Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
The usual EULA excuse, even though it has already been mentioned that the EULA is legally highly questionable especially in Europe.
The EULA also outlines the terms of service does it not? There is no issue of that being questionable, whats more the 'legality' of EULA in Europe only gets questioned when the purchaser didn't have the opportunity to read said EULA before making the purchase...
Did you ask to see a copy of the EULA before you bought Guild Wars? Here's a hint for you, it was available on the Guild Wars website... that is to say, you can't argue that they forced the agreement on you.
You had every opportunity to read it, and more importantly you had an OBLIGATION to do so.
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
Or don't you think that "We can ban you without any reasons" isn't extremely one-sided and to the disadvantage of the customer? It's like saying "We expect you to pay for a service that we then decide about if we actually provide it or not!".
Again, you didn't have to buy their product... nobody forced you to buy it, nobody put a gun to your head and demanded that you agree to the EULA. More importantly, that rather standard (though crappy) portion of the EULA has ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING on the issue of banned botters.
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
What disturbs me the most is that so many people are extremely hateful on this topic and fine with ANet being Accuser, Judge and Executioner in one person even though ANet never provides proof for anything.
NCsoft is the judge,jury and executioner, if I'm not mistaken or at least so it seems. And on the issue of rules enforcement in their game, on their servers... who are you suggesting would be better placed to do such?
As for providing proof, they very well should provide evidence of your banned behavior where applicable IF YOU REQUEST IT, in the same way that they'll review their handling of your banning IF YOU REQUEST IT.
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
In a virtual world someone used a program to get virtual results and lost REAL MONEY! How hate-filled and stupid do you have to be to agree with you?
Oh, I see... you committed a virtual crime, in a virtual world to obtain virtual money? And the NCsoft response was to throw your virtual ass in the virtual pokey (slang for jail or prison).
Here's the thing, a full account costs $20-30 often enough now days, Guild Wars is pretty cheap if you want to look at the actual replacement cost of the account... tell me just how cheap do you think it is for NCsoft to actually have to deal with bots, cheats, scammers and scumbags? How cheap do you think it is for their support staff to have to review all those banned accounts that are demanding that they did nothing wrong?
Yeah, that's RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing right... it costs them REAL RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOING MONEY, your virtual crime isn't so 'virtual' anymore is it?
I guess I should have lived up to your expectations of being hateful... but the truth should serve well enough to illustrate how clueless you're being on the issue.