Originally Posted by Inde
Thank you Longasc, and it's not that I WANT this system to fail. I'm just trying to point out that if there's a way to exploit/farm a system it's going to happen.
Mordakai, you're putting too much faith in the system and an ideal of fairness that would "hopefully/eventually" level out. |
Look, the same thing happens right now in Guild Wars: People buy all the mini-kunnivangs they can for less than 100k, and sell them for more. People try do this all the time. Yet, prices for MOST things in Guild Wars continue to fall.
BTW, how come people just don't buy all the ectos from the venders? Why is the Vender system different from a Marketplace?
EDIT: I understand there is an artificial price control going on, where the Vender sells for higher than it buys. And who's to say a little tax on every transaction in a Marketplace wouldn't accomplish the same determent for hoarders?