Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
The existing players of Guild Wars will be a major contribution to the sales of Guild Wars 2, and thus it's not surprising that Anet creates a new option for the general population to enjoy Hard Mode, so that Anet can ensure these players to play until the release of Guild Wars 2;
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
To be honest, the reason for implementing Hard Mode to be challenging is really your reason to play Hard Mode. However, for the rest of us, we have different reasons.
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
Whether it's just time we are trying to kill or the few accomplishments we are trying to achieve, it does not affect you.
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
Anet spent months into making Hard Mode, and after it's release, hardly anyone plays or even tries it out. This leads me to a question, why implement Hard Mode for months just to satisfy a few people who are willing to try it, when you can satisfy the general public by making an additional expansion or campaign?
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
Your so-called common players are really inexperienced or perhaps new comers, who still struggle in making builds. In all honesty, the general population I'm refering to is the casual players, which is the majority of the population, and as much as I know, they don't struggle in making builds.