Originally Posted by capblye
But to take away something from them they paid real money for? Nonsense.
Playing Guild Wars is not a PRIVELGE to the players. They paid for it in cash.
Playing Guild Wars is a GIFT to Anet. They paid someones salary.
Let's not forget that.
If you violate the rules in a club or at a ball game,- do you get a refund when they throw you out? I don't think so!

Do the bar owners or clubs appreciate your patronage: sure,- as long as you follow the clearly stated rules! If not,- it's the bums rush and good riddance!
It is very clearly

stated in the legal mumbo jumbo that you do not actually buy a game, you buy the right to access a game as long as you do not violate the rules, etc. etc.!
The people who hacked the client (if that is what happened), clearly broke the rules and therefore forfeit any rights they purchased to play the game!
As for the users that "merely" took advantage of a possibility to profit from a violation committed by others,- well: according to the law in most countries, the fence is as guilty as the thief!
If some of the people banned didn't actually know or suspect that they were involved in a serious violation, they should probably have their accounts restored, but I find it difficult to believe you guys posting here can sort out what's what from where you sit!

I do hope Anet is serious when they say they are reviewing each complaint carefully!
Since I have not been to this secret outpost I can't really say how likely it is for seasoned players to have been there without figuring something was seriously wrong (as opposed to plain wrong

Let's not forget that there has been several incidents in the past where you, due to some glitch, were able to access a place otherwise inaccessible from your point of origin (GH from pre-sear fx.) - the people who took advantage of these bugs didn't get Perma Banned from the game as far as I know.
I also hope people will hold back their (in my opinion) rash reactions to the bans until everything is sorted out and all complaints have been reviewed.
I for one fully understand and appreciate the need for the policy of ban-first-sort-out-later, that Gaile has clearly explained the reasons for (god knows how many times)!
When something like this happens, it's easy for all parties to over react and make snap judgments, hopefully there will not be any injustices left unanswered when the smoke clears from this mess.
Just my 2-cents worth!