The Biggest Jerk You Ever Encountered in GW (no posting names)
God Apprentice
The PuG Queen Farm yesterday -.-
The tank said he had never done this before and of course he stayed still fighting scarabs instead of kiting out.
The nuker who SWORE he had done this before was using Chain Lightning and Meteor(but not meteor Shower)He also wayyy overextended and aggro'd Griffons and of course died as a result
Then I got the usual WTF MONK WHERES MY HEALS?!?!
*shakes head*
The tank said he had never done this before and of course he stayed still fighting scarabs instead of kiting out.
The nuker who SWORE he had done this before was using Chain Lightning and Meteor(but not meteor Shower)He also wayyy overextended and aggro'd Griffons and of course died as a result
Then I got the usual WTF MONK WHERES MY HEALS?!?!
*shakes head*
Lando Griffen
Probably not the biggest jerk so far...but last night, I was standing in hero's ascent and this guy kept spamming "n/me blood spiker lfg". Trying to save him some time, I pm'ed him saying "you can't really spike as a n/me" He then says "I'm not using any mesmer skills, I have 8 necro skills", so I told him "I'm just trying to save you some time", to which he respondes "go **** yourself" only he couldn't even spell it right.
I went back to finish some of the bonuses that I had skipped a few days ago. I got in a group doing Iron mines (I was playing a Me/Mo FC healer because there were verrry few monks out) and everything was bad from the start. Before we got to the first group one person dropped out and half the rest were having bad lag.
One guy complained the entire way that he wasn't getting any drops. He complained so much that a few of the others actually gave him a couple things that had dropped for them. On our way to do the bonus (most of the party actually wanted both) this complainer just stopped helping.
I guess I am kinda a jerk because I told him that if he didn't help, I would leave and do the bonus on my own with henchies. He eventually started helping again, but almost immediately ran off an aggroed a bunch or crap that was out of the way and got himself and most of the rest of the party killed.
When we were all back alive it was back to the same old thing...he would complain and moan and whine until he eventually stopped helping. Everytime he would stop I would say again that if he didn't hurry up and help I would leave (we did have a Mo primary also).
In the end we finished easily, but it took about three times as long as it should have. I told my team that I would have never left mid-mission and left. When I looked through my inventory, the best thing I had gotten was a scroll (I think adventurer's insight) know the 100g kind...
I really hate it when people are greedy and whiny
One guy complained the entire way that he wasn't getting any drops. He complained so much that a few of the others actually gave him a couple things that had dropped for them. On our way to do the bonus (most of the party actually wanted both) this complainer just stopped helping.
I guess I am kinda a jerk because I told him that if he didn't help, I would leave and do the bonus on my own with henchies. He eventually started helping again, but almost immediately ran off an aggroed a bunch or crap that was out of the way and got himself and most of the rest of the party killed.
When we were all back alive it was back to the same old thing...he would complain and moan and whine until he eventually stopped helping. Everytime he would stop I would say again that if he didn't hurry up and help I would leave (we did have a Mo primary also).
In the end we finished easily, but it took about three times as long as it should have. I told my team that I would have never left mid-mission and left. When I looked through my inventory, the best thing I had gotten was a scroll (I think adventurer's insight) know the 100g kind...
I really hate it when people are greedy and whiny
Please keep to the topic at hand. No more lengthy debates or arguments about someone's spelling and/or grammar in their post please. If you have an issue with someone's spelling/grammar in their post then please PM the poster, or PM a mod/admin and request the post be looked at.
Any further discussion/debate/argument/hissy-fit's/etc over someone's spelling/grammar (or about someone making a complaint/whine/whinge/hissy-fit/etc) will lead to your post's being deleted and further action being taken against you.
Any further discussion/debate/argument/hissy-fit's/etc over someone's spelling/grammar (or about someone making a complaint/whine/whinge/hissy-fit/etc) will lead to your post's being deleted and further action being taken against you.
Just yesterday I found this jerk which thank god I already forgot his name. I was in Ventari's back from a totem axe run and I see this guy calling out:
Jerk: Selling dyes! (Gold and others)
So I whisp him that there is no gold dye (I knew immediately he was a scammer). He insisted that it indeed exists and opened the trade window and showed me it. Of course, it was mixed. I told him it was mixed but he said it wasn't despite the icon read clearly "Vial of dye (Mixed)"
Me: Anyone can mix yellow + orange
Me: ok ok you put some silver in too
>close trade chat and change district<
Jerk: Selling dyes! (Gold and others)
So I whisp him that there is no gold dye (I knew immediately he was a scammer). He insisted that it indeed exists and opened the trade window and showed me it. Of course, it was mixed. I told him it was mixed but he said it wasn't despite the icon read clearly "Vial of dye (Mixed)"
Me: Anyone can mix yellow + orange
Me: ok ok you put some silver in too
>close trade chat and change district<
double post
Earlier today, I was playing as my monk and anted to find a PUG for one of the challenge missions. I advertise myself with the usal 'monk lfg for mission' and I get an invite. I was the third monk in the group and I thought geat.
Several seconds after joining one of the monks goes 'OMG SO SORRY I HAVE NO REZ IS THAT OK?' Yes he wrote it all in caps. I said that I would prefer it if got a res as we were in a pug. He refused. I go, ok has everyone got a res? Half the team didn't. I was in an arsey mood so I said ok cant every have a res of some sort or I will leave an find another group. Most the group then equipped a res skill. The original monk then quit. We found another palyer and were abotu to go and then another player starts argueing with my about everyone needing res. He goes that only two or three people need res then everyone else protects them. While in theory this is ok, it would never work in a PUG and I told him that. He then starts accusing me of forcing my views onto other people. The leader starts the mission without asknig if anyone is ready. As the level loads and we are waiting for the countdown to finish, I point out that no one skill is more important than another player, so which I get a sarcastic comment back.
We start mission and straight away three players run off in different directions and lure 15 afflicted to begin with. No one is calling, so everyone is attacknig different targets. Myself and the other monk that are still there managed to keep the group alive for a little while. Some of the other members of the group, not content with the huge group lure some more. I had run out of energy, I did show the others but no one noticed. Almost everyone gets wiped. One of the other party members starts abusing the monks asking where is the healing. so me being childish types /sit and waited to die. At this point I was the only person left alive I might add. I start getting flammed with things like 'NICE GOING WELL HEALED N00B' etc.
After loading back into the outpost. Both the monks are still getting flamed. I point out that if you lure too many creatures monks can not keep you alive. More flames came my way and then two of them (including the guy who argued about ressing) starts going on how you need to complete this challange mission to proceed with the game. After doing a double take I left.
I have met many jerks but this really wound me up for some reason today. I think it was because the whole team were so inept.
Several seconds after joining one of the monks goes 'OMG SO SORRY I HAVE NO REZ IS THAT OK?' Yes he wrote it all in caps. I said that I would prefer it if got a res as we were in a pug. He refused. I go, ok has everyone got a res? Half the team didn't. I was in an arsey mood so I said ok cant every have a res of some sort or I will leave an find another group. Most the group then equipped a res skill. The original monk then quit. We found another palyer and were abotu to go and then another player starts argueing with my about everyone needing res. He goes that only two or three people need res then everyone else protects them. While in theory this is ok, it would never work in a PUG and I told him that. He then starts accusing me of forcing my views onto other people. The leader starts the mission without asknig if anyone is ready. As the level loads and we are waiting for the countdown to finish, I point out that no one skill is more important than another player, so which I get a sarcastic comment back.
We start mission and straight away three players run off in different directions and lure 15 afflicted to begin with. No one is calling, so everyone is attacknig different targets. Myself and the other monk that are still there managed to keep the group alive for a little while. Some of the other members of the group, not content with the huge group lure some more. I had run out of energy, I did show the others but no one noticed. Almost everyone gets wiped. One of the other party members starts abusing the monks asking where is the healing. so me being childish types /sit and waited to die. At this point I was the only person left alive I might add. I start getting flammed with things like 'NICE GOING WELL HEALED N00B' etc.
After loading back into the outpost. Both the monks are still getting flamed. I point out that if you lure too many creatures monks can not keep you alive. More flames came my way and then two of them (including the guy who argued about ressing) starts going on how you need to complete this challange mission to proceed with the game. After doing a double take I left.
I have met many jerks but this really wound me up for some reason today. I think it was because the whole team were so inept.
1 of the biggest jerks I have met was when me and my partner were starting VoG quest from lions arch. So we start heading out through north krytan province and this idiot keeps aggroing everything on the way, it was damn annoying he would sprint off aggro then die. Then he runs off to the ascalon settlement as we wait impatiently. We get through and we start heading to Bergen but off he goes again. Up to us to save him AGAIN. Was getting so annoyed by this point. Gets to bergen to get rid of the DP everybody had.
Grabs alesia as someone loses their connection early on as well.
Soon as we come out, yep you guessed it, he aggros everything he can.
Cut a long story short (too late) we gets to ToA to pick up 2 more people but I decide to kick said annoying git and he messages me
JERK:Thought we were doing galrath?
I add him to my ignore list and leave town.
Everyone was happy with my decision. We then went on and comepleted the quest, jerk free and much more happy.
Grabs alesia as someone loses their connection early on as well.
Soon as we come out, yep you guessed it, he aggros everything he can.
Cut a long story short (too late) we gets to ToA to pick up 2 more people but I decide to kick said annoying git and he messages me
JERK:Thought we were doing galrath?
I add him to my ignore list and leave town.
Everyone was happy with my decision. We then went on and comepleted the quest, jerk free and much more happy.
Myth Matt
Mm... Biggest jerk.
Must have been in Droknars
some dude was trying to sell his account AND get banned at the same time.
He liked making racist comments.... a lot.
Must have been in Droknars
some dude was trying to sell his account AND get banned at the same time.
He liked making racist comments.... a lot.
God Apprentice
Yeah there was these 2 guys shouting "WHITEPOWER" in Beacons and I made the mistake of saying I was Native American (they called me dumb whitey or something)and I got a pm from the first one who said I was a n word and I should be picking his cotton a few seconds later the second pm'd and said while Im at it I need to be picking his cotton too
Needless to say these 2 people are on my ignore list
Needless to say these 2 people are on my ignore list
Originally Posted by God Apprentice
Yeah there was these 2 guys shouting "WHITEPOWER" in Beacons and I made the mistake of saying I was Native American (they called me dumb whitey or something)and I got a pm from the first one who said I was a n word and I should be picking his cotton a few seconds later the second pm'd and said while Im at it I need to be picking his cotton too
Needless to say these 2 people are on my ignore list |
The sad thing is that you tolerated it. Please tell me you reported them.
Vahn Roi
Racists chat in RA gets me in a big rutt. So does homophobic banter. I once read something like "love and sex are between a man and a woman, anything else is a sick and twisted fling"
It amazes me that in today's society we still have closeminded people like this.
It amazes me that in today's society we still have closeminded people like this.
God Apprentice
Originally Posted by Vahm Roi
So does homophobic banter. I once read something like "love and sex are between a man and a woman, anything else is a sick and twisted fling"
It amazes me that in today's society we still have closeminded people like this. |
I myself fall into that category and to see people just spout that off, it's just pathetic
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
Hmmm too many jerky incidents have happened to me but most recent was in Gyala Hatchery. I was forming a mission group with my sin and we got this monk into our group and I explained my build to him(secluded target hunter) and then he's like "you better follow targets" and I try to tell him that I will follow targets unless I see someone rush the turtles or if it thretens my life, then this guy was like w/e you better follow targets or I leave. this continued on for a while until we entered mission. The mission went pretty well, even though there was this necro that died like 10 times, until I went and destroyed the juggernaut that was fiending for our turtles, only problem was after the fight with him I was pretty badly weakened, then as soon as i get back within range of the enemies they all turned on me and spiked me, then the elititst noob butthole turned around and was like "OMFG YOU NOOB" and I was like "lol w/e" but we just continued along and we get to the end, and someone didin't skip and so all the items thaty were left from the enemies we killed just before the cutty were now up for grabs, so this noobie little elitist monk decided to go out and take everything and get slaughtered by the afflicted(at this point I took my opportunity to be like "serves you right,thief") and then he got ressed and he sat there doing absolutely nothing, and we barely finished. On a side note, throughout the entire mission this A-hole was stealing the smoke canisters away from our smopke runners and putting them in useless places -.- and he was a horrid healer too, he couldnt even heal a tank(I didn't need healing I rarely got hit). So that is my most recent jerkface encounter.
Swampgirl Inez
kamatsu's statement above applies to all off-topic discussion in this thread. Please take this discussion to another thread/forum or PM.
Originally Posted by Kijik Oni Hanryuu
Hmmm too many jerky incidents have happened to me but most recent was in Gyala Hatchery. I was forming a mission group with my sin and we got this monk into our group and I explained my build to him(secluded target hunter) and then he's like "you better follow targets" and I try to tell him that I will follow targets unless I see someone rush the turtles or if it thretens my life, then this guy was like w/e you better follow targets or I leave. this continued on for a while until we entered mission. The mission went pretty well, even though there was this necro that died like 10 times, until I went and destroyed the juggernaut that was fiending for our turtles, only problem was after the fight with him I was pretty badly weakened, then as soon as i get back within range of the enemies they all turned on me and spiked me, then the elititst noob butthole turned around and was like "OMFG YOU NOOB" and I was like "lol w/e" but we just continued along and we get to the end, and someone didin't skip and so all the items thaty were left from the enemies we killed just before the cutty were now up for grabs, so this noobie little elitist monk decided to go out and take everything and get slaughtered by the afflicted(at this point I took my opportunity to be like "serves you right,thief") and then he got ressed and he sat there doing absolutely nothing, and we barely finished. On a side note, throughout the entire mission this A-hole was stealing the smoke canisters away from our smopke runners and putting them in useless places -.- and he was a horrid healer too, he couldnt even heal a tank(I didn't need healing I rarely got hit). So that is my most recent jerkface encounter.
Kanyatta Darvish
Biggest jerk in guild wars... hmmm..o, yeah, here's one
About 2 weeks ago, with my monk, I got in a group to do some beginning quest, like Mayhem in the Market or something, and there's 6 ppl in the group, I'm the 7th, and the person who started the party was a monk, let's call him Player A, and then a necro joins, and he notices Player A's skin on his char is black, and he starts callin him n-word and slave-boy and all of that crap, so he immediately gets the boot.
We then pick up a non-racist MM and proceed to do the quest. Then me and a W/Mo, lets call him Player B start saying "O, God I hate racist people, why do they need to think they're so great." because we aren't racist,
and then Player B makes the mistake of asking Player A "Why is it my black friends call each other "n****" all the time, but when I do it, they say I'm racist?" and Player A says "Because you're a racist bastard, I'll bet you own 20 black slaves at your house, you KKK!" or something equally extravagant.
After about 2 minutes, he says "Player B, because of your comments, I will no longer heal you." and me being the only monk besides him, has to keep him alive, I manage this with great stress, and Player A keeps saying "OMFG! I hate white people, all of them are so poor and they're all redneck trailer-trash!"
So, I made the mistake of saying, "Isn't that comment right there racist?" and Player A starts saying "Oh, are you friends with this KKK? Are you in the KKK? You must own slaves and beat them every day just for kicks!" Obviously, thats completely outrageous. So I say, "That's completely outrageous." And he says, "Well, I'm not gonna heal you either!" Not a problem, because I never take damage for the rest of the quest, and the other 5players just kind of play and stay out of it.
Story #2
This one happened just yesterday, on my ranger, I think.
So, ecto is priced at about 8.5 to 9k, right? I'm in Ascalon trying to sell my items from recent chest runs, and in the chat, a guy puts up "Selling 1 ecto, 5k" So I think, "Hey, I can turn around and sell that for at least 7k!" Easy 2k, right? So I pm him and ask to buy it, he says okay, and I put my 5k in the trade window, and in his side, he has the purple blob, I thought it looked really off, so I put my mouse over it, and its a Mursaat Token, which look strangely like Ecto's
So I tell him "What the hell are you trying to do scammer?" and he says "I was bored, I would have given your money back" and I say "Alright, you're lucky I dont report you" and sure enough, about 3 minutes later some random person says "DONT BUY ECTO FROM PLAYER X! ITS A SCAM, ITS A MURSAAT TOKEN!" I felt so stupid and guilty for not warning the town in all chat once he did it to me and just cost this guy 5k. I thought it was obvious, lol, guess not.
About 2 weeks ago, with my monk, I got in a group to do some beginning quest, like Mayhem in the Market or something, and there's 6 ppl in the group, I'm the 7th, and the person who started the party was a monk, let's call him Player A, and then a necro joins, and he notices Player A's skin on his char is black, and he starts callin him n-word and slave-boy and all of that crap, so he immediately gets the boot.
We then pick up a non-racist MM and proceed to do the quest. Then me and a W/Mo, lets call him Player B start saying "O, God I hate racist people, why do they need to think they're so great." because we aren't racist,
and then Player B makes the mistake of asking Player A "Why is it my black friends call each other "n****" all the time, but when I do it, they say I'm racist?" and Player A says "Because you're a racist bastard, I'll bet you own 20 black slaves at your house, you KKK!" or something equally extravagant.
After about 2 minutes, he says "Player B, because of your comments, I will no longer heal you." and me being the only monk besides him, has to keep him alive, I manage this with great stress, and Player A keeps saying "OMFG! I hate white people, all of them are so poor and they're all redneck trailer-trash!"
So, I made the mistake of saying, "Isn't that comment right there racist?" and Player A starts saying "Oh, are you friends with this KKK? Are you in the KKK? You must own slaves and beat them every day just for kicks!" Obviously, thats completely outrageous. So I say, "That's completely outrageous." And he says, "Well, I'm not gonna heal you either!" Not a problem, because I never take damage for the rest of the quest, and the other 5players just kind of play and stay out of it.
Story #2
This one happened just yesterday, on my ranger, I think.
So, ecto is priced at about 8.5 to 9k, right? I'm in Ascalon trying to sell my items from recent chest runs, and in the chat, a guy puts up "Selling 1 ecto, 5k" So I think, "Hey, I can turn around and sell that for at least 7k!" Easy 2k, right? So I pm him and ask to buy it, he says okay, and I put my 5k in the trade window, and in his side, he has the purple blob, I thought it looked really off, so I put my mouse over it, and its a Mursaat Token, which look strangely like Ecto's
So I tell him "What the hell are you trying to do scammer?" and he says "I was bored, I would have given your money back" and I say "Alright, you're lucky I dont report you" and sure enough, about 3 minutes later some random person says "DONT BUY ECTO FROM PLAYER X! ITS A SCAM, ITS A MURSAAT TOKEN!" I felt so stupid and guilty for not warning the town in all chat once he did it to me and just cost this guy 5k. I thought it was obvious, lol, guess not.
No matter how desperate my group would be for a monk, I would have left the party before going on a mission with a player that already had me steaming before I left town.
The problem is when you don't find out the guy's an idiot untill halfway through the mission.
My favorite jerk was the lvl.20 mm necro that joined our Yak's-area(low-level) team. This was just before they nerfed the minion-masters to 10 friends, so when he left the party halfway through the mission it was absolute carnage.
The funny part is I was playing my necro and already had the skill that captures wild minions unlocked. I should have seen this one a mile away and I could have been the party's hero, but everyone has their off moments. Beer is usually involved in mine.
The problem is when you don't find out the guy's an idiot untill halfway through the mission.
My favorite jerk was the lvl.20 mm necro that joined our Yak's-area(low-level) team. This was just before they nerfed the minion-masters to 10 friends, so when he left the party halfway through the mission it was absolute carnage.
The funny part is I was playing my necro and already had the skill that captures wild minions unlocked. I should have seen this one a mile away and I could have been the party's hero, but everyone has their off moments. Beer is usually involved in mine.
Originally Posted by Dawgboy
Beer is usually involved in mine.
Former Ruling
New one. In the Marketplace.
Random Guy: Running to Kaineng Center 200gp per person (quickest route possible!)
*So I go in All Chat*
: Center is like a 30 second walk from here, and theres not even any monsters on the way
Random Guy PM's Me: Why the ---- to yall ---holes try to ruin my business!!!!!
I reply: I think its fair that the people know their options to get there before they pay you.
Random Guy: WHATEVER
*I swith to district 1*
Random Guy: Running to Kaineng Center 200gp per person (quickest route possible!)
So I say in All Chat: Anyone can Walk to Kaineng Center, theres no monsters on the way
*Then leaves*
Random Guy: Running to Kaineng Center 200gp per person (quickest route possible!)
*So I go in All Chat*
: Center is like a 30 second walk from here, and theres not even any monsters on the way
Random Guy PM's Me: Why the ---- to yall ---holes try to ruin my business!!!!!
I reply: I think its fair that the people know their options to get there before they pay you.
Random Guy: WHATEVER
*I swith to district 1*
Random Guy: Running to Kaineng Center 200gp per person (quickest route possible!)
So I say in All Chat: Anyone can Walk to Kaineng Center, theres no monsters on the way
*Then leaves*
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
New one. In the Marketplace.
Random Guy: Running to Kaineng Center 200gp per person (quickest route possible!) *So I go in All Chat* : Center is like a 30 second walk from here, and theres not even any monsters on the way Random Guy PM's Me: Why the ---- to yall ---holes try to ruin my business!!!!! I reply: I think its fair that the people know their options to get there before they pay you. Random Guy: WHATEVER *I swith to district 1* Random Guy: Running to Kaineng Center 200gp per person (quickest route possible!) So I say in All Chat: Anyone can Walk to Kaineng Center, theres no monsters on the way *Then leaves* |
I had a person tell me they were going to sue me, for using a name similar to theirs.. I laughed and they continued on, saying that they had, had the name copyrighted for some stupid book they had written... mind you, this name is slapped all over google, i mean, come on, babylon isnt an unheard of place..
So I laughed some more and this idiot continued on for an hour, and eventually, I got tired of it enough to tell him some new names he could choose for his next character and er.. they weren't locational.
So I laughed some more and this idiot continued on for an hour, and eventually, I got tired of it enough to tell him some new names he could choose for his next character and er.. they weren't locational.
Originally Posted by shadowfell
I had a person tell me they were going to sue me, for using a name similar to theirs.. I laughed and they continued on, saying that they had, had the name copyrighted for some stupid book they had written... mind you, this name is slapped all over google, i mean, come on, babylon isnt an unheard of place..
So I laughed some more and this idiot continued on for an hour, and eventually, I got tired of it enough to tell him some new names he could choose for his next character and er.. they weren't locational. |
Plushie Penguin
Mine? oh, it's not funny, but he is clearly one of the ones that could scare you...
and if your offended by cursing, or racism, please don't look, all I edited was the name, like he'll be back though 08
well might as well try to remember some of it..
it was kind of early on a weekend, my now deleted mesmer had the misfortune of joining the jerk's team for DS[I can't spell the missions name
], the mission after getting to lion's arch. Well, since this guy, I've had a short temper with these kind of people, ones that curse when it's clearly not needed. When Benji died, like always, he was quite pissed, cursed to the point where my eye brows were twiching and having me wonder why someone else hadn't reported him, or even why his guild hasn't removed him yet. Well, he somewhat cools off by the time we get to the temple. It's mostly fine up to the point where we're done killing the undead, he curses/complains about me not doing anything[I can't blame him on that, I can't do mesmers well], another person in the group kind of is like him, but isn't as bad, he tells us to keep going. After we talk to Dorin[don't remember his name either
], one of the 2 tells us not to talk to him, as we're leaving the temple for Danas, the jerk finally looses it because the other four of us are asking him to stop complaing in various ways, and the sentence in the picture happens as just about everyone leaves in fustration.
this was a while ago, somethings may be a bit fuzzy
and it isn't the guy I didn't black out, it's just the same langth<.<
and if your offended by cursing, or racism, please don't look, all I edited was the name, like he'll be back though 08
well might as well try to remember some of it..
it was kind of early on a weekend, my now deleted mesmer had the misfortune of joining the jerk's team for DS[I can't spell the missions name

this was a while ago, somethings may be a bit fuzzy

and it isn't the guy I didn't black out, it's just the same langth<.<
Mustache Mayhem
this guy lured me outside and I couldnt help but follow- I got bushwacked and then he opened trade and I got scammed
wheni was still newb some guy sold me two family sigils for a superior vigor, then persitied in laughing at me and calling me an idiot fo rseveral minutes.
I had an interesting encounter with a rather idiotic MM just now.
I was looking to get my MM to the temple from Senji's Corner, and I get in this party that has another MM. Generally this is not a problem, because with the new "minion cap" there are plenty of corpses to go around on a long PvE mission. I probably should have been scared off when I noticed that he was level 19, but I foolishly assumed that he knew what he was doing.
When we first enter battle it becomes obvious that (1) he thinks he's a tank and (2) he's not wearing max armor. Anyways, he dies in a few seconds and starts whining about how the monks didn't heal him and how the enemy NPCs spiked him etc. while I raise a Flesh Golem from his corpse. When he gets resurrected he casts Verata's Gaze on my Golem and suicides into the next mob. Rinse, wash, and repeat and I never, ever get a Golem fighting for me for more than 10 seconds.
Grrr at MM n00bs...
I was looking to get my MM to the temple from Senji's Corner, and I get in this party that has another MM. Generally this is not a problem, because with the new "minion cap" there are plenty of corpses to go around on a long PvE mission. I probably should have been scared off when I noticed that he was level 19, but I foolishly assumed that he knew what he was doing.
When we first enter battle it becomes obvious that (1) he thinks he's a tank and (2) he's not wearing max armor. Anyways, he dies in a few seconds and starts whining about how the monks didn't heal him and how the enemy NPCs spiked him etc. while I raise a Flesh Golem from his corpse. When he gets resurrected he casts Verata's Gaze on my Golem and suicides into the next mob. Rinse, wash, and repeat and I never, ever get a Golem fighting for me for more than 10 seconds.
Grrr at MM n00bs...
Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
When we first enter battle it becomes obvious that (1) he thinks he's a tank and (2) he's not wearing max armor. Anyways, he dies in a few seconds and starts whining about how the monks didn't heal him and how the enemy NPCs spiked him etc. while I raise a Flesh Golem from his corpse. When he gets resurrected he casts Verata's Gaze on my Golem and suicides into the next mob. Rinse, wash, and repeat and I never, ever get a Golem fighting for me for more than 10 seconds
Tonight I was doing a 50/50 ecto run with a 55 monk and 2 ectos dropped for him. Then a req. 8 gold storm bow dropped for me a req 10 eternal sheild dropped for him. After the run, he refuses to give me an ecto and tells me to give him the storm bow. He then tells me I can "go f*** myself" and puts me on ignore. I can't stand the dishonesty and immaturity that I run into in this game.
Daedalus Longhorn
Originally Posted by Snype
Tonight I was doing a 50/50 ecto run with a 55 monk and 2 ectos dropped for him. Then a req. 8 gold storm bow dropped for me a req 10 eternal sheild dropped for him. After the run, he refuses to give me an ecto and tells me to give him the storm bow. He then tells me I can "go f*** myself" and puts me on ignore. I can't stand the dishonesty and immaturity that I run into in this game.

i always ask twice what kind of run we're doing before spawning in UW - so far, all ppl were ok to me, and i've been ok to them

Originally Posted by Zinger314
Considering that you can only get Verata's Gaze way, way late in the Prophecies campaign, it's quite interesting that a level 19 would be using it.
Ghull Ka
Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
Odd, true, but he could have gotten someone to run him arround the Shiverpeaks or (more likely) unlocked the skill with faction and then bought it from ony skill trader.
Of course someone with as much knowledge of the game as it takes to do such a thing would likely be a better player (and have max armor) but you never know.
Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Or perhaps he captured it from Verata himself in Kessex Peak, just a short jaunt from Lion's Arch.
Of course someone with as much knowledge of the game as it takes to do such a thing would likely be a better player (and have max armor) but you never know. |
Even if he got it that way, he still qualifies for a jerk.
reason 1) Gaze is a 2 step process, step 1 releases it from it's master making it hostile to all for the 5 second recharge, step 2 binds it to you basically he is stealing energy.
reason 2) right out of KC you get max armor for 1.5, money and supplies drops like rain, there is no reason not to have max armor.
I would have wispered him to knock that crap off, and if he didn't announce that 1 of us needs to go. I would consider that a rage quit reason, especially if I am wearing the MM armor.
Now I should have been here.
The first time I used my MM after the nerf, I saw the 10 minions as a challenge and not a cap, so I was taking all the bodies. Now at that point it would have been nice for the other MM to point that out rather than rage quit. Then durring a converstion with the monk about the MM that quit, he mentioned the new nerf had an absolute 10 minion cap. Then it was like "opps"
So, I was loading up Fort Aspenwood on the Kurzick side...
(2) is our jerk.

(2) is our jerk.

Dark Suoon
jerk story (also noob story):
Everytime me and my friend use our pretty good assassin builds we get this:
(i die before this)
jerk: haha i owned u with my touch ranger
me: no really....
another jerk: yea touch rangers get owned easily and u cant beat them ahaha
friend: why do we always get this about our build?
(then comes the RED ENGINE thing -.-)
then i turn of all chat. Thats not funny
Everytime me and my friend use our pretty good assassin builds we get this:
(i die before this)
jerk: haha i owned u with my touch ranger
me: no really....
another jerk: yea touch rangers get owned easily and u cant beat them ahaha
friend: why do we always get this about our build?
(then comes the RED ENGINE thing -.-)
then i turn of all chat. Thats not funny

Dark Suoon
noob/ jerk story my friend told me:
He was alliance battling when one of his allys in team goes,
Team jerk: we gotta kill all of the kurzick to win
friend: no we gotta cap
friend: dont listen to him guys or we lose
Team Jerk: u kno wut? ---- u! they listen to me cuz im not a noob
(they then listen to him and get owned)
Team Jerk: ITS ALL OF (my friends char names) FAULT. IF WE DIDNT CAP WE COULDA WON!
other guy: yea thanks alot
friend: omg u serious....
(this is the dumbest noob/jerk story lol)
He was alliance battling when one of his allys in team goes,
Team jerk: we gotta kill all of the kurzick to win
friend: no we gotta cap
friend: dont listen to him guys or we lose
Team Jerk: u kno wut? ---- u! they listen to me cuz im not a noob
(they then listen to him and get owned)
Team Jerk: ITS ALL OF (my friends char names) FAULT. IF WE DIDNT CAP WE COULDA WON!
other guy: yea thanks alot
friend: omg u serious....
(this is the dumbest noob/jerk story lol)
The milk shake
Some Dude Tricked me into selling a gold high req but perf mods sword for 5k cause he told me it sucked, now i see him selling it again here, same sword, same mods, same merchant value, and all he could say was NO I CHEST RUNNED IT WHERES UR EVIDENCE!?!?
Originally Posted by The milk shake
Some Dude Tricked me into selling a gold high req but perf mods sword for 5k cause he told me it sucked, now i see him selling it again here, same sword, same mods, same merchant value, and all he could say was NO I CHEST RUNNED IT WHERES UR EVIDENCE!?!?
I got 2 more from last night.
To preface both, I made a new character, a necro, who just came out of pre-sear. My new necro is at lvl 8.
Story the First:
I decided to check out the Ascalon arena in hopes that it would be something fun and, hopefully, the losers that were there back in the day had since moved on.
I get into the battle and notice that my team consists of a lvls 8, 10, 9, 8. The other team consists of lvls 11, 11, 10, 10. For starters, I think the game should kick them out after they get to lvl 11 but that is not the real issue. I noticed that their necro (lvl 11) was using life transfer (lame sauce) and their warrior (lvl 11) was also using an elite (don't remember which).
Needless to say we went down fast. I say, because I get a little pissy about dorks like that, "real nice, a lvl 11 with life transfer...lame" and I get back "stfu, I pwn."
I replied with "that is pretty stupid in the Ascalon Arena." To which my teammate answers "that is what the Ascalon Arena is all about! Its not lame its awesome!"
Feel free to make up your own mind on who is the bigger jerk, the lvl 11 jerk or the jerk who defended him/her.
Story the Second:
I came back from doing a quest and I saw a guy spamming all chat with trade messages about a poisoners bow string for 1.2k I didn't really look very carefully but assumed he was buying (his WTS used a symbol instead of an s so that he could spam it in all chat). I pm'd him about selling him one and he was kind of a jerk, not too bad but kinda. Usually when people spam trade items I don't deal with them because I hate having the all chat filled with trade messages...but again I decided to say something. Our dialogue went something like this:
Me (in trade channel) "WTS poisoner's string 500g"
Jerk (pm) "you are such a noob. it is worth more than that" *profanities*
Me (pm) "I can sell at whatever price I am happy with
Jerk (pm) "you are such a noob it is worth way more than that you loser"
I copied his message and put it in trade channel (except that mine was for 500g). I did have a string and would have sold it at 500 with no qualms.
Jerk (pm) "Stupid n00b you can't even copy my message correctly. You know that you are ripping yourself off right?"
Me (pm) "how am I getting ripped off? I can sell at whatever price I want as long as I get what I ask for I am happy"
Jerk (pm) "stfu noob, that string is worth 2-4k on guild wiki. you are trying to rip yourself off and you can't even do it. Trust me I have been trying to sell mine for 30 minutes at 1.2k. you are an idiot n00b. Why don't you by mine and then sell it so that you can rip yourself off even more"
Me (pm) "I am the idiot? you have been trying to sell the same item with the same price for 30 minutes. This market is obviously saturated and cannot sustain a 2-4k selling price, or even a 1.2k selling price"
Jerk (pm) "you don't know what you are talking about, n00b. there is a green bow now with psn so that is why I can't sell my string"
Me (pm) "So how is 500g a rip off if you have wasted 30 minutes and haven't been able to sell yours for 1.2?"
Jerk (pm) "Its not like I don't have an xbox 360 and have even been playing this, n00b"
Me (pm) "?"
Jerk (pm) "whatever, noob, try and sell yours for 500g. No one will buy it. I am going to sell mine to the merchant anyway"
Me (pm) "soo, if you are going to sell your to the merch, how am I ripping myself off by selling for 500?"
Jerk (pm) *profanities*
Me (pm) "you are pretty funny with all the cuss words"
Jerk (pm) "your mother screems that at me when I .......*more profanities*
Jerk (pm) "later n00b. I am off to gvg now. retard"
player jerk is ignoring you
Now, I know that I was also being a jerk, but I think it was for a maginally good cause. And, of course, I was still a little burned about the losers in th arena. Also around this time there was one person who sat in the Ascalon d3 for about 45 minutes spamming "I am new can anyone give me some gold?" Everytime I went back to cash in on a quest reward, he was there...I hate beggars.
This is what happens everytime I take a character out of pre-sear. I forget how stupid most people are in game and then it is such a huge shock when I get to Old Ascalon, the jerk capital of all Tyria (except maybe for Drok's, the Grotto, anywhere in the desert, and THK).
sorry it was so long and for all the anger expressed on my part
To preface both, I made a new character, a necro, who just came out of pre-sear. My new necro is at lvl 8.
Story the First:
I decided to check out the Ascalon arena in hopes that it would be something fun and, hopefully, the losers that were there back in the day had since moved on.
I get into the battle and notice that my team consists of a lvls 8, 10, 9, 8. The other team consists of lvls 11, 11, 10, 10. For starters, I think the game should kick them out after they get to lvl 11 but that is not the real issue. I noticed that their necro (lvl 11) was using life transfer (lame sauce) and their warrior (lvl 11) was also using an elite (don't remember which).
Needless to say we went down fast. I say, because I get a little pissy about dorks like that, "real nice, a lvl 11 with life transfer...lame" and I get back "stfu, I pwn."
I replied with "that is pretty stupid in the Ascalon Arena." To which my teammate answers "that is what the Ascalon Arena is all about! Its not lame its awesome!"
Feel free to make up your own mind on who is the bigger jerk, the lvl 11 jerk or the jerk who defended him/her.
Story the Second:
I came back from doing a quest and I saw a guy spamming all chat with trade messages about a poisoners bow string for 1.2k I didn't really look very carefully but assumed he was buying (his WTS used a symbol instead of an s so that he could spam it in all chat). I pm'd him about selling him one and he was kind of a jerk, not too bad but kinda. Usually when people spam trade items I don't deal with them because I hate having the all chat filled with trade messages...but again I decided to say something. Our dialogue went something like this:
Me (in trade channel) "WTS poisoner's string 500g"
Jerk (pm) "you are such a noob. it is worth more than that" *profanities*
Me (pm) "I can sell at whatever price I am happy with

Jerk (pm) "you are such a noob it is worth way more than that you loser"
I copied his message and put it in trade channel (except that mine was for 500g). I did have a string and would have sold it at 500 with no qualms.
Jerk (pm) "Stupid n00b you can't even copy my message correctly. You know that you are ripping yourself off right?"
Me (pm) "how am I getting ripped off? I can sell at whatever price I want as long as I get what I ask for I am happy"
Jerk (pm) "stfu noob, that string is worth 2-4k on guild wiki. you are trying to rip yourself off and you can't even do it. Trust me I have been trying to sell mine for 30 minutes at 1.2k. you are an idiot n00b. Why don't you by mine and then sell it so that you can rip yourself off even more"
Me (pm) "I am the idiot? you have been trying to sell the same item with the same price for 30 minutes. This market is obviously saturated and cannot sustain a 2-4k selling price, or even a 1.2k selling price"
Jerk (pm) "you don't know what you are talking about, n00b. there is a green bow now with psn so that is why I can't sell my string"
Me (pm) "So how is 500g a rip off if you have wasted 30 minutes and haven't been able to sell yours for 1.2?"
Jerk (pm) "Its not like I don't have an xbox 360 and have even been playing this, n00b"
Me (pm) "?"
Jerk (pm) "whatever, noob, try and sell yours for 500g. No one will buy it. I am going to sell mine to the merchant anyway"
Me (pm) "soo, if you are going to sell your to the merch, how am I ripping myself off by selling for 500?"
Jerk (pm) *profanities*
Me (pm) "you are pretty funny with all the cuss words"
Jerk (pm) "your mother screems that at me when I .......*more profanities*
Jerk (pm) "later n00b. I am off to gvg now. retard"
player jerk is ignoring you
Now, I know that I was also being a jerk, but I think it was for a maginally good cause. And, of course, I was still a little burned about the losers in th arena. Also around this time there was one person who sat in the Ascalon d3 for about 45 minutes spamming "I am new can anyone give me some gold?" Everytime I went back to cash in on a quest reward, he was there...I hate beggars.
This is what happens everytime I take a character out of pre-sear. I forget how stupid most people are in game and then it is such a huge shock when I get to Old Ascalon, the jerk capital of all Tyria (except maybe for Drok's, the Grotto, anywhere in the desert, and THK).
sorry it was so long and for all the anger expressed on my part