21 Aug 2008 at 17:49 - 127
Smiters are for damage, not healing and proting and damaging all in one spell cast. THAT is what OP is and that is why it's nerfed to hell. "Let me rome your Hex, heal you for 80 hp AND deal 80 damage to anyone near you, every 12 seconds, while the other 2 smite monks on the team do the same"
I'm 100% possitive the skill WILL be brought back in some form in the future, The Current nerf is to remove it from the game because of the MASSIVE ammounts of people/teams/guilds abusing it. It's sooo beyond a problem right now that it has to be removed imidiatly with no time for corrective measures.
Rather than take the time to balance it they have removed until such a time that a correct skill balance can be done on it and then reintroduce it.
Great update imo.