to the game, and also for the pvp to evolve so it is less repetitive. I think PvP is what has kept a lot of people interested in GW - but new content (new maps, and new arenas) should be added more often. I'd like voicecom built into the game.
Don't wants
- repetition - like norn point or lightbringer point farming
- dark gloomy landscapes - I want to be wowed by the scenery or the artist's imagination, not depressed by it.
- a monthly fee
- an interesting storyline which twists and turns, and then unexpectedly goes and surprises us; also it teaches us and our character something.
- missions that will require a lot of co-operation between players in a team. Eg like Aurora Glade and Thunderhead Keep, and others like Vizunah Square where you have a much larger sized teams. I'd love to see teams of 100 players like you get in WoW. I also think challenging areas like DoA are a good thing.
- an amazing pvp element to the game, and also for the pvp to evolve so it is less repetitive. I think PvP is what has kept a lot of people interested in GW - but new content (new maps, and new arenas) should be added more often. I'd like voicecom built into the game.
Don't wants
- repetition - like norn point or lightbringer point farming
- dark gloomy landscapes - I want to be wowed by the scenery or the artist's imagination, not depressed by it.
- a monthly fee
Higher lvl. caps
cool unique items
new races
different storylines for each race?
able to play 8 heroes instead of henchies? only in pve not pvp
No goes:
Useless skills
pvp titles :/ inexperienced people barely play cause of title discrimination tsk. tsk. mostly in HA
Higher lvl. caps
cool unique items
new races
different storylines for each race?
able to play 8 heroes instead of henchies? only in pve not pvp
No goes:
Useless skills
pvp titles :/ inexperienced people barely play cause of title discrimination tsk. tsk. mostly in HA

1.) Better Tutorials for PVP - STOP HIDING STUFF - SHOW THEM ITS THERE, big GIANT RED arrows or Green ones...I think Half the people who play Guild Wars don't even know about all the features of have yet to try many of the features in the game SHOW THEM ITS THERE, the pvp tutorial they had on the PVP island was WEAK....zaishen challenge is also hidden to most people that don't know about talking to that one NPC who gives you quest.
2.) Built In Voice Chat - Hate having to alt+Tab out, get password/userid, ip address just to voice chat...its annoying and i'm sure most people don't even bother. Counter-STrike Source, Battlefield 2 have built in voice chat, quality isn't the best but it doesn't need to be you can hear the other person and thats all people need
3.) Ragdoll Effects - Crysis, Half-life 2 Source engine games have physics engine...characters respond to the environment when killed along with other objects in the game imagine killing an enemy along side a hill he'd go tumbling down the hill after he died and mash his body up....SaWEEET
Jumping - its awesome
Swimming - awesome
Observer mode (KEEP) - awesome

do NOT want
1.) Having to buy expansion packs/PVP packs to stay competitive in PVP - making some skills mandatory and only available in certain campaigns is GREEDY evil
2.) 55 Monk builds or elitist farming - Make instances SCALE the amount of monsters depending on how many people enter that instance. If 1 person enters an instance the Instance spawns less monsters allowing ANYONE to solo farm and anyone to play on their own without the need of Heroes/henchmen. I LIKE PLAYING ALONE sometimes...sometimes and when i mean ALONE i don't mean 7 other bots following me around.
3.) WEAK LEVEL design - Whoever designs majority of towns and layout of areas is WEAK sauce...Lions Arch isn't even that nice looking, its one of the better looking towns in the game but the layout is weak. Hire some good level designers please
1. no level cap
2. all unlocked primary skills on skillbar (excluding seperate balanced pvp)
3. solo-friendly mission/explorable areas (excluding dungeon type)
Dont Want:
1. monthly fee
2. heros
3. instancized world
Jayce Of Underworld
1. no level cap
2. all unlocked primary skills on skillbar (excluding seperate balanced pvp)
3. solo-friendly mission/explorable areas (excluding dungeon type)
Dont Want:
1. monthly fee
2. heros
3. instancized world
Jayce Of Underworld
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by
Don't Wants:
PvE. Heroes. |
On topic:
Heroes (at least a sylvari and tengu, since we don't have those yet)
End game greens (good ones)
Be able to show and have our GW1 titles, mini pets, weapons, etc.
Wear GW1 armor
Ability to change character names/looks if you want
Ability to have an all-hero party (instead of just 3)
Good lore
More green drops (drop more often, I get golds more often and they're supposed to be rare)
Less side quests (like all the Vabbian and Kournan and Istan ones - after a while they get sooo old)
Don't wants:
Ridiculously hard areas/missions/quests
Too high requirements for my computer, resulting in lag and bad graphics
Monthly fee
Heroes/henchies sharing your money (real players are okay)
Lack of green drops
Death penalty
Res shrines where you have to stand right on them to activate them
Required to use the same name as GW1
Shadow Longstem
ok repost for the op
wants :
skill based game
good gfx
redistribute stat anytime
dont wants :
lack of z - axis movement
as much instancing
too much grind, and lvl/gear based game [yh neither of those r from gw1 but meh]
wants :
skill based game
good gfx
redistribute stat anytime
dont wants :
lack of z - axis movement
as much instancing
too much grind, and lvl/gear based game [yh neither of those r from gw1 but meh]
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Uh...that kinda butchers the whole game...
New list
A dark side fight....those are always fun
Being possessed by my ancestor (So my gw1 char can live on)
Assassin class
Paragon class changed to Dancer or bard class
Level 50, level cap, but a nice speed of gaining exp so it's not hard
Missions to give me an actual army, fighting as a team of 8 can go to hell.
Storyline events/missions where absolutely no fighting is involved.
Maps with no monsters, just peaceful scenery or events.
Lots and lots of npcs
DO not want
Bad AI
Linear storyline (make it split somewhere, so you can get alternate endings)
Lame Bosses,
DIfferent boss fights (like Cyndr in heart of shiver peaks)
Small Bosses (MAKE EM HUGE!!!!)
No respect for being a descendent
Monthly pays
HOM to affect you early on, make it something closer to mid/end game
A dark side fight....those are always fun
Being possessed by my ancestor (So my gw1 char can live on)
Assassin class
Paragon class changed to Dancer or bard class
Level 50, level cap, but a nice speed of gaining exp so it's not hard
Missions to give me an actual army, fighting as a team of 8 can go to hell.
Storyline events/missions where absolutely no fighting is involved.
Maps with no monsters, just peaceful scenery or events.
Lots and lots of npcs
DO not want
Bad AI
Linear storyline (make it split somewhere, so you can get alternate endings)
Lame Bosses,
DIfferent boss fights (like Cyndr in heart of shiver peaks)
Small Bosses (MAKE EM HUGE!!!!)
No respect for being a descendent
Monthly pays
HOM to affect you early on, make it something closer to mid/end game
Originally Posted by Dave-o
.....snip..... don't wants: retards |

**If Titles, then they should gain you more than a fraction of a percentage point of "(Fill in the Blank)".
**Second hand and dropped armors.
**Limited area Local Chat within Towns/Outposts
Don't Wants:
**To hear what someone clear over on the other side of town is saying in Local (or keep it in local and create a "Nearby" tab to listen to those in the vicinity only.) (Doesn't affect the current Trade channel.)
**Titles that mean almost nothing to the playability of the game.
EDIT: To make clarifications -V
Sirugel Kai
Our old characters
everything in the current GW xD
Dont want:
Races - I REALLY REALLY dont want people running around as charr or tengu or anything like that.. if i dont get GW2 this is the reason
Insanely high level cap
Our old characters
everything in the current GW xD
Dont want:
Races - I REALLY REALLY dont want people running around as charr or tengu or anything like that.. if i dont get GW2 this is the reason
Insanely high level cap
Originally Posted by Sirugel Kai
everything in the current GW xD
Originally Posted by Limu Tolkki
WoW Dont wants: GW |
PvP ranks (they just cause elitism) |
Originally Posted by ValaOfTheFens
-Incremental level cap. I'm sorry but its necessary. If everyone can get to level 100 in the initial campaign then everyone level 80-100 will whine about how there's no high level content and how easy everything is.
Originally Posted by revaer
Do want:
-Better PvP reward system. -TA ladder and generally more support for that game type. -More skills that reward skill and insight. See bull's strike, diversion, gale, etc. -Reworked assassins with no shadow stepping or long attack chains (in case they are included in GW2). Do NOT want: -Main focus on PvE content. -Itemization. -"Everything must be viable." -Racial abilities. I don't want to find out that "race x is the best for profession y". -Titles. |

Also would like to add, do not want this free-movement bullshit to scew up pvp and make the gameplay feel like the immense unfunness that was Fury. I'm afraid this will likely end up with some retarded "over the shoulder" only camera with actually making your character do what you're telling it to do is half the battle.
I suppose, what it really comes down to for me is "want: same core game as I've been playing with new graphics, skills, story, etc.
don't want: a bunch of the typical mmo stuff that everyone else seem to want because they don't want to pay 15 dollars a month for it."
Sir Seifus Halbred
Originally Posted by prism2525
Call me stupid but I think that I asked everyone to post only 3 wants and 3 don't wants.
Originally Posted by prism2525
Please only post 3 features of each (3 wants, 3 don't wants)
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Be able to show and have our GW1 titles, mini pets, weapons, etc.
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf & All players asking about this
Wear GW1 armor
Guild Wars 2 is a new game, very different from Guild Wars 1, why would armor from Guild Wars 1 be wornable in Guild Wars 2? The graphics, etc.

street peddler
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
How about they keep shadow stepping, but add nuances to things to impede it.
Like you can't shadowstep through wards or wells. I don't know! I think it would be interesting. Shadow stepping is neat, but it needs something to counter it. |
There is only one thing i want:
Want: Non-instanced explorable areas. i want to explore with other people. i think the instancing has shunned the crowd so much, that H/H has become the god of PvE.
Don't Want: Instanced explorable areas
Want: Non-instanced explorable areas. i want to explore with other people. i think the instancing has shunned the crowd so much, that H/H has become the god of PvE.
Don't Want: Instanced explorable areas
street peddler
Originally Posted by Turtle222
There is only one thing i want:
Want: Non-instanced explorable areas. i want to explore with other people. i think the instancing has shunned the crowd so much, that H/H has become the god of PvE. Don't Want: Instanced explorable areas |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by street peddler
no i dont like this, go play WoW if you want this.
: P
No titles which benefit skills/damage (Grinding just to get a DoA ursanway group is fail)
NO skills that are completely useless, and balance them among each other so its not just a few builds for the class
A monument dedicated to our old characters ( although this is probably already being planned on implimentation )
Don't Wants:
PvP titles based on grind
Insane level cap
*insert random dont want here*
No titles which benefit skills/damage (Grinding just to get a DoA ursanway group is fail)
NO skills that are completely useless, and balance them among each other so its not just a few builds for the class
A monument dedicated to our old characters ( although this is probably already being planned on implimentation )
Don't Wants:
PvP titles based on grind
Insane level cap
*insert random dont want here*
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by tyla salanari
No titles which benefit skills/damage (Grinding just to get a DoA ursanway group is fail) ... Don't wants: Insane level cap |
You can't see me
I forgot one don't want.
Raven Staves. If anything like this skin is implemented to GW2 I'm not buying it.
Raven Staves. If anything like this skin is implemented to GW2 I'm not buying it.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by You can't see me
I forgot one don't want.
Raven Staves. If anything like this skin is implemented to GW2 I'm not buying it. |
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
I'd be more against these if there wasn't going to be that sounds-incredibly-awesome sidekick system. Not to mention you won't ever need to party unless you want to. I'm not talking about using heroes.
I really enjoy the team building side of the game. Rather than having to run some jack of all trades build you have each char take a specific role and have them support each other.
Playing some weird hybrid DPS/healer/support combo has never appealed to me.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Isileth
The problem with that is its only 1 companion.
I really enjoy the team building side of the game. Rather than having to run some jack of all trades build you have each char take a specific role and have them support each other. Playing some weird hybrid DPS/healer/support combo has never appealed to me. |
We've already discussed this problem indetail on that other god-forsaken thread. Let's just say that it'll be done for the greater good.
In regards to "having to resort to a hybrid", we'll see. It sounds like GW1 is going the Hellgate:London way in terms of eliminating core group mechanics and replacing it with a much more opened feel in terms of gameplay.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
The grouping mechanic in GW1 is cool, to be sure. But having to have a full 8 person party for large portion of the game can be taxing to those who are newer to it, most especially in areas that aren't real popular.
When its just you, even more so when you have to cover multiple roles, it can be a lot harder.
If you only have to focus on hitting stuff with an axe or healing it allows you to learn the basics of the game much quicker than if your having to do a bit of everything.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Isileth
I personally think having a group makes it easier. You have others who can cover for you if you are still learning the game.
Originally Posted by Isileth
When its just you, even more so when you have to cover multiple roles, it can be a lot harder.
Originally Posted by Isileth
If you only have to focus on hitting stuff with an axe or healing it allows you to learn the basics of the game much quicker than if your having to do a bit of everything.
Neo Nugget
I want new things!
I don't want the same type of game over and over like GW1 did w/ expansions.
I don't want the same type of game over and over like GW1 did w/ expansions.
What's wrong with raven staves?
I have like 98 of them!
I have like 98 of them!
Originally Posted by street peddler
no i dont like this, go play WoW if you want this.
Originally Posted by Smoke
dont want:
Titles (maybe ppl will play for fun again) couldnt care about anything else |
I disagree titles are one of the most fun things about this game half the fun is going for ur title and feeling pleased when you get it. IMO
Originally Posted by whufc89
I disagree titles are one of the most fun things about this game half the fun is going for ur title and feeling pleased when you get it. IMO
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
What's wrong with raven staves?
I have like 98 of them! |
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by Sir Seifus Halbred
This really irriates me. What is it that you people don't get about this? It isn't possible and will not happen.
Guild Wars 2 is a new game, very different from Guild Wars 1, why would armor from Guild Wars 1 be wornable in Guild Wars 2? The graphics, etc. ![]() |
Another thing I'd like - keep the holiday events

Originally Posted by Bryant Again
I'd be more against these if there wasn't going to be that sounds-incredibly-awesome sidekick system. Not to mention you won't ever need to party unless you want to. I'm not talking about using heroes.
God I hope they don't make it so that any character can play through the game with only a 1 person team. That eliminates the need for support characters....and support characters are all that I like.
Jaythen Tyradel
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Why would we be putting our armors in Hall of Monuments if we can't even wear them in Guild Wars 2? That doesn't make any sense...GWEN is supposed to be a bridge between the two games, and it states that you will be able to take out and wield GW1 weapons and use mini pets...why not armor?
Another thing I'd like - keep the holiday events ![]() |
However, from all that i have read, the stuff we put into our Halls "unlocks" something. From what i have read, we cant use our weapons/minipets or anything else. Too early to argue this point anyway for as far as we know they could change how the Hall works between now and beta and final release.