The Biggest Jerk You Ever Encountered in GW (no posting names)



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Classic one, this happen yesterday.

Was AFK eating something at my PC, when I saw a male wammo (Yes another wammo! lol) who will call Billy running about doing the /dance command on every single female character he could see.

The funny thing is, he did it to the Storage ladies, the Henchmen ladies, anyone who was standing about, and then ran over to try and do it to me!

I moved away, Billy moved towards me, this then carried on for 5 mins... I then used a Red Bean Cake and he was no longer able to keep up lol

It was scary, Billy would only did the /dance for the first 10 secs where the male warrior does the pelvic trust, you can guess what it looked like on screen.

Some people are insane.

Jas D

Jas D

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Oklahoma, USA


More than half the people on this forum.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

House Zu Heltzer, laughing at them.

The [GEAR] Trick



Lets call this guy "Jerk".

So, I'm doing Hero's Challenge with a PuG. Dumb, I know, but I don't like Henchies in the Southern Shiverpeaks. We're doing fine, about 3/4 mobs into it. I suddenly aggro a mob that would have walked into us any, so we could get it over with.

Jerk: Why you aggro? Nubwaffle.
Me: Dude, we would have run into them anyway. I don't want it to hapen when we're fighting a group, so I aggroed them now.

So we kill them, and accidently aggro a group of Stone Summit. I'm the only one that dies......suddenly I'm a total dumbass to this guy. I appologize to the group for aggroing the mob, and we move on. Here's the kicker....The next mob...Jerk runs straight to the boss, wipes because of all the Imps and Shadow's attacks....and doesn't say anything. We all die about 5 times trying to kill this mob(thank god, close to the rez shrine). AND WE DIDN"T EVEN HAVE TO FIGHT THEM!

But of course...he was using Mending. He was a God. I should have realized, nothing can defeat l33t mending!

Mod Edit: Please do NOT post names or patial's. We do NOT permit the posting of people's names on these forums. Posting a name "A B" and then stating that there name was one of them is as good as posting there names, and that is NOT allowed.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of the Void


Originally Posted by Kyran of the Flames
Bob (pm): im a pro boxer you RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing tardshit[/B]
Me: wrong. First of all a "pro" boxer would have better vocubarly and grammar than you (a 12 year old)
Me: Second, go enflate your ego somewhere else kiddo
Bob (pm): well, semi pro going pro, won a tourney just the other day
Bob (pm): lol, bow down to superiority mortal
The most that Bob will ever see it the undercard of a non televised fight. I hate when people claim stuff like that. It makes the sport look bad to people that know nothing about it.

He "won a tourney just the other day"? No, just no! I don't understand how a "boxer" could say some dumb crap like that! Most boxers don't have more than 3-4 fights a year. For it to happen tourney style, that is absurd!!!! That ticks me off, spreading that kind of crap about boxing.

Yeah, I am a boxing fan, so this one hit a little nerve.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


I am the biggest jerk I have met in Guild Wars. It's quite awesome.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Honor Warriors


Story 1: Today I was doing arborstone, we got near the end and half the party got wiped out, Im the last one living with a res sig and I res one of the monks, the monk then tells me he has no res.


so we end up dieing and we start over, I tell teh monk he has to have a res, he then tells me that I didnt res him fast enough and that it was actually my fault, he said he didnt bring a res cause he thought we were a good party, and then proceds to call us noobs, and says I wasnt doing my job properly as tank.

Story 2: this happend a month or so ago, I finally got my monk to the end of the game ( never played as him much) I was doing RoF, and there were 2 other monks in the party. one of the monks get a good weapon and one of the players asked if they could have it. So the monk starts screaming about how the person is trying to scam her. now understand al the person did was ask for it once, and wasnt trying to use any sort of sneaky scheme, he asked once and that was it.

the 2 monks I’m guessing were together ( though neither of them even had a guild, bnig suprise considering their social skills) the monk that was yelling asks me to back her up cause monks need to stick together. I simply said I didn’t want to get into an argument, so both monks said I was a backstabber and that I was also a P***y for not joining in the monk strike months earlier at Thead, then they proceeded to try and make me look bad, which unfortunitly worked on some of the group cause they wernt very bright either.

On top of that, I was pretty much the only one healing, and the other 2 monks kept dieing.


Faust Viiii

Faust Viiii

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006



Biggest idiots I've ever encountered was when I was trying to find a party for Tahnnaki Temple with my Warrior/Mesmer

Me- LFP for mission
(Get an invite from a group of only two Warrior/Monks which I accept, hoping that they might get some good party members because I really needed to complete the mission. Everything is going fine until

Idiot 1- lol why are you playing as w/me?
Me- I've been a w/mo for ages and I fancied a change, why?
Idiot 1- go and change back to w/mo, they're the most elite build in the game
Idiot 2- yeah we kill people like you everyday in the arena's
Me- people like me?
idiot 1- yeah people who are so bad at PVE they come to PVP and ruin it with their stupid builds
Me- yeah sure you do

(they stay silent for a couple of minutes until they start again)

Idiot 2- lol is that droks armor you're wearing
Me- Yep it's the gladiator armor
Idiot 2- it's crap you should get kurzick armor like us cos it rocks like us
Me- I would like to except I haven't got to house zu heltzer yet
Idiot 1- man u are a n00b you're so bad u couldn't get to house zu heltzer its easy
Me- well obviously its not for me I ain't there yet
Idiot 1- bye bye n00b we only need elite players in our group you're kicked bye

(they kick me then start sending me PM's)

Idiot 1- you n00b you're gonna fail that mission everytime with that build
Me- like i care i'll keep try till I complete it
Idiot 2 we're ignoring u now but just so u know you're crap, you're friends are crap and you're guild is
(then I put both of them on my ignore list )



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Scilliant Armigers


I hate going on groups for precisely these people. I'll only go on them if it's completely impossible with the henchmen and I have no guildies around.
So I ended up looking for a group for the Bloodstone Fen bonus. We were almost in fact there and they were a decent group and would no doubt have sailed through it, when one utter freak (and i use that term in the nicest possible sense) went mental because I'd managed (by using an area of effect spell) to kill a warthog! oh noes!!!

Seriously this guy wasn't even a ranger secondary or anything. He just seemed inordinately concerned over the welfare of non-real creatures. It led to a fully blown argument where we basically shouted chav at one another (no idea why chav) and when it became clear that nobody was in the least bit interested in doing the bonus i just stormed off.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Faust Viiii
Biggest idiots I've ever encountered was when I was trying to find a party for Tahnnaki Temple with my Warrior/Mesmer

Me- LFP for mission
(Get an invite from a group of only two Warrior/Monks which I accept, hoping that they might get some good party members because I really needed to complete the mission. Everything is going fine until

Idiot 1- lol why are you playing as w/me?
Me- I've been a w/mo for ages and I fancied a change, why?
Idiot 1- go and change back to w/mo, they're the most elite build in the game
Idiot 2- yeah we kill people like you everyday in the arena's
Me- people like me?
idiot 1- yeah people who are so bad at PVE they come to PVP and ruin it with their stupid builds
Me- yeah sure you do

(they stay silent for a couple of minutes until they start again)

Idiot 2- lol is that droks armor you're wearing
Me- Yep it's the gladiator armor
Idiot 2- it's crap you should get kurzick armor like us cos it rocks like us
Me- I would like to except I haven't got to house zu heltzer yet
Idiot 1- man u are a n00b you're so bad u couldn't get to house zu heltzer its easy
Me- well obviously its not for me I ain't there yet
Idiot 1- bye bye n00b we only need elite players in our group you're kicked bye

(they kick me then start sending me PM's)

Idiot 1- you n00b you're gonna fail that mission everytime with that build
Me- like i care i'll keep try till I complete it
Idiot 2 we're ignoring u now but just so u know you're crap, you're friends are crap and you're guild is
(then I put both of them on my ignore list )
Don't we have to do Tahnakai Temple before we can go to HzH, do we ? Those W/Mo are really jerks.
And Phenixfire, what can I get from you if I say exactly that necro's name ?

PS : Edit his name when you whisper him



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ultima Thule

Legacy of Echovald [Echo]


Originally Posted by Phenixfire
uw run, took a PUG who advertised with PRO SS ^^ and even asked me if i am pro ...

50/50 was said to be done ....

here's what happened:


do you know that feeling, you'd even be willing top take a perm GWG bann if only you could reveal his name ... so pissed atm ....
50/50 will eventually give every honest person the short end of the stick. I seriously think nobody should do it unless you know the other person.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Malice Dedication Ambition [MAD]


uw run, took a PUG who advertised with PRO SS ^^ and even asked me if i am pro ...

50/50 was said to be done ....

here's what happened:

do you know that feeling, you'd even be willing top take a perm GWG bann if only you could reveal his name ... so pissed atm ....




Join Date: Dec 2005

On the Beach

UW farming with strangers is always risky yeah

I had erhm kinda hilarious meating with a male mesmer in Balthazars Temple. I think he was just goofing around in the end

*Me little female ritualist zoning to Battle Isle temple area and notice a naked male mesmer running towards me*

Jerk: Pffft help me dear ritualist I'm naked & HOT!
Me: Oookay, so?
Jerk: Please hug me BABY BAY BABY BABY BAYB BABY!!!
*Jerk starts to do guitar emote behind me*
Jerk: I'm shooting arrows to your butt SEE SEE SEE LOOK LOOK!!
Me: lol ok...

After that I zoned to do some alliance battles and left him living happily ever after

Kruzing Low

Kruzing Low

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Goats17
Jerk: Why you aggro? Nubwaffle.
where do people come up with these words

Hellfire Oblivion

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006



I dont mess with people unless I am bothered or see someone getting picked on, then I let the jerks know how the cow eats cabbage



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

House Zu Heltzer, laughing at them.

The [GEAR] Trick


Well, Nubwaffle came from him, but I was in Grotto........Nubcakes with extra Nubsyrup and Nubsauce........................I love Grotto. It's so much fun, espacially when we stopped using the spacebar and typed all in caps.

Dark Suoon

Dark Suoon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Organization of Dawn [DAWN]


this was funny but kinda annoying,

i was at pvp, there was 3 ppl in the game we owned them and they all died, cept a assassin. he held a staff and started running all over the arena just to make us mad and make him win 25 balthazar faction.

me: heh come back her (typo)
coward: u spelled it wrong moron
ally: wow its just a typo
coward: no he cant spell right, hes a noob
me: wow dont be so immature
coward: im not, u are
(we chase him for 10 min)
me: u wont give up huh?
coward: no cuz this is wut i live for.
me: o-k............ wut u live for? so u were born for this?
coward: yea and to annoy u
ally: just give up
coward: ill give up when my fiance comes then ill leave
me: heh im gonna grab food....
(he comes to me and atks me with staff -1 dmg, -1 dmg bla bla bla)
( 1 ally leaves)
me and monk are afk.
he starts killing the monk now
i atk him then he runs again
me: lol
coward: ur the biggest noob ever, u cant kill me!
(get him stuck between a wall and keep atkking him, then monk walks back)
me: im done

Dark Suoon (me) has left the game

lol sooooo funny, made me laugh on how long he wanted 25 faction for...

Algeron Zolo

Algeron Zolo

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Heroes Z


Just to point out PLZ O PLZ do not assume all wammos are 11yr olds hyped up on caffeine, or idiots wanting to pwn everything with leet mending (witch i DO use, but i know im not invincible)
Now for my story...
In LA, WTS a +5 energy staff head
Me:Wts +5 energy staff head, taking best offer
I repeat my message, and then go to another person selling and begin to trade. Then the jerk pms me.
Jerk:nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Me: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttt ttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrddddddddddddddddd
Jerk:nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
(repaets this several times)
Finally i just ignored him and went about my business. :-)
BTW, explain to me how it was any of his business as to what i sell?

Syklone Xaos

Syklone Xaos

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

You Are the Man Now [Dakk]

A guildie friend and I were in LA trying to get a group for DNKP. It's notoriously hard to get a group for the post-Hell's Precipice quests, and we'd been hanging out for a while with a party of three. We were jumping around the districts advertising for a group when Jerk decides to respond in Local that the quest starts in ToA.

Now, the reason many people start in ToA and run to the quest is so they can have a party of eight instead of six. This provides a little extra safety, but isn't strictly necessary if you can put together an intelligent group willing to bring the right skills. So I whispered Jerk that we knew that but wanted to try it with six people because the run was time-consuming, and this is his reponse:

Jerk: yull NEVER get that quest done from here
Jerk: totally impossible
Me: not at all true, i've done it with 6 on another char, just have to get the right team
Jerk: im sure u did
Jerk: ive seen it MANY MANY MANY MANY times and NOT once have I seen some1
Jerk: coming CLOSE to doing it from here
Jerk: do what u want im just trying to help

Me: just b/c you're not capable of doing it doesn't mean others aren't, rofl
Jerk: LMAO
Jerk: yeah im not capable LMAO
Jerk: LMAO

Me: your so-called "helpful" attitude is getting tiresome
Jerk: SEE if I care
Me: find someone else to expend your typing energy on
Jerk: u dont like it then go jump off a bridge

I stopped responding to Jerk after that. I admit I probably provoked him with the "just because you ..." comment, but the numer of people who think they know everything about this game and every quest, mission, NPC, storyline, skill, and strategy is highly amusing. The immature people who can't admit that their way may not be the best/only way are the ones I find the most obnoxious.

Star Alfur

Star Alfur

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

WoW. :3

PM if you need me.


(Last night, in one of ToA's American Districts)

(Local Chat)
Jerk: R8 55 LF R6+ SS/SV NECRO
Myself: LOL
Random people: Hahah/rofl/lol/etc.

(Private Msg, I pm Jerk)

Me: Since when did your experience in HA have a single thing to do with UW? Really, I'd love to hear your logic.

Jerk: i'd love to hear you shut up so bye

Me: Wow, a sure sign of maturity and experience.

(Chat Filter begins working)
Jerk: <insert lines full of obscenities, ending with a suggestion of suicide>

Me: You too, sweetheart.

<Jerk added to ignore>


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Relax Its Just A [GAME]


Ok this one is guildwars related but happened on vent(public)

Well we are Bspiking and we came against an iway holding altars in HoH EASY Roll. our caller is good and we are working on their ranger spamemr first when all of a suden 2 morons come into the vent channel and start shouting obscenities etc i got so pissed i almost got into it with them and then i put them on mute

we lost hoh due to the disttraction we got ganked by iway and yellow team

The Meatslicer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Warforceclan {WFC}

The Biggest Jerk I Have Have Ever Encountered (Along With My Guild Yup Hes An @$$) Is A Guy That Was Once In Our Guild (Was Still An @$$ While He Was In Our Guild) Until He Rage Quit (hehe typical of him) but now about 3 months after he leaves he starts telling me things like "im next" because supposobly he told my friend he was going to regret wut is coming up, w/e thats supposed to mean. Well a while later we get spams from random people saying that ****** (thats his name by the way well along witrh other names but w/e) saying that we are giving out free ectos, so we reply (wut most of u would) "Wtf we arent giving out ectos go away" so then i pm him asking why he did this but he doesnt respond. The part i find the funniest about this though is the fact that i was in ascalon about to run a friend when all of a sudden i see HIM yes HIM telling people to spam my friend so i pm him asking "dude wtf is wrong with you??" and he replies "HAHAHAHAHA im rich ur poor u piece of #!$@" which he keeps spamming for about 10 mins. then a while later we get spammed (once again) from people saying that HE is paying them 100k to spam us per month (wut a loser huh?) and the funny thing is that he accually spent about 160$ in real cash buying money to get us spammed. But then here I am yesterday trying to pvp then all of a sudden my friend strt telling about how he spammed him saying "WFC for life? (my clan by the way) well now u got ME for life" then once again starts spamming telling me about how hes supposobly rich and drives a car worth more than my house but meh w/e. And That is The Biggest Jerk I Have Encounter

EDIT: Do not post names, please. -Swampgirl



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


I just came back from vacation, I found an "intelligent" conversation.

Atleast he's creative.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Originally Posted by Zinger314
I just came back from vacation, I found an "intelligent" conversation.

Atleast he's creative.
He IS creative. I certainly wish I had great unknowen to the mortal world. Whatever it is, it must kick ass.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Among dead bodies.

The Republic of Sky Pirates


I still don't understand such jerks' use in the world...

RJ Fighter

RJ Fighter

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

Pennsylvania, USA.

Clan Fate [FATE]


This guy is more of an idiot than a jerk, but oh well.

I got into a group for the "To Tanaki Temple" quest. There was two monks counting me, a warrior, and a few other peoples I forget. The first time we tried to do the quest, we got owned at the first mob with the ritualist boss. We rezoned then tried again. This time, we took a different approach and were slowly moving toward the group instead of rushing in last time. Of course, the warrior being the jerk of our group, he ran into the mob with swords flailing and died almost instantly. A few seconds later he said "you guys suck" and left the game. Needless to say, we got the mission done without a warrior, and I got the rit boss's green.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

A new jerk I met a few minutes ago.

Here is the exact conversation:

Jerk: Selling Factions Access Keys, only 70k! WHisper cause theyre running low
Me: Enjoy your future ban.
Jerk: am i bothering u with this? sorry is this effecting u?
Jerk: if it snot then why do u have to bother urself with it
Me: It's against the EULA. I'm reporting you. That is all.
Jerk: why>
Jerk: Why do u have to report me
Jerk: if its nto bothering u
Me: It's against the EULA.
Jerk: It snot like im scamming you (He admits to scam heh)
Jerk: Who cares waht its against
Me: Anet.
Jerk: uve never broken laws before?
Jerk: in reall ife ?
Jerk: u shouldnt be playing video games if ur too much of a stiff
Jerk: u have no life
Me: Well, I think all have been said, for my part, you'll be banned and I'll continue to play. You played with fire and burned yourself.
Jerk: lmao ur gay
Me: And you are one more shithead out of this game.

Then he spammed me with "blah blah blah"s. Anyway, one less.

Tookis Elite

Tookis Elite


Join Date: Jan 2006

Chuck Norris Is The Only True [God]


k i made a new character and i was paying for it to get run to beacons. and this guy was asking 10k for it.....challenged him to i meet him in his guild hall and he gets the officers to remove my guest capabilities cuz he didnt wanna lose.....and this is part of conversation

(im partially a jerk but, he wasted my time....)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Originally Posted by Tookis Elite

k i made a new character and i was paying for it to get run to beacons. and this guy was asking 10k for it.....challenged him to i meet him in his guild hall and he gets the officers to remove my guest capabilities cuz he didnt wanna lose.....and this is part of conversation

(im partially a jerk but, he wasted my time....)
Dare I ask how an overpriced run turned into a 1v1? Brings back memories of Diablo 2... bad memories.

Tark Alkerk

Tark Alkerk

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

In a Black Hole



Originally Posted by The Meatslicer
The Biggest Jerk I Have Have Ever Encountered (Along With My Guild Yup Hes An @$$) Is A Guy That Was Once In Our Guild (Was Still An @$$ While He Was In Our Guild) Until He Rage Quit (hehe typical of him) but now about 3 months after he leaves he starts telling me things like "im next" because supposobly he told my friend he was going to regret wut is coming up, w/e thats supposed to mean. Well a while later we get spams from random people saying that ****** (thats his name by the way well along witrh other names but w/e) saying that we are giving out free ectos, so we reply (wut most of u would) "Wtf we arent giving out ectos go away" so then i pm him asking why he did this but he doesnt respond. The part i find the funniest about this though is the fact that i was in ascalon about to run a friend when all of a sudden i see HIM yes HIM telling people to spam my friend so i pm him asking "dude wtf is wrong with you??" and he replies "HAHAHAHAHA im rich ur poor u piece of #!$@" which he keeps spamming for about 10 mins. then a while later we get spammed (once again) from people saying that HE is paying them 100k to spam us per month (wut a loser huh?) and the funny thing is that he accually spent about 160$ in real cash buying money to get us spammed. But then here I am yesterday trying to pvp then all of a sudden my friend strt telling about how he spammed him saying "WFC for life? (my clan by the way) well now u got ME for life" then once again starts spamming telling me about how hes supposobly rich and drives a car worth more than my house but meh w/e. And That is The Biggest Jerk I Have Encounter

EDIT: Do not post names, please. -Swampgirl
Theres a full stop in there some where.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Originally Posted by Tark Alkerk
Theres a full stop in there some where.
Yes, and it's right before Swampgirl's note.

Hisako Kaji

Hisako Kaji

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

[NiD] Nights into Dreams


omg, so much postss... i dont know where to start talking

Kruzing Low

Kruzing Low

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Tookis Elite
lol @ those 3 lines

dude f u

funny how in a lot of these posts the "jerks" are always quick to throw out the "u hav no life" line



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

in my GH

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


I got kinda annoyed with this guy, and I wasn't the only one. Apparently, he had a "mate", who tried to talk sense into him, but he thought it fitting to respond as follows:

Carl Butanananowski

Carl Butanananowski

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


We Have Big [Meat]

i kinda didnt really understand that conversation :/



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


just reading the last 2 pages for a quick laugh

i can assume the 136 pages are similar, but what i saw most was the people that where calling the people 'jerks' where the ones that provoked them in the first place, example:
Originally Posted by Star Alfur
(Local Chat)
Jerk: R8 55 LF R6+ SS/SV NECRO
Myself: LOL
Random people: Hahah/rofl/lol/etc.

(Private Msg, I pm Jerk)
nuff said



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006


so many of these seem made up or staged with the poster ALWAYS being the rational guy who types in complete sentences with correct grammar and the jerk being some tard.

Ninetail Trickster

Ninetail Trickster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

A pleasant place that needs more rain. T_T

The Rose Society

Originally Posted by Retribution
so many of these seem made up or staged with the poster ALWAYS being the rational guy who types in complete sentences with correct grammar and the jerk being some tard.
....sooo.... you think people ought to be posting the stories in which they go ballistic? Because that doesn't quite fit the thread.... ^_~



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Retribution
so many of these seem made up or staged with the poster ALWAYS being the rational guy who types in complete sentences with correct grammar and the jerk being some tard.
Well I do. I even have a part of the conversation screened of my latest jerk story ( posted on this very page ).

It's not because I can express myself well or that I don't type like a school drop out, that I make up stories, same goes for everybody who type correctly in the game.

And seriously, faking jerk stories ? What would be the point ?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Ashford Road Irregulars


Originally Posted by Retribution
so many of these seem made up or staged with the poster ALWAYS being the rational guy who types in complete sentences with correct grammar and the jerk being some tard.
Are we reading the same thread?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Me getting "owned" by a real smartass, LOL!

Me: Please stop trading in local channel
Smartass: The trade channel is too full
Me: idiot
Smartass: are you calling me an idiot?
Me: indeed
Smartass: Can I just point out
Smartass: that I'm probably better than you in all aspects of life in general
Me: good for you
Smartass: I'm smarter than you, I use my free time on guild wars productively, rather than worrying about the all talk
Smartass: I'm probably fitter than you
Me: dude this isn't real life who cares
Smartass: I'm just saying
Smartass: I'm better than you at EVERYTHING
Me: good for you
Smartass: So therefore
Smartass: you're just jealous
Smartass: and hence
Smartass: go die
Other dude: chillout
Me: lol, you're so reported
Smartass: Haha
Other dude: don't tell people to die...
Smartass: go for it mate
Other dude: that's just not on form
Smartass: in fact
Smartass: everyone report me

Seems to me the dude had learned a lot from reading "how to flame" pages