The Biggest Jerk You Ever Encountered in GW (no posting names)

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


Originally Posted by Feminist Terrorist
On the other side of that, if you've been in that prize spot for several minutes, and someone comes along and either stands IN you or right next to you, I think you're justified to tell them to git. I don't like prize poachers. (yeah, i'm mean that way)
That is called competition
I have an average of 20 prizes, just standing on one spot. The last round someone was standing next to me, I still had 16 prizes. There are many people in every districe, and they all want a piece of the pie. Personally I rather go back to the easy life of a farmer, but this is much easier



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Originally Posted by Blackhawk
Seen plenty of Jerks today while the presents are dropping after the Minigame in Shing Jea "Get lost this is MY Spot" or "Hey that was MY Present, Give it back!!", heh how sad some people are.
And then of course there's the flipside - people who will camp you and steal your presents on purpose. Had this happen to me just now. I don't really care about the presents, but come on, it's just childish.

Monkey Blonde

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Siege Turtles (ST)


Originally Posted by Blackhawk
Seen plenty of Jerks today while the presents are dropping after the Minigame in Shing Jea "Get lost this is MY Spot" or "Hey that was MY Present, Give it back!!", heh how sad some people are.
Why do we read this thread ? Because we get a good laugh. At least, that's why I like it. I have been pretty lucky when it comes to not encountering many jerks, but boy did I meet one tonight. And, well, I decided to have some fun with it. The following quotes are exact, including typos, from screenshots I took in at the time.

Here's a bit to enjoy from the last gift drop in Shing Jae:

I had just entered the district and was running around looking for a good spot to get prizes. I like to go near NPCs, but with as few people there as possible. I found a spot by the wack-a-wurm NPC, which at the time, THERE WAS NOBODY IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA, not that it really matters.

{jerk}scab RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO ive been here whole time and you want to come down here?
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.

At this point, I decided to move a little closer to my new friend.

Jerk (All) - im sick of scab RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs that cant get thier own so come to someone elses area
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize. (this one was right at jerk's feet, but unfortunately, he was too busy typing...)
Jerk (All) - tsb has been nored as a scab guild
Other2 (All) - dude
Other3 (All) - who dictates which area is which?
Jerk (All) - tell that to this scab
Other4 (All) - you all really need to chill
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.

Other5 (All) - if your life depends on this crap so muchyou need to get a new one
Other4 (All) - exactly
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.
Jerk (All) - i think monkey blonde does, shes snatching them like her moms life depends on it
Jerk (All) - monkey must come from a broke ass guild
Other6 (All) - wa wa wa
Other7 (All) - lol
Jerk (All) - RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO that, if they want to act like broke nigga then they'll be refered to as broke niggas
Jerk (All) - people bragging online=broke in r/l
Other8 (All) - That's it. You guys can stop whining now
{jerk} - too bad your guild has to suffer for your stupidity
{jerk} - and btw, you've been ignored, and your guild will have to pay for ferries into deep or urgoz
{me} - you control both elite missions ?
Player Jerk is ignoring you.
{jerk} - lol im god friends with the alliances that control both, and your guild will suffer
{jerk} - good luck trying to get into elite areas
Me (All) - I love you [Jerk's name]
{jerk} - and good luck when your guildies read on guru why they cant get in
{jerk} - in the future, you shopuld watch who you try to RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO, could RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO your whole guild like you just did
Me (All) - Giving away 50 orbs to the first 4 to open a trade window - courtesy of [Jerk name]'s graciousness
Other9 (All) - lol monkey
Me (All) - I'm standing by the 9 ring game
Me (All) - [Jerk name] so kindly gave me her spot, so I'm feeling gracious too
Me (All) - I think we should have a festival in honor of [Jerk name]
{jerk} - cant wait till mike and tim get on so they can spread the word through thier alliances to ban your guild

Unfortunately, I didn't get screenshots of EVERYTHING, because at first I was only capturing the language at the beginning. I didn't think to share the entire history, although I wish I could. I promise you I made some "Can't we all just get along" comments. When jerk started talking about my guild, I mentioned it to them, and a couple came to "visit" to enjoy the conversation, followed by some pointing and laughing emotes. Notice I didn't say word #1 until the prizes stopped dropping and Jerk mentioned the comment about the elite missions.

After jerk apparently left, I had a little more fun with my offer of 50 jade orbs to the first 4 to open a trade window. I requested that each of them thank Jerk for the generosity with a whisper, and mention my name.

Now, don't get me wrong, you guys don't know me, but ingame, I am almost ALWAYS very nice and considerate and helpful. But when I have the opportunity to play with a jerk like this, well, I just can't pass that up.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Got one that just recently happened while playing my mesmer, and was running mostly an illusion build with a few interrupts, ineptitude, clumsiness, etc.

First, the jerk in our group starts talking about people not attacking called targets, blah blah blah. Then he starts spamming "I'm following <insert my mesmer's name here>" over and over, and says "hint hint". So I just laugh, and think, gee doesn't sound like this guy has played a mesmer too much. Then the group wipes, goes back to the outpost, and I get invited into this jerk's group again. The other players seem to not have a problem with me what so ever, but then this starts up.

jerk: What kind of build you running
me: Mostly illusion, a little domination, why?
me: Do you play a mesmer?
jerk: ya, in HA
*goes to whispers*
jerk: I just thought you could use a little help with your build, because you're running it wrong
me: What? Whatever.
jerk: seriously
me: Well, just to let you know, in PvE, mesmers don't focus on just one target at a time usually.
jerk: as they shouldn't
jerk: not sure what that was suppose to mean, but ok
me: well, you were giving me shit about it earlier
jerk: but really, your build kind of sucks
me: whatever

Now, what I don't get is... ok, so I wasn't playing a pure domination build or e-denial build that's so famous in PvP, but wtf? Couldn't he have just said simply, "Hey, do you think you could switch to domination?"? I would of said, "Sure, hold on..." Why in the hell do people just insist on outright insulting other people's builds and intelligence. Because they think they're better? And how much sense does it make for a guy that PvP's as a mesmer, to act holier than thou about mesmer builds? Don't they run a bit different from eachother? Ya, sorry I wasn't a domination mesmer pal, but really, please don't group with pugs if you're just gonna be a dick to everyone throughout the mission.

Then this part comes after a hench that got rezzed by me runs in and aggros everything and kills us...

jerk: No, I'm out of here, too many weak links in this group.
me: Good, that guy was a dick anyway
other player: yea no kidding

Then we started the mission again and finished it just fine without him, actually it seemed to go smoother after he left. Good bye jerk, go back to HA, and pretend you're god of the builds.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

House Zu Heltzer, laughing at them.

The [GEAR] Trick


O god, Fort Aspenwood is fun. Snuffles isn't me, but it's only a part of his name.

Jerk: Snuffles, your a noob.
Snuffles: Why? Because I can dodge your arrows?
Me: Lol, O snap!
Jerk: STFU Nub! I didn't ask you! Leave me alone to school this nub!
Shuffles: Wow dude, calm down
Jerk: I'll own you 1v1
Me: Hey man, if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
Snuffles:*in teamchat* Thanks man.
Me:*in teamchat* No probs.

We lost that match, but that guy was a complete ass.

Res Ipsi

Res Ipsi

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006


Angel Sharks [As]


{jerk} - cant wait till mike and tim get on so they can spread the word through thier alliances to ban your guild

I would consider Mike and Tim to be jerks too, if they actually condoned his behaviour and used their influence to ban your guild from the Elite missions. Then again, jerks usually have jerks for friends.

Guildmaster Cain

Guildmaster Cain

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

Guildmistress Eve [Me], Guildmistress Azura [N], Guildmistress Azumi [A], Guildmistress Jaina [D]

Guildmaster Aeron [Rt], Arthas Ironfist [W], Guild: The Tyrian Templars [TTT]

Ofcourse noone would need any ferry-alliance if your guild was using the backdoor. Shh...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


So as you can imagine after every event there are a TON of people wanting to know when the emerpor will come back, where can they get a mask, when do the gifts fall from the sky...?

And as usual you have people not knowing anything spouting off what they think is the right thing to say and being utterly wrong... So I am still playing rings and being nice enough to tell people stuff... Well then you get stupid people who don't listen and ask again and again. So finally some guy get tired of the stupidness and claims he's a GW GM or RP or something... At this point I told him his claim was against the EULA and that if he wanted people to listen to him lieing was not the way to go about it...

HE ARGUED WITH ME FOR 10MINS ABOUT IT! Finally he told me I didn't know what the EULA was.... *snickers* I being one in the tiny percentage that actually read it, explained what it was. And that I have seen enough GMs and RPs to know he isn't the real deal. So the guy finally goes: I am just trying to get people to stop wasting their time!
(lots of people are bitching about the emperor and the supply master and such its just stupid -_-)
I said: That's fine, but lieing about who you are isn't going to make things better!

*sighs* and one guy was still stupid enough to think he was a GM and then that same guy came back 5mins later to ask if the Supply Master was there yet........ At this point I have given up on good deeds, I have done enough and gotten enough thank yous so that I can be happy with who I am..... But as the hours pass people are becoming more and more stupid and those helpful people are doing so in a more cruel manner than they used to and it just makes me sad ;_;

Be patient, some people waited to play factions till the CE got to them like another person who posted. So be kind enough to explain it once through, however let the multitude of idiots figure it out for themselves.

And it just goes to prove that people are not happy no matter what ya do.

Anet thanks for the mask layover, I think it shows great progress for future events. I have the only mask I want from this event but it gives me hopes that I wont miss my reindeer antlers this New Years XD

~~~BOTTOM LINE!!!~~~
Be patient and if ya have to let off steam due to idiots.... Do it outside of game and don't get even more stupid than the stupid people.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005


well there is no solution to people like this other then shipping them off to some remote island without internet access.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seattle, WA

Grenths Helpdesk


Festivals and events bring out the worst in people. My boss plays GW and while we were having a smoke earlier, he got to tell me about how he was screenshotted and reported for picking up a festival prize in an area that some jerk had claimed as his own.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

.....and angry monkeys.

No internet access and lots of angry monkeys.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Festivals and events bring out the worst in people. My boss plays GW and while we were having a smoke earlier, he got to tell me about how he was screenshotted and reported for picking up a festival prize in an area that some jerk had claimed as his own.
Looks like ArenaNet is going to have some interesting Email to go through today.



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by Goats17
We lost that match, but that guy was a complete ass.
i turn off "local chat" now in fort Aspenwood. go back a few pages to read my post of a jerk off who won't shut up! posted the SS to give proof

to be honest i'm a good player. well in PvE. i suck in PvP, but i'm not a fantastic or Godly player but i'm good enought not to die like a freaking noob and blame the monk or lead a group to every misson and pull every single mob, but over all i just keep to my self and do what is needed to win the match/misson/quest. I just hate it when people come along and think there "better" then you and fail to "prove" it.



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
....he got to tell me about how he was screenshotted and reported for picking up a festival prize ......
SNAP …. so your boss has been sent a letter/e-mail from A-net? Also why did gifts fall/apear next to NPC's? if It's on the ground it's a free for all in my book. I had my local chat off (becase every 2 seconds someone asked "how did i get my mask?".... "when does the empire come"... "why are there 3 empires" ... "how many orbs do i need"... "when will the empire apear again"..... blah blah blah.... ) so I have no clue who was pissed at me for taking there spot -)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
And then of course there's the flipside - people who will camp you and steal your presents on purpose. Had this happen to me just now. I don't really care about the presents, but come on, it's just childish.
I steal peoples presents who shout in all chat hey you !#@!$ quit stealing MY present. Just because they think that they can tell people to leave.

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


A couple of times someone grabbed something right at my feet because I was too slow (reflexes aren't as fast as they used to be.) so I tried to stay off by myself. Anytime anyone came and stood close, I moved. Problem solved.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


I feel sorry for the angry monkeys.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seattle, WA

Grenths Helpdesk


Originally Posted by chessyang
SNAP …. so your boss has been sent a letter/e-mail from A-net? Also why did gifts fall/apear next to NPC's? if It's on the ground it's a free for all in my book. I had my local chat off (becase every 2 seconds someone asked "how did i get my mask?".... "when does the empire come"... "why are there 3 empires" ... "how many orbs do i need"... "when will the empire apear again"..... blah blah blah.... ) so I have no clue who was pissed at me for taking there spot -)
Heh, no, he just got yelled at by some jerk last night. "This is my area, get out of my area! I'm going to report you to ANet because you're stealing my presents! This is my area!" and so on. My boss isn't worried in the least, and even told the guy to go ahead and report him.

Cuz yeah, if there's something on the ground that can be picked up by anyone... well... it can be picked up by anyone! No sense yelling at someone who got it before you did!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

I can see it now...
all the angry monkeys jumped into ocean because they were sick of all the stupid crap

People will be running around the island for the next few weeks yelling "WTF Happened to the angry monkeys!!!1!1!" Even though bloated monkey corpses wash on the beach on a regular basis...



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



wow double post.. mybad

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


I got a blind invite to a FoW group that was 7/8 and was whisked off just as soon as I set the skill I needed to do the run properly. We are instantly aggroed and no one is getting healed or rezed.

Both M/W's had run off and left us to get creamed. I managed to kill off the local monsters with a little help from the people left, but I was the only one left standing except the two monks that ran off without healing or rezing anyone.

I asked the dead group leader if he had screened the monks and his response was that he should have done that. Of course the monks don't respond to my inquiries and their names are very suspect as if they are completely incapable of creating names that were made by Americans. I was alone surrounded by dead teammates while the monks ran off and were getting all the drops.

I told the dead group leader what I was going to do. I aggroed the nearest group to the ghost who promptly died, killing the whole group including the monks.

Finally, the monks started typing something in another language. They were saying unpleasant things I am sure, but I was too busy laughing.

The group leader felt a little redeemed for spending his plat to bring along scammer monks, so I gave him a laugh.

Tigers Anger

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Master Casters [MC]



Meo Yeong

Meo Yeong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Canada Eh!



They should test all new players to see if they can read and know how to use a serach engine. Question 1 would be like show us how to get to guild wars homepage and the game update section.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

did you add the "j/k :P" because you thought you'd offend someone? I woulnd't be surprised if you did (both), really...



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

ok now im confused, what were you arguing about?....



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Dvd Forums [DVDF]


True and tried solution... turn off Local Chat.

It sucks that players out there aren't as informed as others and just mooch off the players who do know things, but they are either lazy or they are to young to know how to use the internet or they just don't know sites like this exist.

When I asked when the Emperor would come by (for the 2 hour period), at the beginning of the event, I got flamed and was told to go to



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Yeah *sigh* the foolish Guild Wars masses are so clueless... -_- Can't they see how lost they are...? And I totally exposed that ignorant idiot's web of lies. *snickers* The nerve! It's a good thing they have wise folk like me to guide them. In fact I think I'll go start a thread about it now. I'll show them how how great I am.

Then they'll see...


Meo Yeong

Meo Yeong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Canada Eh!



Originally Posted by GreatLich
did you add the "j/k :P" because you thought you'd offend someone? I woulnd't be surprised if you did (both), really...
If they get offended not my problem.

But if you really want to take my words seriously by all means do because in actuality a lot of people are lazy in guild wars and leech off others. There been many times where someone asked for something and I would give them a direct link to the info and they will flip out and curse and swear like the whiny little lazy brat they are since I didnt give them the answer all typed out. For example the other day in KC a guy asked what was needed for certain armors and where do you get them. I gave him the link of first page of Guide to Factions Armor (version 2.0) on gwonline and the guy right flipped out when that is a pretty decent link for info on all the canthan armors in my opinion and would have answered his question. Then about like 5 days ago there was a guy asking how to do the 30 attribute point quests in LA. I gave him a link to a walk thru for that which has maps and everything at evil avatar and he then flipped out saying I was useless and to f off. Its also happened many many other times.

Im at the point where I dont even reply any more unless its something that might not be as easy to find or the info isn't up to date since if they can't take the time to go search it especially on info as simple as this festival then really its not worth my time.

Something else too is that I find everytime an update happens everyone asking and you see them sit there since no one knows yet and within that time I am able to look it up. Actually in the time that it takes for like event updates and such I am able to minimize my screen and open the updates page on guildwars site and see whats going on. Its really not that hard.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of the Void


To Meo Yeong: I find that it works out best for everyone if i give very brief basic answers to questions and also suggest the use of That way their question has kinda been answered and they know where to look next time. It just comes across as very condesending to only send someone a link about the information they have asked for. At least that is how it felt to me when I was new.

Nexus Icon

Nexus Icon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Natis Ignigena


I take great pleasure in playing a mesmer and annoying Wammos in Aspenwood.
Does this make me a bad person?

Seriously though, some of the insults you get whilst playing a mes there are just golden. The amount of people I've had call me a "NUB!1!" for hexing them and then using a snare to stay tantalisingly out of melee range is utterly hilarious. Even better are the ones who can't figure out Ineptitude or Clumsiness and come back over and over AND OVER again as their rage builds.

I have run into one necro there however who leeches and appears to be proud of it. Occasionally he plays, but when confronted about his leeching, he honestly can't see anything wrong with it.
It would appear that the concepts of honour and manners are not widely subscribed to in GW.

I wonder if any of the recent bannings have been leechers? That would be sooooooo satisfying.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Charter vanguard (CV)


well in my case it was in infusion, a guy offers a free run, and i was like ok nice, he runs everyone to infusion and then he refuses to give to the seer the monster's drop unless we pay 1k each =| i dont know how there kind of ppl are expecting to win money with this atitude, i left obviouly.

Res Ipsi

Res Ipsi

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006


Angel Sharks [As]


Originally Posted by CorstedPirate
To Meo Yeong: I find that it works out best for everyone if i give very brief basic answers to questions and also suggest the use of That way their question has kinda been answered and they know where to look next time. It just comes across as very condesending to only send someone a link about the information they have asked for. At least that is how it felt to me when I was new.
Instant gratification ftw!

Master Ikram

Master Ikram

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Elite of Elites [EOE]

Originally Posted by Monkey Blonde
Why do we read this thread ? Because we get a good laugh. At least, that's why I like it. I have been pretty lucky when it comes to not encountering many jerks, but boy did I meet one tonight. And, well, I decided to have some fun with it. The following quotes are exact, including typos, from screenshots I took in at the time.

Here's a bit to enjoy from the last gift drop in Shing Jae:

I had just entered the district and was running around looking for a good spot to get prizes. I like to go near NPCs, but with as few people there as possible. I found a spot by the wack-a-wurm NPC, which at the time, THERE WAS NOBODY IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA, not that it really matters.

{jerk}scab RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO ive been here whole time and you want to come down here?
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.

At this point, I decided to move a little closer to my new friend.

Jerk (All) - im sick of scab RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs that cant get thier own so come to someone elses area
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize. (this one was right at jerk's feet, but unfortunately, he was too busy typing...)
Jerk (All) - tsb has been nored as a scab guild
Other2 (All) - dude
Other3 (All) - who dictates which area is which?
Jerk (All) - tell that to this scab
Other4 (All) - you all really need to chill
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.

Other5 (All) - if your life depends on this crap so muchyou need to get a new one
Other4 (All) - exactly
Game - You pick up the Festival Prize.
Jerk (All) - i think monkey blonde does, shes snatching them like her moms life depends on it
Jerk (All) - monkey must come from a broke ass guild
Other6 (All) - wa wa wa
Other7 (All) - lol
Jerk (All) - RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO that, if they want to act like broke nigga then they'll be refered to as broke niggas
Jerk (All) - people bragging online=broke in r/l
Other8 (All) - That's it. You guys can stop whining now
{jerk} - too bad your guild has to suffer for your stupidity
{jerk} - and btw, you've been ignored, and your guild will have to pay for ferries into deep or urgoz
{me} - you control both elite missions ?
Player Jerk is ignoring you.
{jerk} - lol im god friends with the alliances that control both, and your guild will suffer
{jerk} - good luck trying to get into elite areas
Me (All) - I love you [Jerk's name]
{jerk} - and good luck when your guildies read on guru why they cant get in
{jerk} - in the future, you shopuld watch who you try to RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO, could RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO your whole guild like you just did
Me (All) - Giving away 50 orbs to the first 4 to open a trade window - courtesy of [Jerk name]'s graciousness
Other9 (All) - lol monkey
Me (All) - I'm standing by the 9 ring game
Me (All) - [Jerk name] so kindly gave me her spot, so I'm feeling gracious too
Me (All) - I think we should have a festival in honor of [Jerk name]
{jerk} - cant wait till mike and tim get on so they can spread the word through thier alliances to ban your guild

Unfortunately, I didn't get screenshots of EVERYTHING, because at first I was only capturing the language at the beginning. I didn't think to share the entire history, although I wish I could. I promise you I made some "Can't we all just get along" comments. When jerk started talking about my guild, I mentioned it to them, and a couple came to "visit" to enjoy the conversation, followed by some pointing and laughing emotes. Notice I didn't say word #1 until the prizes stopped dropping and Jerk mentioned the comment about the elite missions.

After jerk apparently left, I had a little more fun with my offer of 50 jade orbs to the first 4 to open a trade window. I requested that each of them thank Jerk for the generosity with a whisper, and mention my name.

Now, don't get me wrong, you guys don't know me, but ingame, I am almost ALWAYS very nice and considerate and helpful. But when I have the opportunity to play with a jerk like this, well, I just can't pass that up.
LOL I'm in GoD and our alliance (oOo) controls HzH.We taxi ANYONE for free and we havn't heard of this jerk in our life.We only don't taxi some people.Eg.[WHOA],When WHOA Owned HzH they didn't want to taxi people so they could raise the price of Urgoz bows.We also don't taxi some of the people who left our alliance such as [DR] (Drunken Rangers).But apart from that anyone is welcome !!

Meo Yeong

Meo Yeong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Canada Eh!



Originally Posted by CorstedPirate
To Meo Yeong: I find that it works out best for everyone if i give very brief basic answers to questions and also suggest the use of That way their question has kinda been answered and they know where to look next time. It just comes across as very condesending to only send someone a link about the information they have asked for. At least that is how it felt to me when I was new.
nah because I would be like hey here is a great link to help ya and better then I could probably explain it so here ya go and then give them the link. Seriously if they going to complain about that then I wonder what the hell they are even doing playing a rpg which is based on finding out things, exploring and such. But I guess thats me since everytime something new happens instead of spaming what is going on I usually look on guru anyways and the answer is usually there in some form or an other or on the guildwars site itself. If I really wanted to I could not help at all so they should be happy that they got any help at all when they are being lazy. And yes if its a short answer then I will type it out. BUt if you look at my two examples one is two quests actually where you have to do multiple things and the other I wouldnt even begin to type out lol for the armor. If they think I am a jerk for giving them a link to help them out that would be great to bookmark not my problem again but their lazyiness to type it in.

For some people asking multiple questions I just give them a link on my ftp to my ziped favourites folder for GW and for people asking for builds they get a link to a html on my ftp. Its not like I dont help but I figure if I give you a link that explains it very well then use it and dont whine. Better then me going hey noob go look it up. If people really want me to start doing that instead of giving links be more then happy too :P j/k

More then happy to help those that help themselves.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Just met two new jerks...

I was in Aspenwood, luxon side.

So I get into the game, and we soon realize we have two leechers.

But instead of doing as if they were afk, they shouted stupid things in local chat.

- 9864 FACTION !

And so on, they spammed the local chat like idiots, while leeching.

I'm sorry for my other teamates, but I refused to raise their faction for them any longer. So I left the game and put them in my ignore list.

Goddamn jerks... -_-



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


So, I'm in RA. The Monk keeps pestering that he needed the 10 in a row for the Gladiator Title, and kept critizing us whenever we did something wrong. Somehow, we get 10 wins in a row. After the Monk says "I'm a Gladiator, fools," that kinda jerked my chain.

While that's jerky enough, the team had...quite funny responses.

After we get massacred in the Team Arenas by an all Mesmer Group:

Now, I'm just going to sit alone and eat some WTF Bacon.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Originally Posted by Zinger314
So, I'm in RA. The Monk keeps pestering that he needed the 10 in a row for the Gladiator Title, and kept critizing us whenever we did something wrong. Somehow, we get 10 wins in a row. After the Monk says "I'm a Gladiator, fools," that kinda jerked my chain.

While that's jerky enough, the team had...quite funny responses.

After we get massacred in the Team Arenas by an all Mesmer Group:

Now, I'm just going to sit alone and eat some WTF Bacon.
Lol thats the best post here, made my day anyway...

Ow yeah /Shares Zinger's WTF bacon



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


This is a 'play by play' of one of my most recent jerk confrontations.

Mrs. Christ= My Monk

Jerk= Jerk (Also party leader)

Jerk 2= 2nd Jerk

IB= Innocent bystander

I was looking for a party for Mayhem in Market and I got an invite from a 7/8 group containing 0 monks and 4 N/Mo

Mrs Christ: How many of you N/Mos are MM?

Jerk- Me

Jerk 2- Me

IB- Me

Mrs Christ: This probobly isn't going to work, you've got 3 MM and one monk. I suggest dropping one or two MM to get one or two more monks, I won't be able to heal all of you.

Jerk- were fine

He then leaves

*In middle of battle*

Jerk 1&2: My health is ____ out of _____! (Spammed)

Mrs Christ: My energy is 2 out of 45

IB: she doesn't have enough energy guys

Jerk: fing monk cant heal your stupid



Jerk 2: gay a$$ munk

Both of them leave.

Theres also cases where I have been asked to heal somebody 1st. I then refuse to heal them.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Los Angeles, California

Picnic Pioneers


I don't find any big jerks and the big jerks I do find I forget about and go on in life.

Mister O

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Griff Mon
I got a blind invite to a FoW group that was 7/8 and was whisked off just as soon as I set the skill I needed to do the run properly. We are instantly aggroed and no one is getting healed or rezed.

Both M/W's had run off and left us to get creamed. I managed to kill off the local monsters with a little help from the people left, but I was the only one left standing except the two monks that ran off without healing or rezing anyone.

I asked the dead group leader if he had screened the monks and his response was that he should have done that. Of course the monks don't respond to my inquiries and their names are very suspect as if they are completely incapable of creating names that were made by Americans. I was alone surrounded by dead teammates while the monks ran off and were getting all the drops.

I told the dead group leader what I was going to do. I aggroed the nearest group to the ghost who promptly died, killing the whole group including the monks.

Finally, the monks started typing something in another language. They were saying unpleasant things I am sure, but I was too busy laughing.

The group leader felt a little redeemed for spending his plat to bring along scammer monks, so I gave him a laugh.
never trust/invite any Mo/W in ToA, that's what i do everytime