Guild Recruitment

New Guild, Get Like [Us] Casual TA/HA!
New HA/GvG guild recruiting
[FOUR] Horsemen of Apocalypse
Double U Tee Eff Haxorsz [HaX]
[atad] looking for crew members anyones allowed to join
Brand new guild [GooD]!
RUM is recruiting
[CoLd] Recruiting! Luxon -Laidback PvE Guild-
The Undead Kids [FUNK]
Whats a monk [idk] is looking for core mid/backline of moderate or above skill level
[jeez] HA guild LF 2nd Caller
Delta House [DH] recruiting
So I Herd U Liek Hallskipz [ORLY]
[CV] Charter Vanguard is Recruiting! Join the Excitement!
[Town]High-End PvX DoA|HA|Titles|
The Dragons Disciples (mature kurzic pve guild)
HeHe Death Is [FuN]
"And the phoenix she cries" (Kurz, 90+ members, PvE) looking for experienced players
[Sin] Sins of the Undead recruiting
[MOD] kurzick guild recruiting join us now!
The Lost Haven [LH] recruiting!
Liars Cheats and Thieves - Title Sluts - HM Nuts - Farming Addicts - Fun and Friendly
Kaas Koppen [Kaas] Looking for active and loyal members
Roses Alternative Safe Home [ROSE]
[SG] - Mee Pok Tar
Cheat Enabled [cE] looking for laid back, non-crap people
One seeks mature/older Luxon players for PvE guild
Dragons Dawn Wants You!
i Knights of Eden I [Eden]
The Battle Royale [TBR] Recruiting for GvG
Forever Knights [FK] Role-Playing Guild
[KOHE] - Kings Of Heaven And Earth
Nine Milimetr And A Three Piece [Suit]
Infused Requisite [IR] Looking For More Members!
Paladins Of Eternal Truth [POET] ~ Looking for more to join in the fun!
Push The Buttom [BOOM] - chemistry degrees not required
[CV] Charter Vanguard, fun, familylike guild looking to adopt:)
Clades Gravior Omnibus[Nos]
Experienced Player Looking for better Guild Match