Originally Posted by CHannum
That must explain how I got all of it I ever wanted before I had enough money to just buy stuff and save time...
You are just proving to be selfish here. 'Because I got my stuff, everyone else can!1!!1!1'. Some people don't have enough cash to buy what they need. The game doesn't drop the same for everyone and not everyone has the same amount of cash. In your situation you are unharmed by the LS. Saying you want to keep it is selfish and ignorant.
Originally Posted by CHannum
Lie, plain and simple. The few builds and associated areas that *need* runes are late, late game. Everything else works with or without runes. Besides, the most expensive rune in the game is a superior vigor and is hardly necessary (I've purchased a whole one) for anything except elite builds for elite areas and that is not at issue here. If you are regularly and reliably hitting up elite areas, money is not your problem.
Please, stop claiming ignorant stuff without proof. 'Ur a lyier! I got my 400K in 2 dais so evry1 cahn get that!~!1'. You don't have a clue how I play the game, and as long as you don't know that, you should stop telling me how this game works.
I don't use cookie-cutter builds and I never search for builds on Wiki etc. I make my own build and I experiment with skills. I'm 'playing the game' instead of 'cheating my way to a 1337-skillbar', in your language. My builds work how I see fit, and you have nothing to say in that matter.
Originally Posted by CHannum
More crying, more lying. You can probably beat the game with a lot less, but that's not even what I said: I said you could beat all four campaigns with less than 50K spent per character. If you can't come up with flexible enough builds that the nearly 50 skills per character that this would net you to get by, you're not trying.
Same as above. And sure, I COULD beat the campaigns with less than 50K. Sure, I could even buy a run to drok, then Thunderhead Keep, and then let others do the last few missions for me. No thanks, I'd rather be playing the game as it should be played. Remember, this is a game, and the primairy thing that a game should have is enjoyment. As matters are now, only the rich can truely enjoy the game. One that only played the storyline can't claim he enjoys the game because the storyline is FAR from everything.
Originally Posted by CHannum
Regardless, whether you can get by on a cheapskate strategem isn't the issue, it's if you actually can't get by comfortably with the amount of money you get normally under LS. I know I've certainly beat all four campaigns without ever once needing to go get more money for skills. Heck, the last time I needed to wait on buying a skill for a reason other than I just didn't have a character with access to that location yet was about a month into playing Prophecies.
yes but that's you. The moment you compare your situation with EVERYONE else is the moment your argument is invalid. Skills are expensive, there's no denying that. The reason why Skill Tomes were added, was because too many people were having problems with buying skills. Of course, stuff like Tomes aren't very effective in a market with a disfunctional trading system.
Originally Posted by CHannum
That would be more lying, more crying, and apparently even dumbass "strategy". I've never bought a single thing from another player other than a mini, you don't need to. Between collectors, BMP, weaponsmiths, and drops, you can get through the game without needing any kind of mad money.
Again, don't compare your personal experience with the rest. I DO need to buy stuff from other players. Collectors are useless because the chance is low I get 5 of the same collectible items with the Lootscaling in play. It takes me way too long to farm collectible items, too. BMP... Don't have that. You're telling me that only players who have the BMP have the rights on free equipment? Weaponsmiths are just too expensive, I already explained that. And drops... I've never seen a max-damage white drop in Normal Mode before. Same goes with blues. Purples and Golds are max damage, but they barely drop. (Oh, and even purples are non-max damage in large parts of the game).
Originally Posted by CHannum
Sigh, you're like arguing with 3 y.o.
Let me remind you that you are the one calling others people's words 'lies and crying' without knowing their situation or without any proof. You're just comparing your 1337-situation with other's situations. And don't forget that the existance of the LS doesn't harm you in any way. If it's removed it won't harm your playstyle in a negative way. The only reason I can think of why you would want to keep it is for your e-peen, and to stand out above others.
Originally Posted by CHannum
If you've unlocked all 25 heros for a character, that character played completely through at least NF and EOTN with more than enough decent drops to get by on without ever touching a weaponsmith unless you want. Never mind that 10 of those 25 heros come with max (if not optimal) gear and the BMP for $10 provides an unlimited suppy of perfect gold req 9 max weapons of your choice AND pays you 500G for the "trouble" of getting each one. Yes, fully kitting out those heros with runes will cost you money, but you do at as you play and need that extra oomph, not all at once which is what you want to pretend.
I find it hard to believe that you get more than 1000K from just playing EotN and NF. There are no decent drops in Normal Mode except for keys and materials. Wether their gear is optimal or not depends on the builds they have. YOU are not the one to decide if MY heroes are equipped in a good way or not. BMP is out of the question for reasons that are none of your business. The point is that the BMP is just that, a BONUS Mission Pack. It's not like it should be NEEDED to play the game. The point is that I have trouble even equipping my FIRST few heroes, not all 25 per character. And in this game, it's impossible to go without planning your cash, cause else you will get in trouble later and you'll have NO way to farm for cash.
Originally Posted by CHannum
The big issue for you is one of no perspective. You *expect* to have the *best* for as little effort as possible, aka greed and laziness. You don't need the best to play the game, you need good enough. If you have to wait the 1 hour it might take you to earn enough buy another skill playing normally, I think you'll live.
So playing the game, getting nice drops and buying everything you want is not called lazy and greedy, but working a bit for it, is? Let me tell you that I'd GLADLY work for cash. It's just impossible with the current game. Max damage weapons are not the best in this game. Torment Weapons and FoW armour are. Max Damage Weaponsmith weapons are just the base equipment that anyone should be able to buy. And who is to decide what or what not is good enough? If I play this game, I want to do it at least with maxed out characters. I don't want to skip stuff for being to hard, just because I did a half-ass job on equipping my heroes properly.
Originally Posted by CHannum
Or maybe we're playing two different games. I'm playing a game that didn't hand me 25 heros and a naked character and threaten to kill my dog if I didn't beat DOA by the end of the next weekend while unlocking everything and having perfectly modded equipment on everybody, you?
I am playing a game that was said to be good for Casual players. When I bought this game, it was said to be different to WoW in the sense that players can get their max damage weapons and armour WITHOUT having to grind for it. This was, indeed, the case. Until Loot Scaling and the chest-locks came, that is. Anyway, as long as the removal of the Loot Scaling doesn't harm you, I see you as just another whining hardcore farmer that doesn't want others to get nice stuff.