Update - Thursday August 7
And [[Clamor of Souls] still remains untouched.
LOL @ Mursaat Monk boss updates.
LOL @ Mursaat Monk boss updates.
ugh. they buffed the sins right before AB weekend.
*turns local chat off*
*turns local chat off*
Originally Posted by sindex
Speaking of Heroes, has anyone noticed how aggressive the AI has become? Every Hero and a few Henchmen seem to want to take on anyone, which are out of their aggro range. It is starting to get my nerves. I mean I know a few heroes used to do this (like Margrid), but now it’s pretty much all of them. They do this in guard mode and I know this is something they are not suppose to be doing even in attack mode (stay within the aggro bubble when no ones attacking).
You know the three or two Jade Brotherhood Mages in Wajjun Bazaar patrolling the side, near Lian (the ele boss)? Well, when I attacked them, my Gwen and Vekk who were on guard ran off and attacked the small group of mesmer/ritualist JBs next to them. They even had the bloody nerve to go the long way around, thus aggroing Lian's mob as well in the process. Our group was two in-game feet away from the mages, and this happened twice. (Mayhem in the Market)
Fun times, especially when monking with a survivor.
I don't get it. Why nerf one overpowered skill (UB), but then proceed to buff all other overpowered PvE skills, so they get even more overpowered?
I really don't get it.
I really don't get it.
Originally Posted by eeks
Yeah, I noticed this last night... Moreso than usual, anyhow.
You know the three or two JB mages in Wajjun Bazaar patrolling the side, near Lian (the ele boss)? Well, when I attacked them, my Gwen and Vekk who were on guard ran off and attacked the small group of JB next to them. They even had the bloody nerve to go the long way around, thus aggroing Lian's mob as well in the process. Fun times. |

Originally Posted by Earth
I don't get it. Why nerf one overpowered skill (UB), but then proceed to buff all other overpowered PvE skills, so they get even more overpowered?
I really don't get it. |
Originally Posted by Rexion
unique builds/skills > one skill everyone uses.
Originally Posted by sindex
Oh, god.
![]() |
My Paraway team still being built up won't have a problem with these changes.
And is it me, or the buffed up Kurz/Lux skills sorta make FFF runs a bit less needed to make them effective? (I.e. allowing non-hardcore PvE types to move on with only a few needed ranks, per say?) I read complaints against overabundant FFF and wonder if the buffs are a function of letting PvEers not be stuck, whereas botters might be more recognized for what they are. At least this is a fringe thought of mine. Probably no real inference to find here in actuality.
Since I don't play PvP currently, I'm not wondering about the changes along those lines. As such, the buffs I do like. (I'm easy going anyway.)
And is it me, or the buffed up Kurz/Lux skills sorta make FFF runs a bit less needed to make them effective? (I.e. allowing non-hardcore PvE types to move on with only a few needed ranks, per say?) I read complaints against overabundant FFF and wonder if the buffs are a function of letting PvEers not be stuck, whereas botters might be more recognized for what they are. At least this is a fringe thought of mine. Probably no real inference to find here in actuality.
Since I don't play PvP currently, I'm not wondering about the changes along those lines. As such, the buffs I do like. (I'm easy going anyway.)
What are you talking about Numa, ursan WAS nerfed. lasts for only 60 seconds, worthless for elite missions now. I didnt care one way or the other if it got nerfed. Got my max norn before the update luckily though. Now on to more titles *sigh*
Originally Posted by Earth
I don't get it. Why nerf one overpowered skill (UB), but then proceed to buff all other overpowered PvE skills, so they get even more overpowered?
I really don't get it. |
Actually what's interesting about Vanguard Sniper Support isn't so much the huge damage, it's the fact that ANET implemented a skill that procs a different effect at a certain percentage. That's pretty new, atleast I can't think of any skills that has a random chance involved, unless you count the 50% failure for skills that doesn't meet requirement.
Originally Posted by eeks
Let's just hope it's an isolated incident? XD (In which case, that's me buggered.)
Originally Posted by GWW
Heroes are less influenced by the weapon they have equipped when determining the range at which they'll engage an enemy.
That being said, once a battle actually begins (assuming the pull was successful), the AI's responses appear to be less static and react better to different situations.
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
I noticed it too. I accidentally called a target that was far away from the group we were currently fighting. ALL of my heros/hench ran all the way over to engage it. I had to flag them back. Weird because earlier I was wondering what kinds of hero/ai bugs would creep up with all of those ai updates.
Come on we were asking for PvE skills NERF!
And UB can still knocklock and deal shitloads of damage btw.
Nice attempt but very fail update imo
And UB can still knocklock and deal shitloads of damage btw.
Nice attempt but very fail update imo
Originally Posted by Earth
I don't get it. Why nerf one overpowered skill (UB), but then proceed to buff all other overpowered PvE skills, so they get even more overpowered?
I really don't get it. |
They only made illusion of buff.
Ohh, well it tends to be my casters, who don't have ajacent or touch skills. I still do have Koss or Devona running up to enemies I haven't aggroed, though.
Originally Posted by Molock
Same here, I pinged a foe that was approaching while I was already fighting another group of Similians (monkey guys xD ) and my Koss ran off and aggroed a second group of them. Those damn ele's almost wiped us.
Nemesis of God
Not as good as I exepcted but...
BUFF PEACE AND HARMONY!!!!1111!!!! now!!!!111
BUFF PEACE AND HARMONY!!!!1111!!!! now!!!!111
Moloch Vein
The changes to the Xinrae spells were f*cking retarded.
Talk about the one to Order of undeath when it was a fine skill.
Originally Posted by Yang Whirlwind
1. At least you will have to use 8 skills again.
2. At least you will play a role on the team that corresponds with the profession you have chosen to play. ... |
Originally Posted by R.Shayne
The farmers have already adapted, they are switching to solo builds and pulling ecto like crazy again so go cry for another nerf to SF.
To those that complained so loudly to ANET for a nerf (even I felt was needed but never backed it) go tell the people in ToA that are looking for a group how much you accomplished with your complaining. To those rage quiting, take a deep breath please, relax and don't leave. I know several friends that are putting the final touches on some team builds that look promising for UW speed clear. Like it or not the elitist on this site need you if they wish to continue playing guild wars. |
Originally Posted by Moloch Vein
The changes to the Xinrae spells were f*cking retarded.
With that ANet just exhumed the corpse of Communing to dig an even deeper hole to bury it in.
I'm enjoying how every sunspear skill other than Intensity got a buff. Maybe they couldn't find where they buried it a few hours after Sunspear skills were introduced.
Tender Care
NIce updates for the UW.....i go to find another tactic for farming Chaos Plains with my dervish.....
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
Has anyone had a problem with heroes having the tendency of running the opposite direction of you after you unflag them? |
Originally Posted by Moloch Vein
The changes to the Xinrae spells were f*cking retarded.
i didn't read all the 16 pages post... so in relation to the buff to Master of Magic, will we see increase in the energy storage runes, and prismatic insignia may be ?
I like the change. A bit too few Mesmer pve changes, but whatever.
They didn't actually buff the pve-only skills. They made it so there is very little difference between r2 and r8. My Ranger with r2 norn and r0 on everything is happy.
They didn't actually buff the pve-only skills. They made it so there is very little difference between r2 and r8. My Ranger with r2 norn and r0 on everything is happy.
[build prof=A/R box criticalstrikes=12+1+1 Marksmanship=12][Way Of The Assassin][Way Of The Master][Critical Eye][Sundering Attack][Penetrating Attack][Distracting Shot][Read The Wind][Resurrection Signet][/build]
New turret ranger? 2 of these at the stand in GvG (especially with holding the flagstand becoming more important) could be a little bit nasty.
New turret ranger? 2 of these at the stand in GvG (especially with holding the flagstand becoming more important) could be a little bit nasty.
That won't be used at stand imo, if simply because there is a better weapon to use WotA with.
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I'm going to have to go and agree with you on that one.
With that ANet just exhumed the corpse of Communing to dig an even deeper hole to bury it in. |
Moloch Vein
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Please elaborate.
Angels Guidance
No change for amity? Always longed to see that skill used for something other than a little laugh....yay otherwise
Originally Posted by Moloch Vein
The Xinrae spells had a unique effect. Instead of elaborating and balancing these effects, they decided to make them into 1: A second version of Weapon of Remedy, and 2: a beyond-awful damage prevention method (yay, I can only take 120 damage per hit!) plus a possible Rt Bloodspike.
Lots of buffs to never used skills and only a few nerfs. It's hard not to like this. 
And i really like what they did to lightbringer signet. No more need for my monk to use signet of lesser energy in DoA and time to use something more fitting for killing demons.

And i really like what they did to lightbringer signet. No more need for my monk to use signet of lesser energy in DoA and time to use something more fitting for killing demons.
Originally Posted by Moloch Vein
The Xinrae spells had a unique effect. Instead of elaborating and balancing these effects, they decided to make them into 1: A second version of Weapon of Remedy, and 2: a beyond-awful damage prevention method (yay, I can only take 120 damage per hit!) plus a possible Rt Bloodspike.
Xinrae pot is kinda stupid, but we have several on-drop damage pots already. Its not like they can't up % and drop life steal, but Weapon is very good skill now.
o_O They buffed pain inverter....Goody ^_^. Watching powerful monsters kill themselves in 2 seconds was more fun than 1,2,1,1,1(UB).
I predict economy collapse even more....
I predict economy collapse even more....
Originally Posted by Moloch Vein
The Xinrae spells had a unique effect. Instead of elaborating and balancing these effects, they decided to make them into 1: A second version of Weapon of Remedy, and 2: a beyond-awful damage prevention method (yay, I can only take 120 damage per hit!) plus a possible Rt Bloodspike.
It was insane fun running around in AB/TA with four ritualists; one using Xinrae's Weapon / Spirits; one using Defiant was Xinrae / Channeling; one using Weapon of Remedy (basic WoR healer); and another using Spirit's Strength / Scythe skills. When the DwX rit had X'sW cast on them, you'd be looking at an insane amount of shutdown for whatever spells were cast on that rit - worked awesomely when more than one enemy had that spell equipped.
Moloch Vein
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
I'm going to be honest with you and say that I think those couple changes were done to get rits into more PUGGing parties in PvE (where PS effects are needed if you want to not die so fast) imo. I wish they would have kept the massive functionality differences separated in PvE/PvP but there's no actual reason to.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Xinrae effect was unique, but that didn't make it good. Having elite weapon skill that's only useful if other team runs single colored spell-based spike is basically worst case of build wars.
Originally Posted by R.Shayne
The farmers have already adapted, they are switching to solo builds and pulling ecto like crazy again so go cry for another nerf to SF.
To those that complained so loudly to ANET for a nerf (even I felt was needed but never backed it) go tell the people in ToA that are looking for a group how much you accomplished with your complaining. To those rage quiting, take a deep breath please, relax and don't leave. I know several friends that are putting the final touches on some team builds that look promising for UW speed clear. Like it or not the elitist on this site need you if they wish to continue playing guild wars. |
Simply said, I have liked what A-Net have done to all their campaigns, the flavour, style, skills and whilst there are some issues, every game has them, I am concered that by listening to a vocal minority that negative impact is minimised to GW and GW2.
The simple thing is, regardless of buffs, nerfs, changes and balance people will find the next build and run with it, some folks will not be around for that and it is a shame, whilst the elitists have already stopped playing or moved on, those who remain simply seem to be QQ about anything that they can because they just hate A-net and really have no idea about game development, consumers, resourcing, planning, consumer experience, satisfaction and loyalty.
A-Net, you really do not need the input of elitists, this is your game, your product, and your vision which you are sharing with us, that I am pleased to be part of. Keep your passion for Guild Wars that we know you have to create breath taking world, lands, people, missions, creatures, characters and challenges, even innovative skills. Simply do what you believe is the best for Guild Wars and not just a certain fraction of the gaming population.
Anyway, back to having fun - AB Weekend- AWESOME!