An unfair advantage to a PvPer is an artificial game rule that makes one side have a superficial advantage over another side. In this case, the superficial advantage is one side having more health or runes or skills just by virtue of having done an unchallenging and unskilled timesink.
Then let every player in the UAS ladder have everything unlocked to the max instead of taking it away? Your starting to sound like someone who hasn't played the game enough.
In order to really be "earned" to a PvPer, the reward should be something that actually requires skill like position in a ladder or tournament. To obtain runes and skills in this game, all that is required is purely time and very little skill.
Rewards in PVP should never enable you to become stronger directly or indirectly. That widens the gap between skilled players and casual players. The game still has to cater to everyone.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're saying that all PvP players are by their very nature unobservant and possess poor standards? These assumptions are nothing but unfounded and insulting.
If I had the choice to have a UAS ladder, and I only played UAS ladder the whole time, would I be good at riverside runs on my first try? No.
I enjoy the PvP system in the game, though I'm largely a "casual PvE player." MMORPGs are typically disappointing in the PvP realm what with a hefty reliance on attributes and randomly generated numbers to decide who lives and dies. Guild Wars so far has seemed to be one of the best at reaching a balanced PvP playing field, but a UAS option will do nothing but hurt that balance.
I can only stress this some more, play the game more before you discuss, chances are, your one of the hundreds who think you know something but just have a common misconception.
What do you mean by "taken out of the matrix"?
The matrix was a illusionary world technically created by machines.
This reply is going to get me flamed, but I'll go ahead with it. Why are PvPers so attracted to massively multiplayer online ROLEPLAYING games? Yes, there is by definition a grind built into this genre. It's the nature of the beast. Aside from an immersive plotline, RPGs (and MMORPGs) involve lots of character development (okay, so plot is sometimes thin in MMOs).
Apparently, you don't read the box. Do you also say it's ok for your coa coa puffs to have holes in then because they have them in cheerios?
I've never been very satisfied with the PvP content of MMORPGs, though Guild Wars has risen above my expectations. These games rely heavily on statistics and random die rolls to determine the outcomes of battles. There's a lot of luck going along with the skill in PvP battles in this genre. Guild Wars has less randomness, but it's still a part of the system.
There's enough luck as it is even with a UAS ladder.
If you want purely skill-based PvP, the FPS and RTS genres are much more skill-based. MMORPG PvP is more analogous to two players duking it out in a pencil-and-paper Dungeons and Dragons game. Yes, Guild Wars has reduced the randomness factor, but not elminated it.
Too bad the intention was to eliminate it to the point where skill determines the winner period. I mean, korean tournaments? Do you see world of warcraft doing that? I thought only competitive games qualified for tournaments.
If you want skill-based PvP without putting any work whatsoever into it, this really isn't the right genre for you.
Sorry, but when you call guild wars into a old genre, you just proved that you have no idea what your talking about.
Proves the point? So a single example demonstrates the presence of a much larger truth? I'm a game mechanics junkie, my friend. Understanding of the game mechanics has nothing to do with one's PvP or PvE standing. It's really a question of personality.
Prove it. Show me how the game mechanics applies to tombs. I'll give you 5 hours to figure out the current flavour of the month. Plenty of time for someone who claims to know the game mechanics, since Ensign probably does it in mere seconds. You have no idea what your talking about, because you use mumbo jumbo words to cop out just like other people.
But NOT for a casual (or hardcore for that matter) PvE/PvP player (one who is interested in both) and since these are the players that are a majority in this game, and it seems obvious to me, the population that A.Net has made this game for, then UAS is an awful alternative.
This is the key factor. It is actually pretty accurate. While the figures are completely random, the boards of GW ranging from GWG to even something as leisurely as GameFAQs shows that most people do play PVE and PVP. Whether or not people would still play both given the choice to be seperated is the real question.
Yes instead, we will have 1 dead ladder that sucks more then any other in the history of games, in fact it is downright boring to try to even play on it.
But the question is, given the gamble, will you PVPers be able to handle the imbalances that you will quickly find and be zealous about? I mean, with Ensign, Blackace, and a number of other people, I'm pretty sure it has a fair chance to become the next WC3. Both ways are dangerous, but that's how the game is currently sadly.
Quite the contrary, if the PvPers will only accept a game their way rather than a compromise that benefits all players then once you have left the ladder will be inhabited by the players for which this game was intended.
People who lose to my henchmen team in PVP?
why cant they play now and farm on the side and add to their builds rather than having to have everything before they can play?
Some do, some do. But flavour of the months change very quickly. More like flavour of the week almost. Even the air ele build is quickly being countered, as the team that made it famous is already changing their strategy right away. People evolve, and this forces others to react faster. Unable to react because of your limited options puts you at a severe disadvantage. Then look at GvG, where your stats are permanent. Then you'll realize why people want such flexibility.
Air.. How would you feel if they implemented a PvP only server that had no elites, runes, or upgrades, but were completely open for all basic skills.. Instant level playing field. Would all of you be happy with that?
And why no elites, runes, or upgrades may I ask? To simply smite at the PVPers? Nice try, Your like The Virtago, absolutely clueless and defensive over your PVE game. It's not like runes, elites, or upgrades would be available to only a few. Rather, it is available to everyone. That is the suggestion. You don't have to unlock superior vigor, you'll start out with it.
which would be temporary and decrease as the play/farm group found more stuff
Temporary can be a very long time. Guys like Ensign already gave up on farming and resort to PVE characters. How sad is that.
omg, you can't be more right. out of sheer boredom, 8 of my guildmates stated a fake guild. in 6 hrs we got to ranked 29 from unranked. what's funny is that we spend more time "Awaiting a Worthy Opponent" then we do playing the game. the ladder is so broken, it's not even funny.
Ladder? What? I thought tombs was the only place to PVP.....
Pop quiz. How many guilds in the top 40 aren't a duplicate, dummy, or practice guild?
None, they all belong to the Spooky.
and xellos, yup there is a business and there's an ideal. i guess in the real world you choose what pays your bills. hmm, it seems to me that if you're going to make a hybrid fps and rpg, you have to make it so each half is able to stand on its own. while the rpg part is ok (not spectacular), the pvp is pretty awesome...if we can ever get to it...
I'm just stating the awareness for everyone, so that people realize that they cannot be too overzealous. We should give them time, but be aware that their suppose to be spending this time to fix something. The problem with most companies is, they aren't willing to ask for help from people like us. Course, that's a silly and bold idea, one wrong move and poof

but hey, I can dream about getting a easy paycheck can't I?
These players will have no doubt have one class that they always play and have worked out how to play them to amazing skill levels.
The hell. Which one of you only plays one class? Sama? Pharalon? BLACKACE? One of you is gonna get FIRED :P
I would also put money on it that these players aint the ones bitching on these boards, they are playing the game, because they have enough sence to realise it aint getting them any where bitchin, in fact they could probably find all the skills before an UAS was introduced, and what the heck, even if it does get introduced, bonus, they will have had the x amount of time perfecting their skills.
Really? That's weird, I didn't see any proof in this statement here that can prove that. Do you want all of us to show you our credentials or something? Don't make statements you can't back up. This is GWG, not GameFAQs or VNboards. Some of the best do live here.
Top guilds among many others have complained about the grind in retail.
Cept the korean guilds and european guilds, only because they haven't registered at GWG :P
Once those people have left the ladder who will accept a PvP only solution to the perceived problems with GW the ladder will not be dead as the poster stated, it will be inhabited by those for whom the game was intended, and dare I say, by those who like the game.
Oh, so now your saying people that care for the game's fun is now the people who don't like this game. Great, you now define people's own personal values and standings. Lemme pass the crown of Judge and Executioner to you.
The PvE/PvP player and the PvP player will never agree.
I'm a PVE/PVP player, I seem to agree with a number of PVP players

but I do take into account more things.
You don't have time to "grind", but you have time to clutter message boards with neverending requests that the game be rewritten to accomodate you?
Maybe because their sick and tired of the grind, not because they don't have the time.
Why not use the time you spend posting to read, learn, experiment and develop winning tactics using the skills you do have? If you did, you might find yourself able to compete after all.
Some of us have more then enough winning tactics to last us a lifetime against people like you. Please do not make such bold statements.
The skills they make available to you in PvP have been used by winning teams in the past. If they were good enough for those teams, why aren't they good enough for you?
Because some of these people are those teams.
I think we know the answer. Even if you got what you are asking for, you are still going to kiss pavement. It's the difference between a player who learns how to win, and a player who crys because they "can't" win.
I cry because I lost with henchies after taking out 4 teams in the 6 team FFA. Oh Noez.
I think the whine about wanting UAS is purely childishness, the complete and total lack of insight as to just how much you have been given.
Coming from someone who hasn't even finished the game yet. Lack of insight indeed.
I also think most of you posting didn't bother to RTFM as it seems to me it has always been very, very clear that you would have to earn your skills and runes just like the rest of the world.
p.s.: I was leading one of the best PvP guilds in Meridan 59 and later, UO when most of you were yet an itch in your daddy's pants. If you want to know why I left PvP for PvE, just read your own posts.
Next your going to claim you found the Holy Grail. Can you at least post things that are relevant to the point? Talking about personal history can be very iffy, and can get you owned really bad. I thought age comes with wisdom.
The PvP templates by themselves out of the box are a joke. Any good team with a customized build will completely destroy those templates.
But..but..but...one of them is made by...*gasp* IVEX!!!
You are resorting to baseless ad hominem attacks of calling us childish and prop yourself up as better and older. Do not take this offensively, but this is ironically childish.
Hey, John Kerry kept talking about Nam. What are you complaining about? This is chumpchange.
Personally, I think you should take the advice my partner just gave as he was looking over my shoulder, "Poor kid... tell him if he can't stand to play, quit. Otherwise, tell him to suck it up because life's tough and it's no one's fault but his own if he didn't RTFM."
Where in the manual did it say that unlockables make up a huge chunk of the win?
Second, suck it up? Why don't you suck it up and stop posting here then. Apparently no one wants any of your whining about us "whining". Take your own medicine if your going to disperse it. Don't be a hypocrite. Play the game, and stop posting if your telling people to do the same.
Heh. So true. I think I'll leave it at that. After all, anyone willing to directly misquote you to try and make their point obviously doesn't have a leg to stand on...
The sad part is the remark is so weak, there's no point in responding to it. Well done.