Originally Posted by upier
The problem with grind is that it represents content.
Optional content. You can play GW without any grinding whatsoever. Again, your choice to stay and experience it
The alternative is simple: since we don't get any more playable content by design, grind, or quit.
People have been living without GW for thousands years.
Originally Posted by upier
So if the player chooses to experience this content - a good game designer will not justify dumb decisions with the player choosing to play this content rather than being forced to play it.
Dumb ideas are dumb ideas.
Dumb ideas such as...? Realizing that stuffing ill-conceived content in the first game was a bad idea?
Originally Posted by upier
And some of the grind is just dumb because it fails to serve that basic purpose of being the carrot on a stick. The stick is so long that you can't even see the carrot.
It pretty much just serves to feed some really unhealthy behaviour.
Actually, many people have seen so many carrots by now. And ate them. So the stick isn't really that long.
There are a few cases of the stick being probably too long, and those are mainly:
- Lucky/Unlucky - Little to no impact on the game, multiple ways of obtaining it, absolutely optional. Only reason to obtain it: GWAMM, but you have easier alternatives; HoM, but r3 in this title track is enough to get the achievement on the Monument of Honor.
- Kurzick/Luxon - See above
- Wisdom/Treasure Hunter - Purchasable, could use some rework
- Zaishen - Purely cosmetic, doesn't need to be maxed to be added to the HoM
Unhealty behaviour? Probably. That's what you need to keep up with a 5 years old game that doesn't get any new playable content since 2007: you really must be an excited fan to do that... Faculty of choice is the key. ANet runs a business, they have all the interests in keeping players busy. They are no nannies.
Again, you're given a choice: find compulsive grinding boring and unhealty? Play something else in the meanwhile. Getting carrots faster will have you asking for more carrots sooner, so it won't solve the problem.
Really, I see your point. The problem is, there's no way to fix by just toning down grinding. The answer is "fresh content", and we all know we won't get anything like that.
Originally Posted by upier
Don't get me wrong here - I almost mained my assassin because he's pretty much the closest to an iWin button when playing with h/h as it gets. So I seriously have no problems (ab)using this monster crap. 
That's your problem, really. I chose not to play Assassins at all because I find iWin buttons boring and really reductive, and I'm glad I was given the choice. Also, your magic iWin button (a shitton of buffs on an Assassin) doesn't impress me at all. You could get the same effects with six AP/GoS/MS Eles and two monks, and then call Meteor Shower "overpowered". So, you see... What's the point in fixing the game, when people are too lazy to use their own brains and look for alternatives instead of cheap iWin buttons and abuses?