Originally Posted by egads
I do not want to play in a "show off how much you've grinded!" ladder, especially not if the main competition is going on elsewhere.
Ironically despite your PvE stance, that's what this game is currently: a "show off how much you've grinded!" ladder. Aside from that, you are a very compromising individual in your post.
Mindbullets, you make a valid point. However, the people that seem to be most adamantly against a UAS system are those that proudly dub themselves PvEers, and thus I posed the question to them. There does seem to be a rift in the community, but I do realize there are crossover players that enjoy both aspects of the game. I guess by virtue of simply differentiating people into different "sides" people start namecalling and spewing out non sequiturs supporting their argument (both sides do this) instead of forming constructive arguments.
Originally Posted by Mindbullets
I ask only that there isn't this line drawn between people that only want to PvP and those that PvE so that we can PvP with the items and gear we've chosen to pursue.
Unfortunately if a UAS was implemented, the line drawn would be an actual ingame division. Whether this is good or bad is debateable. To me it is good since it lets people choose their gamestyle instead of having it forced upon them. I agree both sides shouldn't simply spew hatred at the other side, but there is a clear difference between the two camps.
Originally Posted by The Virago
So far as I can tell, there is a small contingent of folks who really don't care about the game, they're not here to do anything other than PvP. There really isn't "a problem" with this other than that those who subscribe to this perspective have (apparently) missed an important reality:
Skills and upgrades, not PvP, are the reward for playing the game.
You're forcing your beliefs on others. To a PvPer, the actual competition and ranking in a ladder is the reward for playing the game, not gaining an unfair advantage over the competition.
Anyone ever play America's Army? In order to play online, you were forced to do the training missions. Whether or not this improves the online experience is debateable, but the training missions were just that: training missions. Now, imagine if you had to repeat those training missions over and over again for a minimum of 48 solid ingame hours before you could wield certain powerful weapons in the game. That is the exact equivalent that many GW PvP players are experiencing before they can actually play PvP. They've already experienced the "training". Why do it repetitively over and over again?
Originally Posted by Virago
Assumptions are ugly things, friend. I've read it all, and the only constant is the contingent of 'me me me' and 'now now now'.
You are the one that is sorely lacking in comprehension, Virago. You are completely misunderstanding the PvP mentality and are refusing to understand it.
Virago, many people, pvpers and pveers alike, have all submitted compromises in this thread. Your ignorance does not change this fact.
Mr. Matt, I lavish the same deserved insults to you that I've given to Virago. You simply refuse to understand the other side and to seek compromise.