Originally Posted by AirOnG
You are resorting to baseless ad hominem attacks of calling us childish and prop yourself up as better and older. Do not take this offensively, but this is ironically childish.
Just noticed this... kindly note I said
the behavior was childish. Not the people. If someone chooses to self-identify, that's entirely up to them. Folks like Jasper (who happily sits in the ignore corner due to his inability to maintain any form of mature discussion) do not bother me, and those who insist on rabidly foaming and attacking those with whom they disagree are doing more to ruin their credibility by over-reacting and being overly-negative than they realise --
all the while exemplifing precisely the attitude and behavior that ArenaNet is starving by making PvP players hunt up their own skills and upgrades.
As to the rest, someone assumed because I disagree with them, I "obviously don't know anything about PvP". They are wrong. Not only do I know PvP, I knew it very likely before most posting here knew it, when it really was worth enjoying... back when people didn't whine when they didn't get their way.... hell, they didn't whine at all.
You didn't see the stupidity of 'smack talk', because people respected one another and had a fundamental grasp that you don't grow the herd for slaughter by running off players, by insisting on being max skill immediately, and by laying in the proverbial floor kicking and screaming if you don't get it NOW NOW NOW.
I applaud ArenaNet for building a game where people who have never PvP'd don't feel they can never learn it. The arena teams (4 on 4) are wonderful for learning the ropes in a way most PvP players of today simply lack the foresight to support.
I applaud them as well for putting 'King of The Hill' in place for the folks who prefer number crunching to experimentation, and who don't expect anything more from their game than the chance to test themselves against all comers.
I applaud them for permitting cookie cutter templates and still giving people an opportunity and avenue to do something outside the cookie cutter if they're willing to invest the time and effort into pursuing a different setup under the same rules as the rest of the game utilizes.
What I hear when I read all this whining is that most players want cookie cutter templates, but they also want everything available at once. And that just wouldn't support the cross-over from PvE that ArenaNet obviously intends.
What boggles me is that everyone who has posted screaming for UAS can't seem to understand that it isn't in ArenaNet's best interest to segregate PvP any more than they have at present. Until those of you wanting more than what you have now understand this, really understand it, you're doomed to be frustrated. To break it down for you:
ArenaNet intends this game to provide PvE players the chance to cross-over PvP without having to feel like once they've tried it, they're stuck with it for good. They didn't design a PvP game. They designed a PvE game with optional PvP, and rankings for those who engage in it more than occasionally.
"PvP for PvE players" is a much greater possibility in this game than in any other I've seen... and this is precisely because everyone knows that we're all operating under the same ruleset. You take this away and you lose every bit of that.
Not only this, it is a means by which to insure that those who are avid or 'hard core' (read: time, not type) players cannot possibly exhaust all the content before the intended time frame for expansion.
Simply put, the design is one that serves both as a balancing factor against content exhaustion and to offer players who have never considered PvP a slower and less risky avenue to try it. Very smart business.
Now I fully realise most PvP players simply do not
care about this kind of thing, but thankfully, we've got ArenaNet acknowledging every step of the way that this is INTENDED. I view this as A Good Thing.
My *personal* opinion is that the playing community
as a whole will benefit from having to PvE to get skills and upgrades. Because in order to succeed on EITHER side of the preferential playing style 'fence', you have to be more involved in
being part of the community. We're all familiar with the stereotypical PvP player and I think it was incredibly insightful of ArenaNet to put in place a mechanic that single-handedly eviscerates it as a method of operation.
So I suppose the answer to the initial question, "Why are you against a UAS ladder that does not affect you?" is simply this:
I am against it because, whether it is realised, understoood, or accepted, it would affect the overall quality of the game along with harming its ultimate longevity, which would very much affect me as a fellow player.
@AirOnG -- First, dang your hide for drawing me back into this thread. (grin) Secondly -- Your points on etiquette are well taken. If you would consider that the things you infer may not be intended by their writer, it would help as well.
@Hostile Contributors -- Thank you for changing my mind about my own suggestion to make skills 'lootable' from defeated opponents in PvP matches. The process of forming my thoughts here finally convinces me that the way things currently are is as they should be, and I would not have contemplated it this deeply had some of you not been as overtly hostile. Should the matter ever come to poll (doubtful), I'll vote accordingly.