This is not necessarily true. The 'convenience' of the merged systems is that it provides content where there is none by artificially linking the two systems together. If you remove the grind inherent in pve gameplay to get the runes, are you really kililng anything bad? Do people point to that aspect of gameplay and say 'yes, this is what i love about this game'? If anything, this gameplay gives bad impressions to everyone forced to do it, thus making the gameplay 'added' detrimental to the games overall lifespan.
But your assuming PVP is perfect. Even right now, people complain about air eles, tombs, v-blocking, etc etc. The more seperated the systems are, the more demands and expectations there are. It doesn't matter if there are small portions that makes people happy, it'll force the players to move on and whine about something else. At this point, people complaina bout air eles, but they don't go OMFG THIS IS RIDICULOUS IT IS PRIORITIZED OVER GRINDING, no, people will wait. What happens when grind problem goes away via a fasttrack solution? All the other problems that are even harder to work out become immediate. Then you have the fact that since the solution was never a good one, it creates problems of it's own.
The only thing I dont like about Xellos is that his post are neither constructive nor convincing.
And who have you convinced? I'm sorry, but next your going to tell me Ensign's math is wrong. Stop posting things that you can't prove.
And yet you have people say "it's too haaaaaard. It's not faaaaaaair. It's a griiiiind." You have got to be freakin kidding me?? I have played most of the major MMOs and I have to say anyone who claims these things could never make it out of the noobie yard in any of them.
If it's really that easy, get all the item/rune unlockments and I want perfect item unlocks. I'll give you a month. Then if you do, I'll buy your account for 200 dollars. Wanna try without grinding?
Why would we ever want the company to spend its time and effort just to support 2% of the people wanting UAS.
2%? Where did you get this figures from? I didn't know we lived in the Matrix and you had direct control and could spy on every players mind.
I'm sure all of the rest of us want their resources spent on developing the wonderful game that we have now instead of wasting it on a few who cant get all the perks at once.
That's beautiful. That's like saying the world doesn't want to buy apples, they want to buy oranges.
actually when you consider the amount of content outside of the arenas you have to wonder if the pvp areas are not little sandboxes in a much larger playgrond
Agreed. Beyond tombs and GvG, arenas are jokes. 4v4 Team arena has the potential to be respected and covetted just as much as tombs, yet isn't because it has no prize, no rank, no nothing. The CTF arena was awesome, and showed potential for multiple scenarios which could lead to more variety in builds. Where else can you use a W/R runner build? Nowhere.
I don't think you understood me. It's not that there aren't enough PvEers to fill the PvE ladder, it's that everyone who finishes the campaign wants to go play with the big shots, where all the competition is at. And they won't be able to do that, since the PvPers will be on a separate ladder. So more and more people will start to ditch the PvE and play exclusively PvP, meaning the PvE quickly loses its appeal and falls in popularity. Pretty soon the PvE competitive play is dead and only "noobs" play in the PvE tombs. Nobody bothers to go through the missions, not enough people to fill PvE mission groups, RIP PvE.
Plus, PVP would then be extremely picky on balance. Look at games like wc3. Anything that has more factors then starcraft is pretty much deemed as impossible to balance. Guild Wars has alot more factors then wc3. People pick at classes and skills that don't belong to their strategy or their preference, people start getting more aware, people get more pissed and angry because their senses evolve past that of the developers and therefore are angry that the developers cannot keep up. Look at warcraft 3. It became pathetic because Blizzard failed to keep up with the balance. By the time it even became decently balanced, everyone left. All because PVP had much more to it then PVE. No one cared about campaigns, no one cared about tower defense unless you were a casual non-pvp player. Hell, even DOTA got pickied to the point where EUL couldn't keep up, and that isn't even an official map of the game.
Well here is what Gaille had to say regarding UAS:
Exactly. The real meaning behind her post was that Anet never planned guild wars to be perfect. You can't possibly expect a game to live forever (unless your starcraft) in pvp, so you have to figure out what kills a game. At this point, people leave games from either being overly tired from grinding, or plain imbalances. One comes from RPG type games, one comes from PVP type games. Sadly, Guild Wars is a hybrid of both, therefore having TWO weaknesses. How do you combat two weaknesses? By having the two aspects work together. Otherwise, they die just like any other game.
I could not possibly care less about PvP or its ranking system. With that said, I think you should have to earn your abilities just like the rest of us.
Don't take this personally, but this is exactly the kind of statement that makes people not want to even read the rest of your post. You basically just said "my way or the high way nah nah nah". Why would people take you seriously? You've already concluded that you are 100% for your side and that even if hell froze over you would still call hell the hottest place there is.
Regardless of what you think of the grind (since this isn't an "OMG too much grind" thread), having a separate UAS ladder will kill the PvE. To have an option of unlocking all skills for a PvP character might or might not be a good idea, depending on the balance issues that may arise, but to separate the whole community in two would be a stupid move that I'm sure ArenaNet won't make.
Actually, is is completely dependant on the balance issues and replayability. Look at games like magic the gathering, only the most hardcore of players or new players play that game. If you cannot keep the game interesting, it will fail. PVE keeps it alive in that you don't have to PVP, you can walk around towns, help some people, be stupid. I don't care. The grind is ironically what slows down people from DEMANDING balance changes, because people are so caught up farming runes, they have no time to realize what's imbalanced and what's not. Even the best of the best can't possibly know all the exploits without having all the stuff unlocked. I'm simply saying that you should give Anet a chance to use this time to fix the balances, because the grind is currently their only excuse if they all of a sudden fail to fix a balance issue. Multiple screwups lead to a large portion of gamers leaving, just look at warcraft 3.
Don't any of you remember those conspiracy theory things? Where it's better to have a labelled and clear enemy, then starting to dig for one from the inside out killing your side in the process. Illuminati or something right? I don't remember, point is, grind is the common enemy, the terrorists of today, if you take them out, people are gonna start complaining about stuff that you aren't ready for. Anet is a company, their survival comes first.