Originally Posted by snaek
i really don't think dreamwind and bryant again are to blame for derailing
and to be honest, it could have ended up in "how" much sooner, but naysayers like improvavel insist that gw has no problems. which resulted in endless amounts of pages for needlessly defending their viewpoint.
Just because I don't agree with the solutions presented and the way of implementing them ("it is this way because we are Gods and need to make people better regardless of their will and if they don't like it too bad, because they are bad, lazy, idiots, etc"), doesn't mean i don't see problems,
but the solutions can't be to force people into the direction you want. In real life it is already problematic, in a game it is impossible because people will simple hit the "x" button on the top right of the screen and give you the finger.
One of the main problems of this game is the incredible "low income" or "useful" stuff you get from playing with a regular 8 people party. That is what leads to farming, either solo or in teams.
If you just increase the amount of drops based on number of players (and I mean useful drops; players include heroes) present, and then make it impossible to farm certain critical areas, like in UW, by smart skill change, like shadow form ending if you are another enchantment is present, people "might" play in a different way.
Now, if the only thing you do is reduce "carrots" available, people will just be fed up and leave. PC's RPG, mulitplayer or not, are places where people collect stuff, from xp points, to levels, to items, to whatever.
Most of the suggestion on this thread range from "need to teach them to play the game in a way some consider it the correct way" (and the correct way is emulating pretty much the PvP play style, disregarding AI is different from people, so things are different) to "lets remove all the things that are overpowered to increase difficulty so people need to learn and start playing the way some consider the correct way, and when the those things are removed start on the
only strong stuff" to even "only a few are actually meant to do the
elite areas since it is elite after all and we need a pyramid community structure".
PC RPG are collector games. Most people will play it the way it allows you to collect more stuff in the fastest way possible.
I know it can be depressing to see someone that is carrying the uber leet gear and can't do an elite area or even some of the normal mode missions without using consumables and tank strategies.
Yesterday, for example, I played with one guy that basically is a farmer and a trader. There he was with obsidian armor, chaos gloves, blindfold, crystalline sword, tormented shield. His build? Dragon slash, sever artery, gash, final thrust, bonetti's defense, riposte and d-riposte, wary stance and rebirth.
Boost drops based on team size. Boost drops in elite areas after certain amounts of time elapsed.
That will solve most of the problems just there and show a "carrot" to players that want to change.
All this nerf nerf, reduce drops, talk is against what PC's RPGs are and will piss people. Like in real life, you can either punish those that deviate or you can lure those that wish to be better and surpass themselves with better rewards.
You can't just forget this is a game and not real life, though. People don't have to be better. People can simply show you the finger and press that "x" in the top right. People are here to have fun and not to have another job.