Originally Posted by Snark is dead
Hai The Josip. Is this the part where I have to post the screenshots I had a feeling I should take just in case? Must I really?
Stop trying to cloud the discussion.
1. Did you, at the time of interview, use any mesmer skills? No. As you admit. And it's seen from your own screenshot.
2. Did anyone else in the outpost use any mesmer skills? No, at least all those I managed to grab, except the farming-build As.
3. Did you say you sometimes used mesmer skills? Yes, and completely pointless to my empiric data collecting because I wasn't doing historical overview of GW player habbits.
You agree with all this. But you don't like how it sounds. Too bad.
you claimed that even as a secondary, Mesmer skills are useless and underused in PvE outside of an Assassin farm build
If you werent so emotional about it you would maybe see what I said.
Someone claimed mesmer secondary is amazingly popular, the most popular, or something like that. I said that while AE is used, mesmer secondary is by no means 'amazingly popular' and I went to prove that with empiric data, which you helped me gather. And no, I didn't say mes skills are useless outside of As farm build, stop putting words in my mouth and what is this obsession of yours with as farm builds.
Originally Posted by Silmar Alech
but in normal PUG play for missions, or in vanquishs with guild or PUG, they have a place and a role to play. It's not always AoE damage dealing.
Build please.
Originally Posted by trankle
While I agree with your conclusions, your methodology is faulty. If you wanted to bring up your survey in an argument, it should have a little more substance:
1. You sampled players once at one mission outpost. Is there anything specific to the mission that would favor one class over another?
Consular Docks was ZM, and it's really typical PvE mission with nothing special. It even favors mesmers, for instance I ran FD build there.
So, if my methodology is faulty, by all means, you can do the same in some other outpost and post your data.
what if I had done my own poll, choosing Gate of Pain as my outpost? Would you have taken my data at face value, or argued that this mission is distinct in that many players bring interrupt skills?
Every data has a value. The more the merrier.
Though, I can't help but notice that you want my data to be wrong, and now seek something wrong with my selection. My selection was the most general I could make = ZM. There's Ring of Fire today. Try it
2. I saw no mention of hero builds in your data. I know that in the two threads in which this argument is taking place, some folks have come forward and said that Me skills are used in many of their hero builds. Did you collect this data from players in the outpost, or use player builds only? Why?
No. Good hero builds are posted on wiki. Paragon builds, necro builds, rt builds etc. None of these use Me secondary to my knowledge. Showing that someone in PvE is using monk hero (subpar choice) and uses me skills, is only indication that mes is subpar choice if nothing else.
As for popularity, I was interested in popularity of skills among players itself. I am not interested in hero popularity contest.
If the whole outpost were comprised of W, Mo, and E players, with one N and no Me, that would hardly make your case. Again, the data's just not there.
Popularity is popularity. If W Mo and E are in the outpost, then those are popular, and secondaries they use.
Originally Posted by Del
you use opinion and little bits of information gathered, call it logic and evidence. but considering how many people i know that actually use mesmer skills in pve, and more than likely the thousands that do
I'd like to see your data. Talk to me after that.
Originally Posted by Martin Alvito
Good farmers don't do ZQs often.
No one was talking about degenerative form of gameplay known as farming. I stated that clearly. I stated I was looking at general PvE gameplay. Which of these is not clear?
The basic problem with the sample is that it is almost certainly not representative for a variety of reasons:
I apologize for missing it, but where is your empiric data? Choose your defensive line:
"It cannot be done"
"It's impossible to interview so many people"
"I can't go through all mission and outposts because by the time I come to 10th people in 1st would change"
"I don't have time to do it"
Not here to just criticize? Alright, I'll wait to see your data.
Reworking Blackout and Diversion doesn't kill things. PvE is about killing things in the fastest amount of time possible
Or effectively blocking. Obviously, poor 1-target would-be-shutdowns won't solve it. But AoE Blackout as I suggestion purely theoretically - would be interesting and it would work.
Originally Posted by Chthon
Blood magic was a relatively easy fix.
Easy fix? Have you seen those overpowered-to-be blood magic skills? If mesmers got something like that there would be mass rage on how it's impossible to balance mesmers without making them overpowered, yet with any other class it's ok.
Soon Ritualists will be better hexers than mesmers. It's not that it cant be done, there's just no desire and there's collective consciousness whispering "it can't be done" and everyone stands like hypnotized.