Originally Posted by QueenofDeath
They aren't really doing it for the winning they are doing it because it pisses YOU and many more like YOU off! Greifing is fun to some people. Coming to the forums and seeing you whine and cry and QQ about it just makes them want to do it even more. So you're missing the whole point thinking they are doing it solely for the winning. It's the lovely red face they get to make on you and reading about the steam boiling out your ears. That's what is fun to them. You should read the book The Celestine Prophecy and then you might understand.  )
I don't play Guild Wars anymore and haven't in 2 years so I'm not one of the people getting upset over it. I was simply making the statement that even getting rid of all rewards in the game (balth faction, z keys, titles, cape trims, whatever) would not stop botting. Martin put it in better words than I did by basically saying they would rather win despite cheating than lose and try to get better naturally.
As far as griefers go, I ignore them. They are usually small in numbers and if you ignore them they go away because they don't get the response they want. The majority of botters are not griefers, and they aren't people who enjoy coding these scripts to rival the best players (most users don't know a single thing about how to go about coding the things). The majority of them are using them to obtain something they don't have either because they are not good enough to obtain it on their own or they don't have the desire to do it themselves when a bot can do it for them.
I still stand beside what I said about some of them feeling just as accomplished winning through cheating as they would getting it normally. People are proud of their fake titles and achievements they have garnered even if they did not rightfully earn them. Just look at Cod MW2 and all the people paying real money for 10th prestige. They didn't earn it and to anyone with a brain it doesn't mean a damn thing. Yet there are a ton of people who are apparently willing to pay for it and then brag about it despite being absolutely terrible at the game.
Its the same mindset as people buying invites into guilds with trim, cape-leeching then going to RA and trying to brag about it. You didn't earn the cape, and anyone who actually pays attention to that sort of thing knows you didn't and will just simply laugh at you for thinking you are something you're not. I can't understand why people do it, but then again I don't want to. I get my enjoyment through things I work hard at accomplishing, not things given to me or things I cheated to get. I really wouldn't want to have it any other way.