03 Jul 2008 at 03:43 - 243
So it looks like I'll be seeing less of my little assassin friends, and that makes me sad. Oh well, times change, people move on to bigger and better things, and we must adapt to an ever-evolving world. We all knew this day was coming. Allow yourself time to grieve, and then move on with your life.
I've got this new [skill]Hex Breaker[/skill] thing, and a few new dream rider friends (although they're not really my type, if you know what I mean) to make up for it, though. There's no use crying over spilt elite, as the old saying goes. I'm sure that some of my more devoted friends will still find a way to come visit me. Thanks guys, it's nice to know that even when the going gets tough, your real friends will stay by your side.
On a lighter note, I'm really looking forward to this year's Dragon Festival. I don't usually get out of the Underworld too much, but this looks far too entertaining to miss, as I wasn't able to attend the last time (Grenth made me work overtime again). I hope to see everyone there, especially all the Assassins with whom I've formed a bond with over the past several weeks.
Thanks for playing everyone, good luck, and most importantly, have fun!