Red Resigns: What will Anet do about this?
Guild Wars down.
Yup pretty much.
so thats what anet did to stop IT, sscrewed the servers, so noone can play??
Damn i wanna play RA and cant :@
Damn i wanna play RA and cant :@
Just two. The reward diminishes too much to make winning 6 games worth that time. The real reward is the faction / gold which does not increase by fulfilling additional objectives. Zcoins are really only icing on the cake, no one really cares about them.
english storm
I played HB like normal and didn't resign, had a few fun matches but most just rage quit on me
Howver the game is so laggy now and keeps giving er15 that i will start to resign if i land on red as it's the only way to get a game now!
My New Name
it is funny that this isn't the 1st time servers fail cuz of RR day but it seems anet doesn't really give a waffle...
remove z combat anet? maybe? no? ok...
remove z combat anet? maybe? no? ok...
Premium Unleaded
Happy Code=15 day!
Can't even AB because of HB...
Can't even AB because of HB...
Red Apple
Happy Code=15 day!
Nemesis of God
Ah great, free commander points, gold and z-keys!
What could go wrong?
/error 15
What could go wrong?
/error 15
Cancel, rejoin.
Works for me.
Works for me.
It's working now anyway.
everyone who RR's should be banned
shadows of hob
Yep, plz just ban all the players that resigned 5 times or more in an hour in HB and we are fine.
My New Name
Mr. Undisclosed
so tell me what happens if i go do some hb **innocently** with a good team of heroes, and i happen to **innocently** have the zq, and i just happen to enter battle and just happen to not resign if i am red and **innocently** play like the good player should during the rr day? The blue side will get pissed off and leave..correct? Because i'm willing to bet the blue side will 99% of the time shout obscenities and leave..but what else will they do? Taking into account the idiots who do stuff in this game i'm willin to bet they threw a crappy team together and wouldn't survive even if they came after me for not resigning, and i have the well built team. Now..if i am on blue? The red guy will resign 99% of the time, the chance of me joining in with someone just like me will be low but it would still suck. In the end i win even more than a zq because i'm not looked at as exploiting and manipulating a match. Hmm...
Tell me what you think of my master evil plan. ................................. |
Oh yes, please do. Then all the claims of GW being a dead game will be true lol.
Evil Eye
Why not ban them?
If you think about it, this RR stuff has a much greater impact on the economy than things like the Mallyx exploit ever had. Back then if you were really fast and decked with consumables you would look at 5 hours for 1 armbrace without taking any breaks and with no wipes.
It shouldn't matter how many they are, they already paid for the game and are just eating bandwidth and server time now.
Consider it again:
Mallyx exploit: You had to actually put effort into it. There was no magic trick to finish the mission and get the rewards. You still had to beat all the trash before Mallyx and then not wipe on him. There was no ursan/perma SF ezmode. It actually took the most skill anything in PvE is ever going to take. On top of that you had to have an organized group. And then it takes minimum 5 hours to get just 1 armbrace. Nowadays you can get armbraces faster through normal play. And those people back then all got banned because they liked the game a little too much.
RR: You don't even play, you just wait or quit the game. 0 effort, max reward. Just the time to enter the match and zone back to GtoB. Then you get: 1k gold + 6k balth (=1 zkers + 1k balth) + zcoins. You don't need a group. You don't need consums. You don't need to have completed any campaign.
If you think about it, this RR stuff has a much greater impact on the economy than things like the Mallyx exploit ever had. Back then if you were really fast and decked with consumables you would look at 5 hours for 1 armbrace without taking any breaks and with no wipes.
It shouldn't matter how many they are, they already paid for the game and are just eating bandwidth and server time now.
Consider it again:
Mallyx exploit: You had to actually put effort into it. There was no magic trick to finish the mission and get the rewards. You still had to beat all the trash before Mallyx and then not wipe on him. There was no ursan/perma SF ezmode. It actually took the most skill anything in PvE is ever going to take. On top of that you had to have an organized group. And then it takes minimum 5 hours to get just 1 armbrace. Nowadays you can get armbraces faster through normal play. And those people back then all got banned because they liked the game a little too much.
RR: You don't even play, you just wait or quit the game. 0 effort, max reward. Just the time to enter the match and zone back to GtoB. Then you get: 1k gold + 6k balth (=1 zkers + 1k balth) + zcoins. You don't need a group. You don't need consums. You don't need to have completed any campaign.
Why not ban them?
If you think about it, this RR stuff has a much greater impact on the economy than things like the Mallyx exploit ever had. Back then if you were really fast and decked with consumables you would look at 5 hours for 1 armbrace without taking any breaks and with no wipes. It shouldn't matter how many they are, they already paid for the game and are just eating bandwidth and server time now. Consider it again: Mallyx exploit: You had to actually put effort into it. There was no magic trick to finish the mission and get the rewards. You still had to beat all the trash before Mallyx and then not wipe on him. There was no ursan/perma SF ezmode. It actually took the most skill anything in PvE is ever going to take. On top of that you had to have an organized group. And then it takes minimum 5 hours to get just 1 armbrace. Nowadays you can get armbraces faster through normal play. And those people back then all got banned because they liked the game a little too much. RR: You don't even play, you just wait or quit the game. 0 effort, max reward. Just the time to enter the match and zone back to GtoB. Then you get: 1k gold + 6k balth (=1 zkers + 1k balth) + zcoins. You don't need a group. You don't need consums. You don't need to have completed any campaign. |
There are 25 districts in HB right now and it's far from it's peak. 2500 people just sitting in the district, then add all the people in GToB, all the people in a match, and everyone mapping between places. Also take into account the fact that it's not the same 2500 people doing it for the 24h, they come and do so there's a lot more players than those you can just put together by simple math.
On top of all of that, add everyone who also did RR on the earlier days (65 districts at one time). What do you get in the end... 15k people perhaps, maybe more maybe less? How many active players are again in all of GW?
Banning these many people isn't exactly wise. Wich IMO will also have some backlash in GW2 sales. Sucks, but this is Anet's fault for allowing it >,<
edit: I just counted the American districts, 8 more for the International and 10 more for Europe - English, that's all I bothered to check.
Oh yes, please do. Then all the claims of GW being a dead game will be true lol.
Banning these many people isn't exactly wise. |
RR day has killed PvP.
Hooray code 15.
Hooray code 15.
shadows of hob
Everybody is down again.
And yes, just ban them, the people that abuse HB are not the most briliant players out there.
And yes, just ban them, the people that abuse HB are not the most briliant players out there.
For all the players saying RR'ers should be banned, that's something that can't be done as there's so many players doing it.
What Anet COULD have done is remove the quest, simple as that. Leaving it as it is means they:
1. Don't care about the money that can be made out of it.
2. Too lazy to remove it.
What Anet COULD have done is remove the quest, simple as that. Leaving it as it is means they:
1. Don't care about the money that can be made out of it.
2. Too lazy to remove it.
My New Name
And people won't buy it if AN bans them because they're knowingly exploiting the game?
Well, I bid them farewell. It's not like GW2 won't sell enough and it needs that kind of players.
Well, I bid them farewell. It's not like GW2 won't sell enough and it needs that kind of players.
My New Name
if anet cared about RR day they would remove the quest and not ban thousands of people
but they don't... so
i think gw2 will be mostly exploiters like this because most people that like to play fair already saw how concerned anet is about the community,got disappointed and left the game...(e.g taking years to fix SF,months to fix RR day etc.)
but they don't... so
i think gw2 will be mostly exploiters like this because most people that like to play fair already saw how concerned anet is about the community,got disappointed and left the game...(e.g taking years to fix SF,months to fix RR day etc.)
Also keep in mind it is impossible to CHECK for this. For example, I have been doing RR for a few hours... BUT not resigning as I end up on red. I've been actually playing the game. Got something like a 17-3 win record today.
But those 3 matches I lost.... I did end up resigning in those. Not because I was red, but because I was several points behind and wasn't going to win.
It isn't that so many people are doing it. It is also so difficult to actually confirm.
But those 3 matches I lost.... I did end up resigning in those. Not because I was red, but because I was several points behind and wasn't going to win.
It isn't that so many people are doing it. It is also so difficult to actually confirm.
So you'll get banned along with them, sacrifices always have to be made.
We'll remember you.
We'll remember you.
So you'll get banned along with them, sacrifices always have to be made.
We'll remember you. |
Wow poor baby, grow up.
My New Name
it would be unfair if he DID get banned for playing fair...
that would mean anet bans for playing HB not just for doing RR
that would mean anet bans for playing HB not just for doing RR
And it's unfair that I can't get to my next suxon rank in AB because retards broke GW.
Nemesis of God
ANet would have to ban tens of thousands people.
1. How they will know who abused system?
2.Why they would do it?
1. How they will know who abused system?
2.Why they would do it?
My New Name
sad story bro
Nothing speaks against suspending all those who did it for a long enough period and removing all of their Zaishen Keys (1 month suspension, should be enough to make them think twice next time).
And not having something only makes you want it more, I could see how it could even improve GW2 sales.
As for it being hard to detect? Run a simple script that will flag accounts of those who resigned within x sec of the beginning of the match while being on the red team, not much harder than the script they ran when they detected the 117 farming Mallyx.
And not having something only makes you want it more, I could see how it could even improve GW2 sales.
As for it being hard to detect? Run a simple script that will flag accounts of those who resigned within x sec of the beginning of the match while being on the red team, not much harder than the script they ran when they detected the 117 farming Mallyx.
My New Name
My New Name
or they will be really pissed for getting banned for something that tens of thousands people have been doing and will ragequit gw and won't buy gw2?
own age myname
or they will be really pissed for getting banned for something that tens of thousands people have been doing and will ragequit gw and won't buy gw2?
That's what you say now because you are able to play GW whenever you want and you didn't get to experience WoW PvP or F2P games PvP.
Trust me, I'm speaking out of experience.
They'll come back one day, they always do.
My New Name
MMORPGs are not the only games around?
Computer games are not the only thing in the world?
Computer games are not the only thing in the world?