Story Number 1:Me and Jerk, so original. We were doing Hell's Precipice, last mission in the game doing well bonus down we're going to end up those portals, I'm on my mesmer, and suddenly this guy who's another mesmer in the party(dunno how that happened but I got the game pretty early so I suppose people werent as allergic to having mesmers in their party for missions) asks me, "Are you using Energy Surge as your elite," I agree, my goal at that point was trying to be direct dmg mesmer with domination, e-surge has that eighty point hit so I took it. He suddenly starts raving at how noob I am and that I should bring Mantra of Recall. I tell him I'm not going for inspiration stuff more of an offensive angle, and he calls me noob again. A jerk and a bit of an idiot if I do say so myself.
Story Number Two:Conducted in LA some guy randomly whispers me with this conversation, I do not remember either side completely correctly but with the gist of it I replicate a likable conversation, both sides are completely grammatical to avoid confusion and over harrasment of the jerk.

Jerk:Where did you get that armor? It's totally gay.(I'm wearing 15k Granite Citadel Noble's Armor)
Me:It's 15k armor, and I think it looks pretty cool. (At this point he's run up to me, I notice him wearing full body Drok's Rougue's Armor)
Jerk:You're a disgrace to all Mesmers everywhere, you make all of us look like fa***** (At this point I'm totally confused and pretty p.o.ed)
Me:If you don't like it don't buy it, I'll tell you what it is just in case. (I think I told him the opposite of what it was, being pretty annoyed by now, hoping he would buy the armor he hated so much)
And I thought some 15k armor would get me a little bit of respect. Shows you how good that got me, the guy shoved me on ignore after a few more traded insults, this must be the most memorable of all stories in my book, random ppl being jerks for no reason...